c8 tribune january 18 1989 hydros 1989 goals set at meeting tree trimming is a top priority in 1989 whitchurchstouffville hydros brian carter said at thursday nights meeting of the hydro commission the job was last undertaken in 1985 he noted and badly needs to be done again to avoid problems with overhead hydro wires jim sanders noted that wherever possible every efffort should be made to plant new trees so they wont interfere with hydro lines carter said he had received one quote for the job which would cover all electric lines in the village of stouffville it was tall big men vz price gwg jeans in regular and stretch denim in tall oversizes sizes 3256 whfe quantities last mm meyerstein vz price sport shirts in tall oversizes arrow gwg and more while quantities last mflnimiiiitn 120 ybnge st n aurora 8415033 hours monwed sat 9306 fhurs frt9307v agreed that the project would be put up for tender and a decision on a contractor would be made once the tenders were received among other projects proposed for 1989 said carter were rebuilding installing new poles and wires in some areas in cluding rupert street from the 9th line to parkview home and park street between mill and church streets three new poles were due to go in on orchard park boulevard and new poles were needed on maytree avenue and on 9th line south carter said he also wants to see rebuilding on edward street in 1989 where two new poles had recently been installed a new pole would be required at winona drive and main street to service a new plaza and gas bar wayne emmerson sug gested the developer should pay as much of the cost as possible carter noted that the wire and underground service would be the owners responsibility while the pole would likely be paid for by the utility it was suggested there should be a standard policy which would clearly state who was responsible for costs carter confirmed that such costs are not currently writ ten into site plan agreements for small commercial developments in the case of new subdivisions he said the- developer was responsible for the total cost and in all new development hydro lines had to be placed underground he advised the commission that stouffville machine had ex pressed concern about a transformer on its property which is uncovered and could pose a safety hazard to children he noted it should be dealt with in 1989 discussion on current com puter capacity revealed that the utilitys present computer is operating at full strength pat kuhn noted that the system had been designed to handle bill ing for 2000 customers and it now serviced almost 3000 accounts as a result she said the utility could not offer customers such facilities as equal billing carter noted he would like to be able to use the computer for mapping but he believed such a program was not available with the cur rent system sanders asked about placing lines underground and carter replied that in his view the costs far outweighed the purelv esthetic advantages maureen wideman who chaired the meeting pointed out that problems are more difficult to deal with when the wires are buried brownies set for big event by kate gilderdale one cf the biggestevents on the guiding movements calen dar thinking day is coin ing up sunday feb 19 and this years local celebration is being held at christ church anglican its a celebration of lord and lady badenpowell founders of the guiding and scouting movement ex plains brownie leader angfe mayer who is organizing the event each pack will be doing a five minute stint i this years theme is friend ship and the different groups will recite their own stories songs and poems n my pack had to think up one word related to friendships each girl will give her worfl and an older girl will explain it mrs mayer says the girls will also sing a song and the beavers will probably also sing a short piece shp states reverends wayne reed bryan coker paul scusej glenn gibson and herb gale are expected to attend and mrs mayer also hopes tb welcome rev craig pitts the ceremony will start at 2 pm i 2942200 4959440 6402100 toadvertise gall fflsliwik 10 advertise call 2942200 4959440 6402100 hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interior exterior pratt s lambert commercial industrial 32 years in business 220 main si e 6403075 success square barker roofing siding ltd 6404966 alcn building product repairs reroofing siding soffits niiree estimates c serving the community since 1955 additions basement finishing custom building wet wall repairs 6422000 guaranteed quality i garage door openers co shjesnsbwtnons 7382546 kavanagh roofing residential roofing repair mike kavanagh 2836452 unique ideas expert work bannerhill construction consulting residential commercial renovations modernization and additions interior or exterior large or small jobs references supplied free estimates call bcc anytime mike scott paul adamson 4986229 4258999 dflvid bfirkey painting and decorating professional experienced reasonable 2943026 maynard 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experience 2819667 or 7223694 r handyman all home repairs and renovations decks rec rooms relilinq door replacement truck trailer or moving and rubbish removal call now 471 4552 or 6408332 coxworth construction custom built homes additions renovations kevin 6406516 serving markham stouffville surrounding area etc concrete work all types markham area waterproofing and unistone r pagnello established since 1945 2944670 quality renovations finish carpeptry kitchen bathroom remodelling ceramic tiles custom wrought iron drywall and windows for prompt careful work please call for an estimate ken oag 8526784 ed russell plastering arid ceramic tile plastering ceramic oarry tiles drywall installation r taping j texture ceilings walls stucco free est 27 castle rock dr j richmond hill ont l4c5a3 4168835432 we specialize in carpet upholstery cleaning hardwood floors painting decorating carpet installation repair free est call 4968363 or 4918694 itrik homestead home improvements professional 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