a4 tribune june 8 1988 editors mail unfair ever since the recreation complex was opened theres been talk of an indoor swimming pool now were told it will likely be put off in favor of a new town hall i consider this grossly unfair to choose one over the other is like comparing apples to oranges they serve two widely different purposes undoubtedly the municipal office is overcrowded the pool is a top recreation priority lets pro ceed with both the town council can look after accommodation requirements for its employees one of the service clubs could make the pool a project involving the entire community i believe it would be strongly sup ported mrs josephine mcgrath no use principal peter bright men tioned the fact stouffville high school employs payduty police officers to attend friday night dances i dont know their rate of pay but i assume they dont come cheap what do they do for drunkeness to occur before their eyes is inexcusable in my opinion even the fact a nonstudent slipped in by another entrance makes me wonder when an individuals hired to do a job heshe should do it reacting after the fact is of no use what soever sincerely mrs sheila dawson bramble crescent stouffville the ttfbune cjzjm s trjsome established 1888 james thomas bruce annan patricia pappas editor publisher jennifer hutt advertising manager distribution manager retail advertising susan berry manager charles canning real estateclassified advertising joan marshman real estate manager dorothy young classified manager debra weller distribution lea killer doreen deacon business office manager chris bertram national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 the stouffville tribune published every wednesday and saturday ai 51 mam si stouffville ont 15 one of the metroand printing publishing distributing gioup of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajax pickering news advertiser aurora banner brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke advertiser guardian georgetown independent markham economist sun milton champion mississauga news newmarket era oavville braver oshawa whitby this wev richmond hill thomhill vaughan liberal scarborough pliror topic newsmagazine wihow- dale mirror metroland printing publishing distributing ts a division of harlequin enterprises ltd single copies 50 subscriptions 21 00 per year in canada 55 00 elsewhere member of canadian com munity newspaper association ontario weekly nwspaperassoctation ontario press council and sub urban newspapers of america second class mail registration number 0896 6402100 6492292 roaming around created for each other by jim thomas editorials election assessment only 22 weeks and five days remain until elections as usual the rumor mill is turning but theres nothing official dont call us well call you is what the politicians are saying this isnt good enough the people have a right to know and so have would- be candidates were not predicting what could hap pen were recommending what should happen mayor fran sainsbury deserves another term shes earned it while her interests often tend towards petty prob lems her public relations is excellent she can also hold her own with the big boys at the region we give her an a margot marshall ward 1 should also stand pat although one to pose questions rather than provide answers councillor marshalls matured with years she receives a bplus ron robb has a tight grip on ward 2 hell be difficult to beat we give him a b jim rae should call it quits not be cause of a poor performance but due to the fact he no longer lives in ward 3 to his credit hes already seeking a succes sor he rates a b wayne emmerson the new boy on the block deserves another goaround we give him a c wilf morley is the heirapparent to the mayoralty but not yet he hasnt the time besides the wounds of westfield estates are far from healed once his own house is in order he can advance in 1991 we give him a bminus jim sanders is a puzzle every council has one he obviously means well but in seeking perfection hed bury the munici pality in paperwork he gets a cplus thats how we see it i seldom attend any function where i can honestly sit relax and enjoy myself most times i stand chew my nails and worry another assignment with the left shoulder weighted down by a twentypound camera the right hand gripping an elusive notepad and pencil and the left foot propped up on chair or platform the affairs arent that much fun sure i try to smile i even mouth the national anthem bow for the blessing and laugh at the jokes but down deep on most occasions there are many other places id rather be like feeding peanuts to our backyard squirrels or sinking a holeinone on john evelyns 9th but these occasions seldom occur the squirrels would surely die of malnutri tion and i havent swung a club this spring regardless there are times when i thoroughly enjoy myself when i leave my pad pencil and camera at home sit back relax and have fun such was the occasion satuiday jean and i attended a 25th anniversary party for eric and doris pilkey two of our closest friends it was held in the banquet room of the markham mission ary church an appropriate location for the site is their second home they spend an equal amount of time there dories the organist and choirleader erics the groundskeepcr