arrival of boat people anticipated in stouffville tribune july 19 1989 a5 here again are some items of interest called up from issues of the tribune of years gone by 100 years ago july 19 1889 an example needed for a number of years it has been the custom of the boys of the village to make boyers pond a place of resort for boating and swimming until this year when mr b was compelled for the safety of his premises and the feelings of his family to forbid bathing entirely and boating on sundays which he was perfectly right in doing but boys have an exaggerated notion of their rights and having enjoyed too much liberty they im agined themselves wronged and last sunday a number of them visited the pond and not being able to find the oars and use the boat they proceeded to revenge themselves by smashing the in side of the boat which they did to their complete satisfaction and in a manner worthy of a band of mohawks the owner who by the way has been very kind to visitors and has put up with a lot of annoyances should prosecute these vandals and teach them a lesson in mewn and tuum which might be of benefit to others as an example no one has any pity for boys who have so little sense of right as to trespass on and destroy property in this manner 50 years ago july 20 1939 three hundred or more school children of former days gathered again last satur day afternoon in the old school yard at locust hill to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the school they came from as far as oswego cleveland and lakewood in the states and from brampton ottawa oakville new dundee and eagle lake in ontario besides many other places nearer the old school section miss irene reesor and miss alice pike capable registrars saw to it that those who registered gave their married names and those by which they were known in the old school days and their well arranged books will be a prized record for years to come teachers too of other days came in goodly numbers the oldest present be ing isaac pike of bethesda whit church who taught in the school bygone days walter waterston for one year in 1873 mr pike holds the record for teaching perhaps longer than any other pedagogue alive he taught for 46 years and recited poetry at the reunion to prove that his mind is working well today although 86 years of age 25 vears ago july 23 1964 fast action by two employees of assinck bros ltd markham has been attributed to the rescue of two local men buried alive under tons of sand in a huge cementmixing plant on the don mills road max sooley of bloomington and skip williams of willowdale were able to release a trap door at the base of the chute and free ted assinck of stouffville and grant farrier of gormley trapped inside only farrier was injured in the miraculous escape he suffered a broken right ankle and will be confined to a cast for about eight weeks he was retained in the scarboro general hospital for three days but is now convalesc ing at home 10 years ago stouffville as early as oc tober the first of several viet namese refugees commonly referred to as the boat peo ple could be arriving in whitchurch stouffville the good samaritan project spearheaded by the missionary church has been opened up to in clude the entire town committee vicechairman bob stover told the tribune this week mr stover himself is one of the con tact persons along with the churchs pastor rev john hamilton committee chairman martin mcdowell and members david inuzzo bob wilkinson norman ross stewart wideman and david gordon to date pledges of more than 500 monthly up to one year have been received and accom modation assured for 12 people one of the homes is located next door to the missionary church only recently purchased by the congregation prices effective at miracle food mart and miracle ultra mart in all departments moo- july 17 1989 until sat july 22 1989 only savings indicated are off our own regular prices we reserve the right to limit quantities- jm4fiim regular light or mexican process cheese food kraft cheezwhiz i 500 g jar the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville notice of changing of street name take notice that the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville intends to pass a bylaw to change the name of the street known as old bloomington road to lincolnvihe lane being part of road allowance bet ween lots 10 and 11 concessions 9 and 10 town of whitchurchstouffville from hwy 47 westerly to its end and further take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville shall at the hour of 500 pm tuesday august 8th 1989 in the council chambers of the municipal buildings at 19 civic avenue stouffville ontario hear any person who claims that he wid be adversely affected by the bylaw and applies to be heard dated at the town of whitchurchstouffville this 29th day of june 1989 patricia g oakes clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 19 civic avenue box 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 pubished a first time the 5th day of july 1989 pubtshed a second time the 12th day ol juty 1989 pubished a third time the 19th oljuly 1989 with coupon below assorted flavours frontenac ix ice cream i v i 2 litre carton dr pepper or regular or diet pepsi or 7ur 750 ml bottles plus 40 each bottle deposit unit cost 4 4c per 100 ml powdered cheer laundry detergent 1 savb frozen concentrated jaffacrown orange juice 341 ml tin canadas largest fashion fabric distributor great summer frozen concentrated regular or pink miracle food mart lemonade 355 ml tin on selected merchandise special selection whites 3 assorted contents bottom wetghts our leg 798t098rn buy 1 get 2 free special selection fall corduroy 11 5cm wide our reg 98ml50cm wide our r eg 9 98 m buy 1 get 2 free special forsyth selection fall shirting 1 15cm wide porycster corton blend our reg 498m buy 1 get 2 free christmas prints enue stock 901 15cm wide 100 eonon our red 698998m buy 1 get 2 free special selection fall suitings 150cm wide assorted contents our reg 14 98 m buy 1 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