s town firefighters earn their stripes whitchurclistouffville firefighters earned owned by bill and mary dobson hwy 18 their stripes this week successfully battling ballantrae the fire of unknown origin caused three serious blazes in four days an estimated 150000 damage iirethey pour water onto i the roof of a home firefighter david morrison right assists volunteer al sisco in hitching up his airpak before entering the residence of joe and linda randolph kennedy uoad ru 1 stouffville the blaze sunday morning caused 10000 damage ted mclennan left of whitchurch- stouffville fire station ii gives volunteer scott watson a helping hand with his oxygen equip ment altogether brigade members rolled up a total of ten hours firefighting time at three locations- jim thomas tribune january 25 1989 a5 also available al canadian owned and ttmitp rcleultrahart prices effective in all departments until saturday january 28 1989 only savings indicated at off our own regular prices we reserve the right to limit quantities regular decaffeinated or continental tasters choice instant j0ffee 150 g jar limit 3 jars per family purchase assorted flavours alpenfresh yogourt 175 g tub hi dri paper towels 2 roll pkg with coupon below condensed cream of chicken cream of mushroom or homestyle campbells soup 284 ml tin frozen concentrated pure miracle food mart orange juice 355 ml tin frozen assorted varieties york meat pies 227 g pkg product of morocco juicy navel oranges large size 75s swifts lazy maple sliced side bacon 500 g product of mexico canada no 1 grade vineripe tomatoes 196 per kp per lb weston raspberry or chocolate swiss rolls pkg of 4 miracle coupon 20t22 hi dri paper towels 8 roll pktf miracle with this coupon limit itnf pks per ioupon vitid jn 23 ho uniirjan 2r1 mi without coupon you py 09 plui lax corner deli coupon 20bt216 this coupon is worth 200 off the totil retail price or one regular or large size j i piping hot bbqd whole chicken 200 orr the orr the total purchase price with this coupon unlit one couponptr purch vlid jan 2id0 until jn aa without coupon you pay rtguuf price value trim extra leanlean ground chicken or turkey 5w off total ilhciiask prick with couion iikixw 659 per kf miracle coupon 50 this coupon is worth 30 off the total purchase price of one i one lb pkg or more of extra lean- lean ground chicken or turkey miracle orr with this coupon j limit on coupon pr pvrehim wild jn 5 until jan z tur prtc lb it fcf pharmacy open sunday 106 pm marftham corners 5085 sheppara ave east stccles bathurst hamburgh it warden marftham corners 5085 sheppara ave east stccles it bathurst bamburgh warden 250 alion towers circle south of sleelcs on mccowan upper oakvllle shopping centre