su tribune may 3 1989 a7 mom 4 jfmokis openmhours protojim thomas the stouffville christian school held its annual array of musical delights here wallace robinson spring concert on thursday providing a rousing principal at the school acts as musical director musical treats delight at annual spring concert phoiomim thomas laurie pugh at left and paul simmonds offered concert at the school the two singers performed vocal stylings for the crowd at the annual spring solos at the affair 1 first grade carnation butter 1 lb pkg with coupons below coupon first grade with this coupon i first grade 11b pkg coupon with this coupon carnation butter limit one pkg per coupon two coupons per customer i limit one pkg per coupon two coupons per customer offer valid may 1st thru may 6th 1989 i 1 offer valid may 1st thru may 6th 1989 pay regular price without coupon j sc303 i pay regular price without coupon sc630 carnation butter iit pkg dominion pure apple juice 48 fl oz tin limit 6 tins per family purchase i save150 premium performance radial buy 3 get 4 eagle gt h speed rated black serrated letters sale price sue set of 4 swings p17570hr13 s34785 s11s95 389 85 129 95 p205 60hr13 p2050hrh p21570hrh p18560hru p21570hr15 p22570hr15 p23570hr15 pi95 6chr1s p195 60vr15 p205 60hr15 p23560vr15 pi9550hr15 410 85 136 95 48285 16095 488 85 16295 52485 17495 42885 14295 566 85 188 95 392 85 130 95 goodyear allstar tire sale great moments in tires eagle gts 4 for the price of 3 premium performance radial buy 3 get 4 eagle gt outlined white letters salt price setol4 sevbgi 1407 85 13595 428 85 142 95 sue p195 70r14 p205 7or14 p205 6or14 p2i5 60r14 p235 60ri4 p21565r15 p2460r15 p255 60r15 41985 42285 458 85 446 85 542 85 566 85 139 95 140 95 15295 14895 18095 188 95 all season for imports small cars mot premium performance radial buy 3 get 4 eagle gt black serrated letters sale price set of 4 savings s36s8s 112195 sue p18570r14 p19570r14 p195 60rh p205 70ri4 p20560ru p21560r14 p205 60r15 p21560r15 p21565r15 95 coupon assorted flavours excluding bitter lemon lime rickey collins mix canada dry beverages case of 24 260 ml tins iuniu0si82c perlooml mf limit 1 case per coupon one coupon per customer offer valid may tsl ihru may 6th 1989 i feature price without coupon 699 sc629 assorted f1aours exciu0inc sitter lemon ume rickey couins mix canada dry beverages 750 ml bottle unit cost 79 per 100 ml plus 40 per bottle deposit 386 85 128 35 39s85 13195 40185 133 95 398 85 132 95 40185 13395 395 85 13195 41385 13795 425 85 14195 all season radials 195 arriva blackwall pus80ri3 5995 not so great moments in sports corsa gt black serrated letters sue sew price p15580ri3 5695 p175 70ri3 6495 p185 70r13 7295 p185 70rh 8395 premium all season radial mow j 95 pi5580a12 pi55 8ch13 p1658wi3 p12w0bi3 pi857013 p18570ni4 whitewall pi5580dl3 p16580r13 p17575ri3 p17s80hi3 pi8580i3 p175j75a14 p18w5b14 pi9v7sr14 pj0vjm14 p21575h14 p19575r15 p20v7w15 p21v7w15 p2j5i75r15 p73s7w15 6295 6095 6795 76 95 8195 so 95 6696 7495 8195 8295 85 95 84 95 8795 90 95 9595 10795 96 35 10195 106 95 11095 12095 117 95 vector whitewall sue p165 8cw13 p165 60h13 p175 80r13 p18580r13 p17575h14 pi85 75au p19575r14 p20575h14 p195 75r15 p2057sa15 p2157m15 p225j7w15 p23575r15 p17570h13 pi8570r13 p19570fil3 p18570ri4 pi9570b14 p2057cfll4 satepnc i 7195 8295 s8s5 9295 93 95 95 95 9995 10395 10695 11195 115 95 116 95 12795 95 95 9995 103 95 10895 113 95 114 95 lowest priced all season radial 45 95 sua pi55 80r13 pi8s75rm p19s75ai4 p7057w14 p20575r15 p21575h15 p22576r15 buy a set of four eagle gts for the price of three or buy any pair of goodyear tires either way the all new notsogreatniomcnlsinsports video tape is yours at no extra charge a great deal on tires and a great deal of fun sale ends may 27ih goodsyear cvwvdjy lowpnc t 45 95 6095 6296 6595 7095 7396 76 95 jane parker golden pound cake jvfio 500 g package assorted flavours fruit bottom yoplait yogurt 175 g tub t no cask down no interest 6 low monthly payments smm on tires and mecnamcat services exceeding 150 00 payment is calculated on a 6 month deferred plan using visa mastercard or american express card visit your local goodyear auto service centre for detail goodyear certified auto service centre markham ontario 5797 hwy 7 2940888 goodyear takes you home open 8 00 m to 6 00 p m 01 sat 800 am lo i 00pm itetanic on duty all oy sitjrda regular thick maple salt reduced maple leaf side bacon 500 g vac pac dominion anniversary chocolate chip cookies 450 g bag coubntf ion pattconwm 2 dj8 f nds 2 ion ends 4 cf nit cut chops loin pork chops 395kg b product of usa fresh tender green beans 218kg lb tjrj free coffee anniversary cake saturday may 689 9 am 11 am prices effectivf may 1st thru may 6th 1989 ttfe reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements savings shown in this ad based on cur rent metropolitan toronto dominion store retails dominion mainiv because of the meat