c4 tribune january 18 1989 festival planning underway by kate gilderdale whitchurchstouffvilles 1989 strawberry festival committee kicked off its first meeting of the year at the recreation centre last wednesday night committee members present were chairman gary fisher past chairman jim heidema vice chairman jim kidd secretary pat ratclif f special events coor dinator diane peak and peter ar- nott standing in for marlane mckeeweatheral on town liaison also present were volunteers susan berry and karen heise topping the list of proposals for 89 endeavors was gary fishers suggestion the committee honor those whove chaired canada day celebrations in town over the last 10 years committee members jim heidema supported the idea- also recommending the presentation of a plaque 1o each individual susan berry agreed to call sup pliers for further information it was also confirmed since canada day falls on saturday the government has designated monday rather than friday the public holiday however committee members felt special events should run from wednesday through sun day with no activities planned for the monday among proposed new activities for 1989 is the york durham railways train ride for young children which gary hopes can be held on the site of the old arena if the land can be levelled for the event skateboard and bmx competi tions and radio controlled cars as well as a scavenger hunt were suggested for older children and teens gary also noted some towns use wooden nickels as prizes in the competitions which could be spent at downtown stores the committee agreed to investigate the idea further an antique car display was mentioned combined with the hope the scarborough symphony would return for this years festivities suggested improvements in cluded acquiring better lighting installing a wind break along one side of the stage and a sound system and due to pat ratcliffs reported success of last years teen dance it was agreed the event should be held again in 1989 also tentatively scheduled for the wednesday was a visit from ronald mcdonald lawn bowling the lions barbecue celebrity bowl and teen dance for thurs day a free swim at the town pool the miss whitchurchstouffville pageant and euchre at the silver jubille club and for the friday a free swim and baseball from 6 pm saturday is hoped to include a pancake breakfast baseball swim country fair including contests and craft sales kid- dieland scarborough symphony fireworks canada day celebra tion antique cars and the railway sunday should see baseball triathlon church service in the park strawberry social swim a barber shop quartet was also proposed new fun planned for 4h members would you like to meet new friends learn new skills and join in some fun if youre 1121 years of age before jan 1 1989 youll want to be a part of a 4h club in york region four new 4h projects are being offered this winter working with wool veterinary maple syrup and get growing marketing the working with wool project offers insights into the pro cessing of wool from the sheeps fleece to yarn spinning and dyeing are activities that are included the project also teaches the basics of knitting to create a small knitted article it starts following the leaders workshop tomorrow at 630 pm at the omaf office in newmarket members of the 4h veterinary club will discover how the respiratory system works field trips group activities case studies will all be a part of this project in the maple syrup project members will learn how to make and grade maple syrup and tap trees for more information on 4h and how you can join as a 4h member or leader contact kathy simpson rural organization specialist ontario ministry of agriculture and food at 18002633241 or 416 8954519 i foc 8 fall hi winter fashions forlple family at sears ips 53s plus footwear accessories personal care appliances shavers panty hose socks handbags gloves knits belts umbrellas watches gold and sterling silver jewelry rings and fashion jewelry excluding cosmetics fragrances bold and beautiful watches stationery cards mens suits sport coats and dress shirts look for the redpe downs on the above items then take off 15 your moneys worth and more vrilthesamteilswenearesjyouwe78openm pickering town antr4206000cfcrrrdsquafpape and gerrarm6 the snopeon steele at 4048816600aiavaifcimeato oanlatfunlessaherwisintfmtedprfemto