sv tribune may 10 1989 c17 tribune editor part of stouffvilles life we all knew it was coming but we refused to believe it and when jim thomas an nounced his retirement last week it was like a death in the family this gentle unassuming man is as much a part of stouf- fville community life as the strawberry festival and we all took his presence at local events big and small for granted he attended every imaginable function from school concerts and golden weddings to high school graduations recording each in faithful detail with his camera and his notebook there were few fires or ac cidents he didnt cover but his exposure to the less pleasant aspects of life never hardened r his heart to tragedy most of 7 all jim was instrumental in maintaining the unique flavor of this town working with jim for the last 18 months opened my eyes to the enormous commitment of time and effort he put into i- his job however great the pressure on him he always treated his staff with respect i and courtesy id seen jim countless times over the years hed photographed my children at the library and the strawberry festival but even so it was with some trepidation that i approached him and told him id like to write for the paper within a couple of days he was on the phone asking me to cover a meeting at the high school barely meeting the deadline i provided enough material for a short novel i j kates jsw i corner 3 l kate md m gilderdale was delighted to see my name over the lead story that week but crushed to note that my text had been reduced to a mere three paragraphs perhaps reporting just wasnt my forte i reasoned that night the phone rang it was jim to tell me he was delighted with the story and would like to have used it all if only hed had the space it was typical of him that after 40 years he could still be so con siderate of someone elses feelings and it was the beginn ing of a happy though all-too- short association it was also typical of him that for the first three months or so that i worked with him i addressed him as jim while he called me mrs gilderdale he once told me that he believ ed in flowers for the living he liked to celebrate what peo ple had done while they were around to receive the credit if anyone deserves such recognition its surely jim himself he may not be rushing around after fire trucks or going to brownie fly- up ceremonies any more but hes still very much part of our community and our lives and his legacy to the town and the tribune will not soon be forgotten peggys distinctive ladies fashions i 25 0 off all sweaters storewide drop in and see our beautiful selection for mothers day tysjm large selection of summer tshirts r reg value only 1 9 to 60 off super centre mall dennison at kennedy 4773053 its standard trust savings time receive a seiko pulsar or lorus watch just for opening a new savings account of 2500 or more minimum 90 days and for our regular customers in this dranch a special draw for a bulova regulator wall clock complete rules are available at all branches we want you to try your hometown savings centre so were offering your choice of mens or ladies watches lust for opening a new savings account of fgggairfiggjhh tuos youfkwf lorus witth us399s s5jkx youncctejlorusuuth tosmk jw000 yajtkttlmuryaxh losmooo scoop yourttfivusfftowikh soszgtt jjw ofstr is jmd tor a smikd limt only ml is bitted to one okh per housrtiovlwmches uajmbmbwysubairiition standard trust s yqtllowetownmvpkcljfftoy 39 main st n markham 2946865 open mow that 95 fri fr sat 1 early retirement out for husband dr ed meade is a registered psychologist and director of the markham stouff ville family life centre q my husband is nearly 20 years older than i am and while the age difference has never been a problem before we are now at crossroads when discussing our financial future my husband would love to semiretire and at 35 should have that option but we have two small children who will cost money over the years clothes education activities etc not to mention daytoday living expenses i have been at home since our first child was born and dont have the skills to bring in much money do you a friend sn meade dr ed meade have any suggestions how we night solve this financial struggle a your husband should have realized that deciding to marry a younger woman would probably involve a commitment to raise a young family it seems to me that the issue of semiretirement is more a luxury than an expected behavior for that age bracket it is said that to raise one child today takes 100000 i can cer tainly see your concern in wan ting to make sure your young family has a secure future you may consider seeking out a neutral third party at the markham stouffville family life centre to mediate the dif ferences you and your husband have over his thought to retire early the markham stouffville family life centre is a nonprofit counselling and education agen cy started by the people of markham it is designed to assist people such as yourself in strict confidence and to offer services with as minimal fee as possible to make an appointment call 2942371 markham 4750433 millikenunionville and 6420032 stouffville dr meade welcomes your ques tions if your response is publish ed name and identity will be withheld questions should be directed to the markham stouff ville family life centre 5871 hwy 7 east markham markham ajax scarborough pickering call 7529444 call 4279261 thislsale ends may 1589 its our 3rd anniversary sale a v s s e e e for three days only fri sat sun may12131489 save 30 off ticketed price on everything fabulous summer savings so stock up now and celebrate with us unionville planing mill 4798544 0akville bronte harbour 8477233 s ale ends saturday 25 off asilverguard st steel belted all- season radials 80000 km warranty reg 799913299 59999974 warranty delays hi store reg prices staged are sean puce 10 off bguardsman plus steel belted all- season radials 60000 km warranty reg 59999499 49998549 15 off cguardsman ltr 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