tri3une april 27 1988 c9 teachers parents talk about sex ed by kate gilderdale orchard park home and school information night was held to up date parents and staff on the boards policy on family life and sex education in the public school system board of education con sultant jean mcclafferty was guest speaker at the event last wednesday outlining the program ms mcclafferty noted that the focus is on integration and showed how the topic is covered in the curricu lum from kindergarten up we jtry to talk about more than just facts she explained to achieve balance emphasis is placed on the importance of loving feelings caring and special relationships as part of sexuality angie cumbers mother of a child at the school asked whether parents were involved in develop ment of the information booklets supplied by the board and ms mcclafferty confirmed that they were on the subject of aids ms mcclafferty advised that a speci fic program was being set up for grades 7 and 9 with the emphasis on changing behaviour and pre vention the focus is on absti nence and monogamous rela tionships as it is when we discuss pregnancy she explained we as parents dont have to be an encyclopedia of facts or have all the right words said grade 8 teacher john sandham as long as we start with warm family relationships children know where they are in a loving secure environment grade 1 teacher elaine baxter suggested that parents could deal with the subject of sexuality naturally from an early age often we wait too long then our children dont turn to us but get all the wrong ideas from other people she said ms mcclaffer ty agreed always keep the lines of communication open following the presentation principal jan de laat opened the floor to general questions from parents ms betty 3cuse voiced concern about lunchtime supervi sion by monitors mr de laat noted that the program seemed to work quite well and said no better alternative had been found several parents felt strongly that the supervision was inadequate despite patrolling by teachers and lay attendants during the lunch break teacher mrs brown pointed out that it was a very difficult job for the monitors who are in grades 6 and 7 a lot of kids dont even need to stay for lunch she said we did a survey in one class and it kids who stayed had mothers who were at home i think we are asking far too much from 11- and 12-year- olds parent sue kea com mented she expressed concern about safety and noted that she would hesitate to let a 12yearold babysit for her children and we are talking about 28 kids in one classroom she added mr de laat acknowledged her concerns and said he would con sider other solutions from parents or staff parent gary fisher felt that teachers should not have to get involved in supervision they are entitled to their lunch break he pointed out home and school president jean edwards suggested the problem be refer red for discussion at the next meeting in conclusion mr de laat advised parents that the growth explosion originally forecast for the school now seemed unlikely to take place on current figures he estimated an increase of about 40 students for september 1988 up from 500 at present although seven portables would be in place for september they would now consist of a sixpack six classrooms forming a single unit and a single if money can be found in the budget the six- pack will be attached to the main building effectively forming another wing he said parents were cautioned that grants for next year were lower than the board had anticipated looking at current enrollment it was hoped that classes would be ucw holds seminar iby laurie towataroy 6492296 iby sandy hill 16492653 the oshawa presbyterian ucw is sponsoring the 8th annual young womens seminar the guest speaker mrs evange line vange warren will discuss coping with bitterness and resent- iment the conference starts at 630 pm on may 9 at hampton tjnited church i a book sale is to be held at the book room in toronto a reg- istration fee of 3 must be sent be fore april 29 all those interested in attending should contact maurene ward at 6492133 5 registration forms are avail- fable for both the mens slopitch jand ladies fun leagues every sunday night john marks and the men in town get together for a lit tle recreational lob ball the season starts may 29 and con tinues through the summer ap plication forms must be returned by april 30 to john marks on wil liam street box 223 