economist suntribune june 15 1988 b5 auction sales auction sale kahx country auctions every wednes day 1630 pun located on brack roalrckaiog 3 mflej nor of hwy 401 lejrt 399 featuring every week an excellent selection of amities fine fwnitbfegjasschhacoiieaabiesprirnitiveswetc so join us every wednesday and participate in re serves previews from 100 pun come see our great auction faotity and consign your estates and collections etc to us for prompt professional ser- vice consignment estate sesig our specialty kahn auction services 416 834041 auction sale sat june 18 1030 am auction sale for dick mcenaney at the home located on ridge r4 north of sunderland take j hwy 12 to hwy 7 east to ridge rd 2 km then i north watch for signs sale includes excess stock from hardware store ant hoosier cab excell garden patio furniture wall hangings new bikes ig qty light i fixtures ig qty elect fixtures components s vaarandeanerslgqtyofgiftwaredishes8tcrys- tal ig qty new everyday dishes power tools new slightly used ig qty hand tools ig qty new curtain rods ceramic pots plus much much more vehrue 1973 olds 38 with good 455 motor sell ing as is note this is a large sale of new slightly used merchandise from a hardware store from new giftware to new tools something for everyone owner or auctioneer not responsible for any mishap occurring to the public in conjunction with this sale gary hill auctions 1705357218s sunderland 14164732138 mt albert auction sale saturday june 25 1100 am auction sale for bill thomasine mccleave uxbridge on hwy 47 at east end of town across from hydro station watch for signs sale in cludes oak office desk pc 2500 portable sharp computer washing machine propane clothes dryer qty ant tools ant bam post auger block planes skill saw various power tools heritage insert air tight stove 2 old time air tight stoves canopis air tight stove qty stove pipe elbows etc fireplace accessories chimney sweep brushes myers fiberglass insulation blowing machine re- trotec door fan for air tightness in bldgs insulated duct work caulking materials qty of weather strip ping roof soffit vents morvents 40 alum ext ladder 7 steel ladder wooden ladders qty of underpad tamper a water pump system 1 5 gate elect tail gate lift for pickups boat 18 grew boat 75 hp motor plus trailer vehicles 1970 chev truck 2 ton cab chasis corvette motor with less than 20000 miles as is firearms winches ter 12 gauge pump 303 sports stock grizzly scope mossberg 410 gauge pump squires bing ham model is rifle 22 gauge metal soft gun cases firearms acquisition certificate must be pro duced plus many other items too numerous to mention note many items from insulation business household items owner or auctioneer not re sponsible for any mishap occurring to the public in conjunction with this sale gary hill auctions sunderland 17053572185 or mt albert 14164732138 auction sale saturday june 18 starting at 1000 am large j estate auction of antique and modem furniture collectable glass china primitives eta for the late fred droy toronto miss mary black mar- kham and other private sources to include various dining bedroom suites many good quality tables and chairs cabinets dressers chests of drawers washstands rockers sofa set cupboards table and standing lamps appliances mirrors pictures some good collectable glass china crocks oil lamps selection of primitives brass copper lots of job lot items and other misc terms cash cheques with id or visa no reserves kahn auction ser vices 6830041 friday june 17 6 pm auction sale for the property of gord hambly in the village of raglan west of gas station house hold furniture dishes tools trailers many more articles terms cash earl gauslin auctioneer monday june 20th 7 pm consignment sale of horses saddles and bridles plus an assortment of new saddle and tack location dan barleys i residence in ciaremont brock rd pickering to i oaremont railroad tracks istroadnorthoftracks j tumlefttothefirstfarmsouthsidelforinformalion j contact dan barkey 4166493718 terms cash or known cheque dan barkey auctioneer thursday evening june 16 6 pm furniture antiques clocks auction sale of furniture antiques clocks for the estate of the late nelue 8erkes markham ll hull richmond hill selling at the wilson sales are na uxbridge including 6 pc limed oak dining room suite maple kitchen suite antique love seat chesterfield chair 6 mo old earthtone excell lamptable with drawer gateleg table out of train bonnet chest duncan phyfe table 6 oak caned bottom chairs glass foot parlour table settee 2 chairs smoker