bio economist suntribune july 20 1988 3- k keep your food costs down shop by the box 200 plastic box deposit the food terminal 855 knob hill specials available all week monsat product of ontario fresh never frozen ide ribs frenchs spices garlic salt garlic powder black pepper ault foods product of canada fresh or previously frozen elmhoftsf icecream w m boie b from concentrate pure orange pure apple pure grapefruit assorted nectars mix or match 5 limit 1 l carton chicken legs backs attached 5 lb limit l product of brazil corned beef imperial 12oz340gtin armour walkers 3 limit frenchs mustard 500 ml jar 8 product of ontario canada no 1 grade canada packersi devon brand 02 vac pac cavendish fancy frozen flemci hues assorted 1 kg bag product of mexico angos select your own i extra large size 9s 10s 12s from ontario packers cut from canada grade a beef shoulder blade k uhhuc m occr steaks 3 ontario kiwwowmc white fresh 3ssfcg mushrooms slbumit m pepsicola crush sevenup i dripper pure springs ilfh r premium 4 pk or regular 8 pk with this coupon coupon valid until july 2388 limit one pkg one coupon ijper family instore retail 139 retail 139 04381oh kelloggs crispix cereal large 350 fl box scott cottonelle bathroom tissue v 8 roll pkg 2 pkg limit west mississauga dixie value mall at owe rd south ol oaten etaoein way north markham woodbine i north at no 7 highway markham central toronto 222 lansdowne avenue corner dundas si west 7es monday tuesday wednesday to limit 9am10pm 9 am10 pm 9amiopm north york food terminal 2549 weston just south of hwy downtown toronto 222 cherry street just south of the lift bridge east pickering hwy2 brock rd in pickering oshawadurham first ave between simcoe ftitson jujtiston 5 j9 thursday friday ii 8 am 10 pm 8am10pm r prices saturday ssr- 7 am10 pm saturday july 23 1988 i r