c16 tribune may 10 1989 sil mature student takes the plunge kate gilderdale correspondent someone once said youth is wasted on the young the same sentiment could be applied to education which can often seem important only in retrospect fortunately high schools to day are no longer restricted to teenagers and stouffville district secondary school welcomes mature students seek ing to upgrade their skills and earn extra credits to broaden their career choices marilyn carpenter is one such student its been something ive wanted to do for a long time ad mits the musselmans lake resi dent because there were pro blems at home when i was a kid i never finished grade 11 and ive regretted it ever since when a friend went back to school a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it marilyn began to give the idea serious consideration she applied to her old high school for a list of the credits shed obtained there depen ding on how long youve been out no surprise of school and what youve done since then you get a certain number of credits she explains when she discovered she only needed four more she decided to take the plunge carpenter has signed up for ac counting senior math senior english and data processing and hopes to complete her grade 12 education within a year staff member doug mccammon sug gested that she brush up on her grade 10 math by sending away for a correspondence course which she plans to tackle this summer my girlfriends son is going to help me with it its certainly changed a bit since i did it she smiles shell be going back as a fulltime student and acknowledges that it will pro bably feel strange at first but im really looking forward to it her son is going into grade 9 in september and laughs marilyn hes a little apprehensive about me being there shes particularly interested in learning about computers and wants to improve her typing speed its always bothered me on applications when they ask if you have a grade 12 diploma it will make such a difference if i can get those credits marilyn carpenter back to school staff members at the school are extremely supportive she says and they appreciate having mature students in their classrooms one teacher told me that with adult students all their fooling around is out of thi way they want to settle down and really learn something i now that her children are older she fees its an ideal time to start upgrading her education like any other student the cost of her education is covered by local taxes all i have to pay for are any materials i need although shes not sure of hei longterm goals yet marilyn convinced the year will be a wor thwhile challenge mccammon hopes her exam- pie will encourage other mature students to consider upgrading their education and welcome any enquiries for further infor mation call him at 6401433 you could win 25 is after last summers fiasco over service fees most financial institutions reacted similiarly they did nothing send your financial institution a clear message open 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