stand cedar chest wardrobe 4 pc hespeler bedroom suite wooden poster bed coat rack bookshelves indian woven rug belgian round rug blanket box lamps oak framed chester field chair picture frames dishes including pressed depression glass dresden fruit bowl norman rockwell collector plates including mak ing believe waiting on the shore plus others linens tandy computer with recorded 1 yr old appliances including fridge freezer dishwasher dehumidifier 75 fiberglass bathtubs new 1 2 col or tv 2 yrs old mr hulls collection of 20 clocks including gingerbread newhaven vien na german cuckoo mantle anniversary french brass bevelled glass case cornwall brass ship clock dock barometer bell plus others all clocks working order- some with chimes ac 8 hp riding lawn mower horse cutter plus many other hems sale managed 6 sold by lloyd vibon auctions ltd uxbridge 4168523524 thursday evening june 23rd 730 pm holstons june consignment sale of holsteins selling at the wilson sales arena uxbridge ontario registered and grade cows and bred heifers including several fresh or dose at sale time agroup of open heifers and carves featuring a fancy astro jet heifer selling fresh from vg dam with 3y 3500 1593671245 53435144-172-1492nddamvgwith6y141- 166142 a vg moch four with 5y 16600 lbs milk and 600 lbs fat 2nd dam gpjscsing fresh in june an april 85 warden daughter fresh in juno with 2y14910 lbs m3k and 483 lbs fat from ivg dam wi5y16m69uj dam fipwwth 16000 tot ma consignments wu be accepted for this sa if you wish to consign to this tale ptosa can uoyd wtclaimlcwriobttnvx4123524 wednesday evening june 22 6 pm machinery truck camper ajction sale of farm machinery truck camper selling i at the wilson sales arena uxbridge ont induding 1386 chev custom deluxe heavy duty vi ton 32000 ml 305 engine stereo cap crier certi fied excel cool 11v4 slidein fibreglass truck camper loaded excel mf 165 diesel high arch tractor int 154 cub lowboy tractor with mower 6 mob mower mf 9 baler kesston 10 self- propelled swather mf 12 disc 15 trailer ni haybine suooo trailer 4 wheel rake int 46 baler water bowl energy free set of 143 x 28 chains water trough barbed wire qty of lumber truck racks wagon load plus many other items b you wish to consign to this sale please call uoyd wilson auctions ltd uxbridge 4168523524 industrialcommercial space 145 1400 sq ft warehouse space for storage load ing dock heated 24 hour access available im mediately 404 hwy 7 area 7315048 1 886- 6181 business opportunities 160 work from home established gift basket business for sale includes client list inventory will train 4717471 apartments flats for rent 1 70 for rent 3 room basement apartment non- smokers available july 1st markham 783- 9225 markham 1 bedroom basement apartment near hwy 7 48 s750momh must see available immediately no smoking or pets days 2935155 and after 8 pm 4712384 markham one bedroom upstairs apartment separate entrance s800month first and last 4718691 business hours mccowansteeles bachelor basement apart ment available immediately required 1st 8 last month and references 4795714 evenings weekends markham 2 bedroom flat appliances in- duded very clean close to go station for com muter references 1st 8 last 2945525 or 294- 4258 one bedroom basement apartment with laun dry facilities and access to patio and backyard single nonsmoker with references s500 in cluding utilities call 2946740 after 6 pm stouffville large one bedroom apartment new all utilities s700momh first and last no smokers pets available july 1st 6408310 two bedroom apartment near hwy 748 ssoooovmonth suit couple available august 1st evenings 2947694 two bedroom apartment share kitchen and bath 600 monthly hydro included 640751 1 two bedroom spacious condominium excel lent convenient location on main street north in uxbridge available for occupancy august 1st 88 call 2946668 houses for rent 185 available july august 4 bedrooms fully furnished home in markham 2944244 large 2 bedroom home with walkout from lower level 10 acre estate property chalk lako area personal interviews and references 950 per month plus hydro includes 5 appliances cut yourownfirewoodavailable sept 1st ux bridge central for sale or rent 3 bedroom sidesplit double car garage large lot 975 plus utilities references required available august 1 call margaret goeree homelife town living realty ltd 6402225 or 6401726 or 8526011 markham 3 bedrooms split level semi de tached dose to the new hospital 3 baths fami ly room with fireplace dining room finished basement 5 appliances super dean