ards 3 6 more schools are needed in area economist sun election special november 9 1988 page 9 teacher seeking trustees seat maddelena smirnakis a six- year resident of unionville has two children in the separate school system she has 10 years teaching experience with the metro separate school board in cluding primary junior special education and adult education ex perience she is currently serv ing her second year as president of st matthew parentteacher guild the st justin martyr parishioner would push for new schools particularly catholic high schools in milliken mills and unionville to relieve the over crowding at brother andre she wants to improve communication between parents and the trustee smirnakis would like to see a sound academic curriculum that reflects catholic values and principles elect gordon brown public school trustee cheryl walker is a st patrick parishioner and a 14year resi dent of markham she studied french at laval university and has a bsc in biology and psychology from december 1985 until january 1987 walker served as the separate school represen tative on the york region board of education she sees a dire need for catholic high schools in union ville and milliken mills and an elementary school in buttonville north to relieve the serious over crowding she also feels french immersion is important cheryl walker vote bob grozelle for hydro commissioner helping to keep markham a better place to live and do business electrically for complete election results see the nov 16 economist and sun maddelena smirnakis wards re elect bill hydro commissioner proven dependability colin easey proven record and commitment elect roy mccullough councillor ward 5 for responsible representation and dedicated community leadership remember when you elect me on nov 14 i work for you lect row tcwwiif ff ward four councillor for a professional and sensitive approach to municipal government a voice for ward four