a6 tribune j uly 26 1989 su recruits sought for police force the york regional police force is looking for new recruits the force is hiring 44 police officers and 16 police cadets this year and is now accepting applications over the past five years police work has changed dramatically said york regional police acting staff sergeant rodney sine ina release law enforcement has been listed as one of the most in teresting and challenging careers of all time police work cannot be compared with any other profession tobe considered for a position a candidate must qualify in all of the following age to qualify for the rank of constable you must be at least 21 for cadet you must be at least 18 r education proof of having obtained a minimum of 30 credits in the secondary school system or its equivalent citizenship applicants must be a canadian citizen character good moral character and habits health excellent physical condition and able to comply with the physical and medical standards established by the york dolice force heightweight weight must be proportionate to height vision 2040 unaided correctable to 2020 with no marked degree of red or green color blindness siloam orchards ds local logo is berry familiar apples maple syrup honey ah alarfree orchard 7300 3rd cone 8529418 h j q g tr township of uxbridge interim taxes the first installment of 1989 taxes falls due on july 31 1989 please return complete bill with your payment if receipt required same will be receipted and returned to you to avoid penalty or interest charges payment must be received at the municipal office by the due date failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer jrom the responsibility of paying taxes sylvia robb tax collector bruce stapley correspondent heidi hakonson feels she has come up with the ideal solution to that old question about getting a gift for the person who has everything from her sandiford dr home in stouffville she has developed her own business canadian stit- chko which designs and em broiders logos emblems names or even jokes on clothing and there are few stouffvillites who havent been exposed to mrs hakonson s work her strawberry festival logos have been boldly displayed on hun dreds of caps and shirts bought by area residents and visitors over the past two summers the idea for the service came two years ago her husband ed operates choko design a business which designs snowmobile suits some of the dealers ed designs for wanted personalized embroidering on their snowmobile suits says mrs hakonson they wanted the name of their dealership small the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville proclamation 1989 civic holiday monday august 7th 1989 is hereby proclaimed cmc holiday in the town i of wwtchurch- stouffvfe ad persons are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly logos and so on mrs hakonson branched out from the suits and now applies her handiwork to golf shirts marine wear and team or business jackets with the help of her twoheaded embroidering machine she can either design her own patterns or use the artwork supplied by her customers designs are sent to a digitizer who puts them on a disc which is fed into the computerized em broidering machine the finished product is then copied as many times as required and is the same each time the machine takes note of col ors and is capable of incor porating as many as nine dif ferent shades per design and while she has done many jobs for stouffville area businesses she takes particular pride in the strawberry festival work the festival committee had the design last year one week before the festival and we were looking for a way to introduce ourselves to stouffville she says we copied the design and put it on sweathshirts gatsby hats and tshirts mrs hakonson says she has us ed the idea for christmas presents and says the automated embroiderer has many applications last year i did a table cloth when my sister got married with the date of the wedding the name of the couple etc she says you can put on your own special sayings one man could never remember the name of his sons girlfriend he had me put her name on a sweatshirt starting on the top with oneinch letters and going all the way down the shirt in letters that got smaller and smaller that way he felt hed be sure to remember her name the corporation of the town of wrtjttmjraistwrtvtlle notice of changwg of street name take notice that the corporation of the town of whtchurchstouffville intends to pass a bylaw to change the name of the street known as old bloorrmgton road to lincolnvbe lane being part of road allowance bet ween lots 10 and 11 concessions 9 and 10 town of wktchurchstouffvse from hwy 47 westerly to its end and further take notice that the counc of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffvbe shall at the hour of 500 pm tuesday august 8th 1989 in the council chambers of the municipal buildings at 19 avc avenue stouffvie ontario hear any person who claims that hewibe adversely affected by the bylaw and appbes to be heard dated at the town of whitchurchstouffvaie this 29th day of june 1989 patricia g oakes clerk town of whitchurchstouf rvbe 19 civic avenue box 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 publshed a first time the 5th day oljuty 1989 publshed a second time the 12th day at july 1989 pubtshed a thid time menthol july 1989 publshed a fourth time the 26th of july 1989 sale of land by public tender municipal tax sales act 1984 the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouff ville take notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below will be received until 300 pm local time on august 25 1989 at the municpal offices 19 civic ave stouffvbe ontario the lenders wji then be opened in public on the same day at the municipal offices 19 civic ave stouffville ontario description of landsfs lot 12 plan 182 windsor drive south side formerly township of whitchurch now town of whitchurchstouffvie regional municipaity ol york concession 5 part lot 30 formerly township of whitchurch now town of whitchunchstouffvle regional municipalty of vbrk al and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of whitchurchstouffvfe in the regional municipaity of brk formerly the township of whitchurch in the county of york and the province ot ontario containing by admeasurement seven square rods be the same more or less being composed of the northeast comer ol lot number tlwty in the fifth concession of the town of whitchurctvstoulfvie aforesaid butted and bound as folows commencing at the northwest boundary of the mi race formerly in the occupation of one joseph taylor and on the alowarue for road between lots numbers thirty and thirtyone in the fifth concession of the said town thence easterly eight rods more or less to the comer of said lot thence southerly eight rods more or less to the aforesaid ma race in the sixth concession ol the said town thence anging along the said ml race in a northerly course to the place of beginning minimum tender amount set out the cancelation price as of the first day of advertising 131170 m492i tenders must be submitted in the preserved form and must bo accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bark trust company or province of ontario savings office payable to the municipal- ty or board and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount the municipaity makes r representation regardng the title to or any other manors 1 relating to the land to bo sold responsmty for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers ttfesalebgmemedbytriemuriaaxsafcsaf 8m being chapter 48 of the statutes of ontario 1984 and the municipal tax sates flutes made under that act the successful purchaser w be required to pay the amount tendered pte ac- cumulatod taxes and the rofcvant land transfer tax for further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescrbedformol tender contact ruth armstrong taxcotoctor tbwntfwhtthufchstouffvie rq bat 48 19cmcavenuo stouffvie ontario l4a72b l