available july 30th at 132500 month utilities 640- 7962 4772668 evenings markham 3 bedroom house large master bedroom with 4 piece ensuite main floor family room walkout to deck carpet throughout s1275month call 2949833 930 530 mon day saturday or 2949887 markham new home in country setting up to 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms rent negotiable call 2488049 markham beautiful 4 bedroom backsplit 2 bathrooms available immediately 1275 monthly utilities jacuzzi 4716263 pickering fully furnished 4 bedroom execu tive homo 15 minutes to markham 4 months old completely equipped immediate posses sion 6406120 after 12 three bedroom housozephyr ontario 30 mi nutes drive from markham 2 bathrooms large kitchen lots of cupboards woodstove veget able garden owner will cut grass 2942840 unionville 3 bedroomhouso appliances fireplace in living room neutral deep lot close to parks shopping 1200 2468719 unionville brand new 4 bedroom over 3500 sq ft lotsof extras 210000 immediate or to bo arranged 7540004 4741371 warden steeles new 3 bedroom 1 vi bath finished basement 4 appliances 130omonth 4632191 townhouses for rent 190 beautiful townhouse for rent markham closo to all amenities 5 appliances finished basement 110000month 2943322 markham beautiful well kept newly painted 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms family room sunken living room appliances available immediate ly 1135 plus utilities 4716263 16th and 48 3 floors of liviig area 3 bid- rooms appliances newly painted draperies 1200month 2947165 unionville well kept 3 bedroom 6 ap pliances central air and vac one full two v baths sunny balcony off master 1300 00 call 4774855 unionville 3 bedroom th iko new recent ly decorated new appliances quiet area closo to schools and transit july 1st 1250 month 4773502 or 4772052 housing wanted to rent 191 wanted to rent august 1st possession 2 or 3 bedroom house stoufmre mustelman lake area single father and son 405759 norm phil faulkner auctioneers res bus res 6405691 6403613 6420009 1l c wzl 4732133 gary hill auctions household farm electables 703572185 rooms for rent wanted 192 large furnished room in lovely home stouff- ville 6420000 mature responsible working male to rent room in stouffville home use of facilities 1st last available july 1st after 6 pm 6420073 room in stouffville in new home furnished or unfurnished share facilities call after 4 pm 6402991 wanted a room in the stouffville good wood area phone 6402249 shared accommodation 194 a young solitary gentleman farmer has a huge historical farmhouse in markham heart to share prefer female who is responsible and reliable negotiable terms in exchange for house chores and decorating the living area call evenings 2940736 or 46451 15 christian woman seeks same to share large 2 bedroom apartment s325 month stouffville 6408791 after 6 pm main street stouffville 2 rooms in 3 bedroom apartment utilities and parking includes 350 250 1st and last available immediately call susan at 4733142 or 6420338 one person needed to share a 3 bedroom apartment in scarborough markham rd 8 eglinton area 2 bathrooms large balcony weight person sauna pool please call 266- 8298 after 7 pm only 5270 month responsible person to share main floor with 2 other persons close to hwy 7 8i 48 s35000 per month plus utilities 2947112 two adults looking for third to share furnished house in stouffville area s350 month call 640- 8413 after 6 pm or weekends unionville huge furn room bathroom fresh country air suits mature person non- smoker desirable 42500 1st last 8879493 vacation properties 200 for sale 2 bedroom waterfront home 90 minutes from markham quiet sandy waterfront 159900 for information call 4978184 call evenings only campers trailers 220 hardtop tent trailer sleeps 6 stove sink cup boards 800 4711957 boats supplies 235 ek3ht foot truck camper sleeps 4 propane fridge stove and furnace best offer 2943573 evenings and weekends 12 foot aluminum boat ta hp motor and trailer seldom used s1300 or best offer 471- 1957 1986vi ttiundcrcraft magnum 230 low hours 230 cobra 10 full camper top head cb vhf immaculate condition ready to go for fishing or as a pleasure craft lots of extras asking 27500 call ray at 4369722 oshawa resorts ccmps 250 canadiana riding camp resident and day camp for girls and boys 715 riding instruc tion trail rides swimming and fun full camp program for brochure call 6406120 for rent august 6 august 12 thornbury harbour club luxury condominium overlook ing georgian bay offers windsurfing fishing etc two bedrooms 2 