claremont the ladies fun league is looking for more players for the thursday night games the sea son begins after the victoria day weekend the only requirement is that players must be 18yearsold or over please contact marlene norton at 6495400 claremont coop nursery school is having its annual bake sale and open house at the claremont community hall april 30 from 9 to 1130 am well wishes go out to lloyd mcgregor and charlie redshaw who are both in hospital elva symes home by majorie woodland elva symes is now at home and slowly but steadily re covering from an easter sun day car accident that also in volved her daughter barbara puckrin it will be a while be fore they will be able to resume their former activities alf and doreen woodland of delta british columbia re cently visited the woodland home here alf has had his own business for some time which involves a good deal of travell ing to petrocanada service stations throughout the pro vince he and his brotherinlaw were involved in what could have been a very serious acci dent when they struck a pair of deer fortunately for them they were not badly injured to mark baptist womens day the pastors wife dawn- na manzo conducted the ser vice with several ladies assist ing ken and beatrice hockley brought a set of excellent slides showing interesting historical attractions from their vacation to the holy land mrs blaine hockley was the guest soloist mrs irene alderson of park view home is in better health of late she enjoyed a visit with her daughter and soninlaw earla and dudley wilson of whitby mrs verna bunker has undergone additional knee surgery at st josephs hospit al in peterborough hspsoic taa 4 rick major sales manager 1987 chev cavauer 4 dr sedan stk 189sa 1987 olds calais 4 dr stk 1823a was j was save save save 1987 p0ntiac grand am i0 saie 19 fld stknooa wasj490wced ljuijnr 1987 olds cutlass brghm ia 1i mr 4 dr s i952a vrasjaptjdprted lljtw wui u ww i hi 4 dr s i952a was st2338l wasjjj5fttad idjwv 1987 olds delta ss brghm ns5f995fj ifjlo 5 passenger van stk 2087a wasjl4295fttod ivjwvu 11a 19 d1q 1988 chev cavauer onfltfsaie ft 1qk jza0pricsd i lf9 i 9 2 dr coupe stk 1894a wasjfttotftted oj 1 09 1987 p0ntiac grand ams 10 flirtsale 13 39fi 1388 w pahsbm brghm ortjs 13 943 2 to choose ftnm sfc 1895a2252a werej390prsced stjjutl stk 1670a wasjdftuptted lujarflj j 10488 m 9986 9487 j34fe 12140 iflte 10282 jm953 9565 9684 9394 m 4995 1987 olds t0r0nad0 ojumcs 7 387 stk 8699a was490priod mjjuuf 1987 chev s10 blazer 4x4 offlfsaie 1fi qftfl stk 11011 wasj890priced iuwwt 1987 chev s10 blazer 4x4 17i 17 ma stk2051a wasjjotdwced iijtft 1986 buick century 4 dr stk 2378a wasjorste 10285 1986 chev cel eurosportwgn 1fl fl77 sfic2297a wasjumjadfttad iuui 1986 chev caprice wgn i0 asaie 13 1 aft stk 2249a msjdtfftdpnczd bu lw 1986 olds calais 4 dr stk 9263a was 1985 olds c1era 4 dr stk 2379a was 1985 olds cutlass 2 dr stk 2247a was 1985 chev celebrity 4 dr stk 0179a was 1985 p0ntiag ste 4 dr stk 8018a was 1985 camar0 coupe stk 7668a was 1984 olds ciera brghm 4 dr stk 2377a 2251a were 1984 buick regal 2 dr stk 2250a jft49s 1984 p0ntiac grand prix nafei stk 1878a wasjsj90i sale priced 1986 cavalier wgn ncflcs ft wk stk 2249a msjlffidpfax 0ckjv 1982 p0ntiac 6000 stk 9161a prices valid until 6 pm closing sat april 3088 we only sell them if rick picks them chevr0let0ldsm0bile 246 wellington st w highway 7 just east of mccowan rd markham 2941440 at a level of about 25 students and rents and those teachers who had j at this stage no split grades are given up their evening to be pre- planned mr de laat thanked pa- sent at the meeting let us protect your world 24 hours for only 1495 yw i i km tap cuaom bua txxnes puts us bead aoj sboutiers il x wjqn 1 l ttiivxs 2 moon oeacts t outsde ven o mea tanrper box 2 iktiu jihoaitres 1 teytertnna 1 srioxe deieciot 1 pane buton axi one mcxlcal ifc che year warranty sm95 21 1 cental vaon u lc ssed s25tfnorth or s25qyear alarm tor jioea furnace faiure 4qq fltmo bectionc totxxjcpgeqttprieni v t juo l do you have problem ugly stains or just a change for your ceramic tiles dont just shout colour your grout washable odourless renews old grout removes stains e dries within hours assorted colours for appointment call colour your grout 76491 50 8555 mccowan rd markham iwk north of hwyt mearthe brway store v 4715260 ulj i hours icto mm wutvfk mm sat u sou 5 glen cameron rd thornhill behind red lobster boswevawi 7640698