b8 econoimist suntribune july 13 1988 general help c notice to advertisers the ontario hu man rights code prohibits discrimination be cause of age sex marital status race creed nationality ancestry or place of origin in compliance with this code this newspaper reserves the right to make the necessary chages in advertising copy 1 part time cashiers grocery clerks required apply in person to 399 main st west stouffville buttonville golf and country club requires assistant manager bartender waiterswaitresses banquet persons cleaning person full part time flexible hours no experience necessary will train 4777711 country cleaners required immediately presser t shirt unit t counter help top wages full and parttime flexible hours will train join our aggressive team of professionals apply in person to 190 bullock dr markham or call 2948135 cleaner parttime evenings office cleaning 2931045 gas bar customer service attendant iiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii we offer full time position 1 1 pm7 am shift training and uniform competitive hourly wage frequent wage reviews apply to the manager petro canada carwash 4780 hwy 7 east unionville ont l3r 1m8 4772003 warehouse help required full time no ex perience necessary 800 per hour company benefits apply in person to filter renu service 9711 markham rd south of major mackenzie or call 4711600 wanted night watch person parttime on a fulltime basis hourly rate 7 location hwy 7 woodbine ave ideal for retired person call s longo 4961424 general labourers many opportunites are avaialble in our high- lech injection moulding operation we have immediate openings for applicants who are able to work straight afternoons or midnights fantastic opportunities are also available for applicants who are able to vwk weekends only this is a great shift for students or ap plicants who haw been out of the work force for a white all applicants are welcome v offer on the job training an excellent wage and benefits package including a profit sharing program applicants should apply in person to human resources department plydex 200 industrial parkway north aurora 800 am 430 pm learn a trade work vilh your lands as a savice tain con vsli a icacfiig wood iirjcw and niom door maimtaduring company if vju itro a clean rhviig record mite or phone dan wjdcn at box 177 450 kent drive hewmaitket ontario 13v4x1 toronto uno 9243737 newmarket 8981568 delivery driver assistant busy expanding company has fulltime day position for a neat responsible individual who enjoys meeting and dealing with people to assist in deliver ies and onsite equipment maintenance good driving record and know ledge of downtown toronto an asset will train good salary and benefits no short term applicants please call for an interview 2945737 dog groomer required for kennel in stouffville good salary for right person 6403770 days 6401199 night cssd cashiers required full part time positions no experience necessary apply to manager ed kieper 2942163 hwys487 check your ads for accuracy on the first day the markham economist sun cannot be responsible for the cost of more than one incorrect insertion any errors in the classified ads section should be called to the attention of the classified department on the first day of publication call 2942200 parttime help wanted with decorating flair call 2262533 persons wanted for office clean ing in the markham area part time call 4453094 or 4752599 parttime cashier eveningsweekends must be able to type computer skills an asset call mrs gibbons 4750705 responsible person required for poultry farm wages and house included call 8875771 roofing company requires experienced person to begin immediately willing to pay good wages call 8881948 funojp now hiring for cashiers for weekend shifts car wash attendants for weekend shifts apply in person 91 wellington st markham or call 2946329 student parttime days research require car to travel to scarborough location excellent typing ability call 4715535 parttime weekend morning midnight shifts available no experience required call john at 4778556 or apply in person to 8510 woodbine ave markham shipper receiver required for small markham electronics firm must be a self starter and must be bondable must be fluent in both verbal and written en glish we offer many be nefits the least of which is a great place to work just ask our staff call john brace for details 2944833 tow truck driver required small truck and d licence re quired for large truck apply to b m motors 8150 woodbine ave just south of hwy 7 4756377 woodworkers needed fulltime goodwood stairs ltd can 6404885 r blue orchid fine dining requires full time waiterwaitress fine dining job training provided full time prepdishwasher some kitchen experience an assel be trained by our chef de cuisine in many aspects of food prepara tion apprentices welcome phone 6407724 or an appointment lawrence bangay manager chef 124 main st west stouffville drivers wanted for growing school trans portation company train now for september routes enjoy your summer free call pat 2946006 skilled technical help 515 driver job training placement help is available from rodgers school of truck driver training ltd for career details call 416 7633546 for literature skilled technical help 515 automotive lift manufacturer requires and will provide training for machine operators t mig welders welding leadhand afternoon shift we offer competitive wages and benefits please apply in person to hydralift industries 15 east beaver creek rd richmond hill ihwy 7404 7312464 experienced ceramic tile setter must be reliable and hard working top dollarforthe right person 6407552 industrial electrical mechanics expansion of division has created 2 skilled openings each day shift position requires qualified or near qualified candidates with sound production skills experienced individuals will perform trouble shooting repair and installation of new plant equipment success ful applicants must be able to start immediately if you are a millwright or have knowledge of micro processors pc units or dc drives and have completed or are working on an apprenticeship then these team openings are for you contact mr dinatale at 2972224 80 progress ave scarborough ontario requires fulltime baker or apprentice baker excellent working environ ment apply in person or phone 4740942 ask for mark markv1lle fish chips requires fulltime short order cook to start immediately for information call 4777617 need extra cash earn extra income in your spare time from your own home no selling no ex perience please call 14763458 or 2662420 office help 525 maintenance mechanic due toexparision in plant acfrfity an industrial mechanic millwright with a minimum pi 4 years experience is re- quired to maintain in plant equipment pri a 3shift basis starting ratesi389 per hour plus 40c shift premium for afternoon shift and 60e midnight shift excellent benefits including dental plan profitsharingplan and stock options if you have a good work record and want io join a progressive company contact personnel department cable techco ltd 500 mairist w box f149 v stouffville onll4a8a2 416404333 a noma company- eirich machines ltd fitterswelders- machine assemblers leading manufacturer ol induslrial mixing equipment has immediate openings lor ap plicanls meeting the following requirements experienced in mig tig smaw o carbon and stainless steels minimum 5 years experience blueprint reading required experience in assembly of mechanical equipment is an asset in addition to a salary commensurate with experience we offer an attractive fringe benefit package interested applicants should contact 416 8322241 personnel department office help 525 typist for private hospital fast accurate typing and general office duties for busy medical records de partment medical experience an asset for an appointment please call miss edwards 8891125 between 930 am 330 pm i- woodbinesteeles receptionist clerk typist book publisher requires ex perienced receptionist for ultracom system pleasant telephone manner and excellent command of english required some cler ical work and typing also re quired call 4751869 receptionist typist needed for growing company must have a pleasant appearance and telephone manner typing skills essential wordperfect an asset good benefits please send resume to armadale systems 180 renfrew drive markham ontario l3r 8b7 att pamela osborne word processor required entry level position capable of 55 wpm plus wordper fect experience an asset renewal clerk accurate typing a must personable and energetic experience with or willingness to learn insurance and computer oriented tasks apply to richard shallhom carson and weeks insurance brokers ltd 2940722 payroll clerk will train challenging company benefits good salary for the right person hwy 7 and woodbine area call 4778573 ask for anita syltgiaaisatg5jk3wacrjiski