full baths 90000 294- 8589 poultry livestock 305 elmar farm landrace and yorkshire boars bred and open gilts a stouffer woodville 705- 4392216 estate tractor for salo john deere model 850 4 wheel drive front end loader 6ft belly mount mower 6 lucknowsnowblower with hydraulic chute turf tires like now only 80 hours reasonable 416 8573807 or 4161 5742295 50 acres of standing hay for sale reasonable phono 2940514 wood shavings dumped blown in or pushed in 5842295 or 8573807 30 acres standing hay for sale warden 19th ave phone 8875459 articles for sale 310 15 foot fiberglass boat old 25000 also chain saw homelite 4500 4715270 bell motorcycle holmet unscratched upright piano antique two bedroom suites 4772669 brand new johnson outboard electric motor 37500 air conditioners 12000 btu 32500 8 8000 btu 12500 6406670 commercial cooler 300 or best offer stouffville fish chips seafood gerry 640- 1732 camera for sale canon ae1 program power winder 3 lenses sunpak flash many accessor ies excellent condition 130000 coll 473- 3475 draperies daisys window decor verticals venetians balloons russians and lots moro call today for a free estimate 2948944 freezer moffat 18 cubic foot whito chest 29500 call 4707208 after 4 pm fridge and stovo gold washer and dryer white excellent condition 600 per set or best offer 6406178 for sale kroehler 3 piece living room set krochlcr rocker and ping pong table 2944798 aft 600 pm home sewing draperies balloons beds preads small items we can sow your fabric or select ours pleater shades and venetians joan 2342471 handcrafted pin singi canopy bed mat- tress curtains and bedspreads 4775091 after 5 pm 470884 days 1 garage sale sat june 18th 10 am 4 pm 44 hickory dr off raymerville garage sale sat june 18th 9 am 2 pm 30 bishop cres off rncham near 16th garage moving sale sat june 18th 9 am 2 pm 26 sir pellias terrace runs off sir lancelot wootten way area antiques copper brass lamps crystal tools other treasures garage sale bbq tiffany lamp frames brass lps brocade bedspread mens suits etc 830200 sat june 18 36 eureka end of go station lads unionvbl garage sale 77 79 81 senator reesors dr sat june 18 800 am 12 noon gakage sale sat june 18th 25 roseway various items 8t toys 9 am 2 pm only garage sale sat june 18 900 am 300 pm 4 families household hems tools etc 26280akcrestave off 7 west of markvillemall raindate sun june 19 giant garage sale sat june 18th 9 am raimst jul 19 175 main st n markham antiques collectable cottage ware children hems garage sale sat june 18th 8 am 1 pm 14 linden lea st off wootten way mary kay products books and morel moving sale everything must go 30 spanhouse crescent unionville hwy 7 warden june 17 18 18 frt 37 sal s3 sua 1030 8 table law toots houtatold items ate sat june 18th 115 stouffer sts stouffville 8 am- 1pm some small pieces furniture clo thing etc garage sale saturday june 18th books games lamps rollaway bed computers and printer etc 9 am 1 pm 29 briarwood road unionville articles for sale 310 appliance repairs 4fefl0w rates- fridges stoves washers dryers repairs to all makes for service phone 9 am to 9 pm 6405304 also appliances wanted working or not sitting room furniture includes sofa loveseat and chair s395 or best offer 4702510 sports king exercise bike like new 4718659 stove 30 ge range liko new 20000 call 2942231 available immediately two aluminum screen doors 33 inches x 80 inches 2947447 toshiba vcr yt cubic ft microwavo oven gec fan heater white bedroom furniture 294- 6757 37 pm three seater sofa 550 loveseat 450 excel lent condition solid wood bedroom sot 1 10000 or best offer 4777312 white floor length wedding gown sue 7 100 6405235 brices country 404 flea market queensville 4 miles n ol newmarket on woodbine saturdays sundays 9 am 5 pm try us were affordable ethels preowneo apparel its camp cottage time shirts tshlrts slacks drapes bedspreads dishes etc thurs a sat 10 am5 pm friday 10 am7 pm 191 wellington st e hwy 7 markham 2948810 articles wanted 315 pianos rww 189500 4799740 all cash for used furniture we specialiio in complete contents call 8310300 johns hideaway new used furniture appliances webuy sell trade 18 years in markham got something to se give john a yell 2941055 antiques art 340 dolls doll furniture rs prussia rs ger many shaving mugs moustache cups demi cups and saucers hand painted plates bisque figurines cross and olive crystal victorian glass phone 6402783 monday friday 6 pm 10 pm saturdays and sundays in stouffville stacking bookcase oak leaded glass s6o0 armoire excellent condition walnut