manicurist they call him an usher a welcomcr and everything else that requires a helping hand theyre what one might call pil lars of the congregation the union of eric and doric steckley june 6 1963 was more than just a mar riage it was the bringing together of two communities total strangers be coming inseparable friends those links were further strengthened saturday as more than 130 folks from both sides of the macondixon line dicksons hill gathered to offer con gratulations strange as it may seem although only a few miles from erics parents farm at cedar grove i actually knew the bride- tobe before i knew the groom most guys did the majority from a distance few had nerve enough to ask almost every saturday night i and a contingent of other country bumpkins would sit in the balcony of second mar kham baptist church now springvale and stare down at this beautiful dolllike creature seated in the front row of the yfc choir the wheat chaff under our collars itched worse than ever when this walk out from eatons catalogue stood up and tapped out a tune on her vibraphone a dozen male hearts kept time mine in cluded following graduation from stouffville high i lost track of doric she entered the professional world of teaching and the rest of us went out separate ways thats when eric came on the scene erics forte was softball he was in my opinion one of the finest first base men in the claremont community league he led peachs through to a group championship the first last and only title the team ever won but more than a fine athlete eric was a great guy a fun person to have around we all appreciated his talents and his friendship we often talk about marriages born in heaven eric and dories union truly fits this description they met july 14 1962 at my brother dons wedding in good wood baptist church and tied the knot eleven months later at second mar kham neither has let hisher talents go to waste expanded on them if anything eric remains intensely interested in sports and can still snag a line drive at forty paces he also has some passive hobbies like growing the greenest grass on the street and generating out-of- season geraniums dories heart overflows with music both vocal and instrumental her play ing and singing skills have proved bles sings to thousands while these godgiven gifts are truly enjoyed more appreciated still are the friendships the hearty laughs the warm smiles the extended handshakes twentyfive years of togetherness an example to us all june 6 1963 was a day ill always re member june 4 1988 was a night ill never forget yes i sat back relaxed and thorough ly enjoyed myself no notepad no pencil no camera the celebration of a marriage born in heaven was heaven on earth for me a tribute the memorial service sunday for tpr joseph raymond bell kil led in action in korea 35 years ago surpassed anything we had im agined we anticipated a brief ceremon- y the laying of a wreath a scriptu ral message and a parade to and from little more the veterans that included mem bers of stouffville legion branch 459 did themselves proud they also did the family proud time may indeed heal this time through a single solomn act the memory of joe bell was flashed from the past to the present his death while sad is now easier to understand and easier to bear for the family need no longer bear it alone we remember joe bell he was a handsome young man whose shy smile gained him many friends his boyhood years were spent on the 9th cone of markham he attended ss 19 school it was a war no one under stood said paul saulnier unit 11 ontario veterans memorial chairman those privileged to attend sun days service better understand it now when death hits close to home wc endeavor to understand to those legion members who participated in the organizing and carrying out of the memorial tri bute we extend congratulations nothing quite like it may ever be witnessed here again lets hope and pray its never necessary mans womans favorite sport mussclmans lake was once popular with motorboal buffs not so today much to the relief of people who appreciate more passive forms of recreation like fishing recently tribune photographer did a little spying on a couple enjoying mans favorite sport while they didnt catch anything at the time they had fun trying jim thomas editors mail stunned by column dear editor ive just read your roam ing around column in the tri bune issue of june i under the heading somebodys mother im absolutely stunned what must people think of our family elsie has beenliving with us since chrisimasohe conies and goes as she likes she has her cleaning her mfjals her baths and is waited on hand and foot shes taken over my daughters room and she has a bed on which to sleep if that is her choice my daughter sleeps on the floor we are moving north and she was told shedjhave to move into eldercarc siouffville or the senior citizens apartment she said no thanks what does one do with an old er person who is so stubborn it sure isnt the family or the people of the community who are at fault elsie has her truck and does what she likes all by herself maybe we all should get together and put her in a nurs ing home for her own good then she wouldnt have to sleep in her truck in the goodwood park as she says sincerely carol boland somebodys daughter