office help 525 bilingual bilingual bilingual if you have good verbal skills in both french and english we presently have 4 positions available recepfiontsttypist 1618k secretary 2224k ctenvtypist 2022k account rep 2022k call us now about these and other great positions available telemarketer 22 24k hwy7hwy48 use your persuasive style in a sales environment and start a new career in a professional environment with a company that offers excel lent growth potential order k7144 general accounting denison woodbine join this growing high tech firm as a part of their accounting team a formal education in accounting and some computer experience along with a professional attitude will get you in this excellent company order k7090 secretarial 18 19k john woodbine a friendly environment in a fastpaced office excellent benefits and a lot of room for growth are offered to an individual with good dicta typing skills and a willing attitude order k7145 junior clerk 15 18k an entry level position awaits a pleasant junior that wants to join a large friendly company start off your new office career on the right foot minimal typing and a flexible willing attitude is all you require order k7133 receptionsecretary 21 k woodbine hwy7 join this small company as a part of their friendly team a good phone manner some word processing and a very willing attitude are the keys to this great position order k7135 sales secretary 20 24k warden 14th an excellent opportunity awaits you in this variety filled position use your top organizational experience and ability to deal with people as you become involved with letters word processing and reception profes sional working atmosphere and super benefits call today order k7161 admin assistant 20 22k woodbine hwy 7 your administrative skills and experience will be challenged in this marketing environment if you have a computer background and strong organizational skills and concern for detail you will find this computer company the place to grow a new position with new challenge order k7142 these are just a few of the many positions available no appointment necessary call dianne keil or karen baker at 4718551 5871 hwy 7 2nd floor markham evenings by appointment economist suntribune february 15 1989 b7 v soles hep agents 530 florence lewis sportswear is currently looking for sales help in ladies better fashion wear for her new store on main street north markham experience is preferred but not a must we will train excellent salary incentive and health benefits please call michelle at 6334494 hospital medical dental 535 teaching opportunities 545 rns rnas immediately required north york to richmond hilt floor duty full and part time private duty competitive rates aviva health care 2264633 venipuncture -and- f c p technician part time monday wednesday 430 pm 830 pm experience preferred unionville area contact mrs sanelli 6249111 ext 122 message drake personnel sales help agents 530 career opportunity in newspaper advertising sales a successoriented retail advertising saies repre sentative is currently re quired by a well established community newspaper for our thornhillvaughan area the ideal candidate should be an experienced self- starter with ambition and enthusiasm plus the ability to communicate in a profes sional manner proven media experience with a strong record in sales is a definite asset the successful applicant will maintain an existing account list develop new clients and promote news paper campaigns as well as sell advertising space we offer an excellent com mission package as well as a company benefit plan apply in writing to mr john griffiths p o box 390 richmond hill ontario l4c 4y6 hospital medical dental 535 health care aides alternate weekends all shifts good working conditions home for the aged 4773838 unionville parkview home requires rna parttime afternoons a thorough orientation will be provided complete benefit pkg available apply in person to mrs m wideman oon 481 rupert ave stouffville ont l4a 1t7 6401911 ege nneb 6 a child studies equivalent for well established daycare good salary full benefits plus gram can gerry 282161 even ings 4974581 ece teacher loving energetic teacher required for our special nursery school country location super outdoor facilities 2948439 teachers the increasing demand for our services necessitates the addition of 3 more educators to our teaching staff if you are a certified teacher preferably with additional qualifications and experience in any of the following math sci ence grades 913 language arts grades 18 french esl and would like to augment your in come on a part time basis call us today to arrange an interview oms0n centre for learning skills 2948757 domestic help wanted 550 student to help with housework 4 hours weekly s7per hour call 4716830 domestic help available 555 cleaning lady available on daily basis mon day through friday very dependable and per sonable call 4734467 business services 791 bookkeepingwccounting part time manualcomputer full books to trial balance pi balsheet t4s etc call 2344073 insurance 790 receptionist wanted italian speaking recep tionist part time for doc tors office call 2980028 mature part time sales help re quired will train just bunds markville shopping centre 4776699 hospital medical dental 535 dental assistant full time required for friendly family oriented practice on main st markham must be xray certified please call 2946444 receptionist markham dental office seek ing person 3 days per week to assist in patient flow monday tuesday thurs day previous experience in similiar situationan asset call 4711377 gail may genefial insurance broker 6420651 colley borland vale insurance brokers limited success square srouffvule mighty maid homecare service bonded and insured maids help with your housework on a regular basis or occasionally call 264- 3353 personalized cleaning services housecleaning to your specifications refer ences available call evenings 8529273 painting decorating 710 absolute quality interior painting and wall papering free estimates flexible scheduling interior fashion creations for winterspring of new year new color combinations for your home call 3668826 private tuitionsschools 760 besst tutoring elementary and secon dary subjects including french quality teachers reasonable rates call us at 2944244 tutoring in your home an subjects an levels for a free brochure can we care tutorial services inc 2212001 or 7367505 nursery schools 765 chick adee day nursery duality day care at a reasonable price 19 months to 5years open 7 am 6 pm educational programs hot noon meal qualified ece teachers govt subsidy available 6405233 daycare available 770 childrens house daycare 22 church st n stouffville 7 am 6 pm 1 w 5 years subsidy part time spaces available 6402905 or 231- 5713 hotelrestaurant 540 b m restaurant re quires immediately waiters waitress full time day time posi tions callaimgeloat 4750666 energetic mother nonsmoker to provide daycare 2 years and older monday friday family daycares services approved refer ences fincham paramount 2947512 daycare wanted 775 babysitter required in my home to care for 2year old twins monday to friday8 am 515 pm hwy43 16th call 2947224 afier7pni day care required start march 6th one and three years old monday- friday 8 am 630 pm in stouffville 6407166 daycare required from may 1st 9th line st marks area if possible for my daughter 61 son wm for next few years 4775350 reliable woman wanted to babysit in my home 2 children i2w and 5 yrs school holi days off call 2947766 m ttjfiriiwviisftib bsbxtsfwtssls experienced delightful nanny nneb available for markham unionville position 7731218 still growingstill caring registered nurse operating room looking lor a change york cemral now has a lulltime opportunity lor an experienced or nurse con sider our excellent reputation lor providing quality community health care our warm fncndty staff as wed as our progressive and innovative work environment we hope to hear from you soon yorj central hospital now hiring bartenders waiterswaitresses bus people dish washers short order cooks apply in person 8425 woodbine ave south of hwy 7 4779406 ruffage fresh food restaurant requires friendly reliable fullpart time people immediatley for markham east beaver creek along bus route family hrs uniform full training excellent salary home- makers and retirees most welcome 8967329 days 8477202 even ings eni0rs a winning combination of exceptional savings and great reading club 50 plus is all about value and savings and its easy for you and your friends to become privileged members instantly simply fill out the coupon below and for 1795 youll get todays seniors mailed to your home every month for a year along with your own personal club 50 plus membership card if youre already a home delivery subscriber your 1795 will get you a membership card and extend your subscription another full year additional cards are 9 each privileged membership entitles you to 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