uni que 600 call 4792141 pets supplies boarding 370 chesapeake bay retriever 9 months old good natured malo needs a home call 291- 4285 colue pups adorable home raised sable male 9 weeks champion bloodlines 37500 call 6492138 kittenscats all destined to die when rescued litter trainedshotsand spayed ornoutered8ge permitting better value than free 2947810 or 8526365 rottweiller pup one female 10 weeks old 1st shots and wormed 25000 6495072 siamese kittens 11 weeks lilac point good disposition 150 2946107 cars for sale 400 1982 buick skylark ltd many options lady driven mint condition must sell 3500 or best offer evenings udora 7052281 145 1982 buick regal air am fm cruise good condition certified 420000 call 6404342 1978 buick century wagon engine needs work body certifiable 25000 motorcycle 1974 kawasaki 100 cc good condition 35000 2945592 1983 buick centu v 6 cylinder power every thing air am tm cassette excellent condition 56499 4753748 1985 chrysler new yorkor mint condition tur bo fully loaded supremo sound system com puter electronic dash cruise 49000 miles 294- 3672 1985 chev celobrity cl 4 door light blue v6 automatic am fm stereo power steering brakos rally rims excellent condition 825000 certified 2349755 1977 oatsun 280z lots of new parts to replace your old parts only 60000 or best offer 266- 8298 chris 1971 dodge dart slant 6 as is best offer 640- 8401 answering machine please leavo mes sage 1982 dodgo diplomat and 85 dodge omni asking 3800 each or best offer 640474 1982 dodgo omni best offer as is 296548 andrew 1983 dodge omni 5 speed manual transmis sion 27 engine radio new brakes muffler excellent condition certified 2949090 1981 datsun 310 gx as is amfm cassette 60000 or best offer 4715307 1977 ford ltd custom runs wa 750 00 29431s2 2nd annual scout fund raising garage sale sat june 18 830 jeremy dr urionvfta wav baen eelacwg itama al year coraa maka a donation early bird quality garage sale 466 rupert ave stouffville friday june 17 1130 am 8 pm sat june 18 830 am 230 pm 466 rupert ave stouffville friday june 17 1130 am 8 pm sat june 18 830 am 230 pm 3 family garage sale everything from wrought iron glass top table perfect for patio or kitchen to you name it june 18th 104 535 millard st stouffville 2 family garage sale sat june 18 8 am 4 pm on warden a mile north of stouffville rd household and baby items golf balls camping equipment clothes toys ws curtains garage sale sat june 18th 830 am noon st phillips on the hill unionville kennedy north of 16th rain or shine cars for sale 400 1981 ford 150 van 302 v auto runs good needs body work not certified 12tjojor offer 8875207 great on gas and looks great 1986 nissan micra sport stripes sunroof dual sport mir rors must be seen and driven 550000 call steve 2945559 1981 honda civic wagon 5 speed 7500 or best offer good condition 4702510 1978 impala 4 door power steering brakes positraction hd suspension trailer hitch new tires 2 extra rims excellent condition certified 950 call 640461 1978 mustang king cobra must be seen lady driven 302 boss 4 speed tbar custom interior call after 6 pm 6420073 1985 nissan 200 sx loaded ac amfm pow er windows new tires sunroof well main tained and very clean asking 710000 or best offer 2947686 1980 olds omega 6 cylinder air tilt amfm cassette 1900 or best offer as is 2949419 1984 pony white 5 speed amfm cassette 37500 kms good condition 52800 call 471- 4743 1980 pontiac phoenix 4 door v6 ac radio well looked after asking 142500 please call 6401564 trading your car why give it away to the dealer have the body repaired and sell private ly 45 years experience top notch work also available if you plan to keep your car free esti mates in your own driveway call 6864179 or 6837179 1s81 toyota tercol 4 speed hatchback 1 94000 highway kms certified 1800 294123 after 6 pm cars wanted 405 cords towing also will tow away your old cars 8871397 scrap 48 formerly baldwin auto wrcctes we pick up your fdiied cars large inventory ol used auto pails 7225950 or 2359564 trucks for sale 410 1976 ford f150 pickup subcrcob v8 auto power steering only 45000 original miles 900 as is 8526959 or 6404151 truck for sale 1979 ford f150 pick up super cab v8 automatic power steering brakes amfm stereo new cap new paint cer tified 350000 8525004 after 730 pm vans 4 wheel drive 420 1986 chev astrovan fully loaded 34000 miles 14500 also brown area rug 10 x 16 651 6493769 j 1978 ford e150 van uncertified 1500001 2941798 l motorcycles i 43 1982 honda 750 super sport excellent condi tion offers 18526829 j turn to page b10