41 after t jps fi dear editor i wish to take this opportunity to state in the strongest possible language my opposition to the proposed municipal water supply for the ballantrae and musselman lake area as presented in the meeting held at musselman lake sept 20 from the discussions and points presented it became blatantly obvious that the main attraction for this proposal was not the water issue but the 25million annual tax catch by stouffville council this money is to be obtained from the huge 900plus home development proposed for the ballantrae area a water problem has been recognized and the causes of the problem identified alternate and more costeffective methods of future bride lauds show dear editor i would like to take this oppor tunity to thank the welcome wagon and in particular dianne darling and nancy davidson for hosting the welcome wagon bridal party at the maples of ballantrae it gave me as a future bride a chance to see what local mer chants have to offer it was a onestop shop for wed ding necessities there was even a fashion show with beautiful wedding gowns provided by the wedding room local merchants gave great door prizes and every bride received a gift bag full of gift from the merchants there with displays thanks also goes out to the local merchants who gave their time to have a display at the event ann carter food drive a success dear editor the york region food net work wishes to thank the stouff ville tribune for its coverage and support during our recent thanksgiving food drive a special thank you to our fire departments for their co operation in collecting food thank you also to the people of york region who once again generously supported those peo ple in our region who need food aid yours truly ann ostler public relations representative york region food network unieef starts drive nov 1 dear editor the unieef campaign in stouff ville will begin nov 1 at the whitchurchstouffville public library we are in need of more volunteers to man the table at the library between nov 1 and nov 16 if there are any people in terested in giving four hours of their time to sell gift items and cards during the campaign please call 6401194 there will be an orientation session for all volunteers as well yours truly bonnie heidema unieef volunteer consignee overcoming the problems do ex ist but have not been evaluated properly probably because of this huge carrot being dangled in front of what appears to be a greedy stouffville council it is obvious that stouffville council intends to steamroll this proposal through without the alternative methods even being evaluated at all but even worse is stouffville councils intention to turn this beautiful area into a northern scarborough lookalike wasteland with all its associated problems and this on the pretence that the development is required to pay for the water pro ject that is probably not even necessary reports have established that the ballantrae water problem is limited to only 13 dwellings with shallow wells the contamination has been identified as road salt and nitrates in water runoff it has also been established that newer homes in the area with deeper wells of 100 feet or more have no contamination problems very importantly it has been established that the cost of redrilling these wells into the ac- ceptable aquifer would be covered by government agencies with no cost or at worst very lit tle cost to the property owner all this could have taken place three years ago and these people could have had good water for those three years at no cost if stouffville wanted it as an exam ple of community spirit exhibited by stouffville council musselman lake has a dif ferent problem for whatever reasons the lake has been allow ed to evolve from a summer residence area without adequate human waste disposal systems into a highdensity permanent residence area without the plan ning controls necessary for pro per human waste management as a consequence of this uncon trolled evolution the overloaded and badlymanaged waste disposal systems are con- taminating some of the shallow wells in the area put crudely musselman lake is choking on its own vomit as in ballantrae the newer- developments in this area with deeper wells and proper waste management do not have con taminated wells to redrill the contaminated wells at 500010000 each would cost considerably less than 1 million even if there were no grants this project may be likened costwise to the library and cosmetic improvements in stouffville this more costeffective ap- siloam orchards 7300 3rd concession 8529418 8 km wfest of uxbridge on durham 8 to 3rd 1 km north on left over 30 varieties of alarfree apples 100 pure honey and maple syrup seeusatthe stouffville sales barn open 7 daysweek 9 am 5 pm official notice 1989 annual meeting mon nov 6th 1989 at parkview village auditorium dinner at 630 pm meeting at 800 pm the purpose of the meeting is to 1 receive the annual report and reports of the board of directors and supervisory committee 2 appoint auditor for fiscal year ending july 31st 1989 as required 3 election of board of directors and committee officers 4 address other matters relating to the on going operation of your credit union once again dinner tickets are only 1000 each and should be purchased at thej credit union plan to attend your credit unions business and social event of the year stouffville district credit union limited evaluated and dont let the chance of shortterm dollar wind falls cause an area that once despoiled can never be reclaimed look at scarborough markham and unionville spoil ed for all time bernard tong ty mm proach to the water problems would not improve the existing sewage problem but neither would a municipal water supply this approach would also forego the need to intensively develop ballantrae but stouff ville council wouldnt get its 25 million in annual taxes either but let that be the cost of not raping ballantrae a village stouffville council claims to be part of the stouffville community i feel no community spirit towards stouffville and the coun cil definitely does not encourage this i live in ballantrae because i like the area and want to make it my longterm home not as a shortterm investment or to pander to getrich developers i say hold this proposal until all the other alternatives have been i a a b ijiajui a a i i i i i i i i i i y aib demnis wesson does it better 268 qiieen st port perry call dick or randy for dick shinn jj f randy hathaway bus 9858401 worry free bus 9858401 leasing or buying reminder to all gm employees and fami- ly members of your special discount on your next car or truck with x194a employees are now entitled to huge sav ings on our demo models 9858401 tor line 4276903 s farmer azckk gardens wc garden center 6405080 main st stouffville fall bulbs bulb booster amaryllis burlap rose collars winter wrap netting credit union nursery stock vz price cil fall fertilizer bird seed peat moss be sure of dry firewood buy now we also carry triple mix garden tools top soil patio slabs clay pots rr ties fertilizer potting soil gravel loam bark chips gardening gloves peat moss retaining walls curbs unilock pavers limestone screening sand pine garden mulch portland cement masonry cement we deliver