c6 tribune april 27 j988 wildlife week a time for looking back by art briggsjuoe with national wildlife week having just passed i thought it appropriate to review the history of wildlife conservation in our own province while sir john a macdonaid set the pattern on june 8 1887 by establishing sas katchewans last mountain lake santuary national wildlife week was really established by order- incouncil in 1984 in commemora tion of famed canadian wildfowl conservationist jack miner yet even before jack miner started the first goose sanctuary at kings ville in 1908 laws andne- asures were evolving to conserve ontarios wildlife as early as 1762 for example general thomas gage military governor of montreal proc laimed a cross country closed sea son for ruffed grouse from march 15 to july 15 in 1821 the first game regulation we have a new number 6424155a by all means esthetics 40 main st east stouffville ontario for the preservation of deer within this province was instituted deer were not to be taken between jan 10 and july 1 with a penalty of 40 shillings for violators this legislation was followed by 1839 with the passing of the first general game law for upper canada and contained a clause banning sunday hunting another set of closed seasons this time for wild swans and all other waterfowl was initiated in 1845 by 1860 statutes were in the books to protect furbearers from trapping between may i and nov 1 in any year four years later birds benefi cial to agriculture were given along with their young a pro tected season from march 1 to aug 1 by 1867 under the new confed erations british north america act all wildlife became a provin cial responsibility the federal government retained jurisdiction over all of the fisheries however ten pair of english sparrows were introduced to this province in 1870 at ottawa to bolster the population of those alien birds re leased in brooklyn new york 20 years before in 1873 the insectivorous bird act was ammended to protect all song birds year round in 1890 ringnecked pheasants were re leased in ontarios southern agri cultural areas the first resident deer licence 2 was established in 1896 in 1897 members of the ontario pro vincial police were given author ity to enforce the game and fish act the first recorded release of hungarian gray partridge was made a brantford in 1909 the european hare jackrabbit escaped from bow park farm near brantford in 1912 and estab lished an ontario population of these big bunnies in 1914 the first starlings were observed near niagara falls the ontario federation of anglers was formed in 1927 and the fed eration of ontario naturalists in 1931 in 1936 eagles and ospreys be came protected species and two years later ducks unlimited was formed in this country in 1947 the canadian wildlife service was organized the ontar io trappers association was formed and hunters joined the anglers to form the ontario fed eration of anglers hunters the first canadian national sportmens show was held in 1948 ec0nit fence j decksy spring specials wooden fencing decking specialists 7547868 proclamation the council of the town of markham hereby proclaims the week of may 2nd to may 8th 1988 as red shield week in the town of markham mayor carole bell erv brcwda branch manager up to the minute you open aclassic daily interest chequing savings oh tbill account with us based on your opening balance annual rate reduction on residential first mortgages principal residence only per annum bonus interest on 307 170 day time deposits at guaranty trust we know you may have banking ties with other companies in the community thats why weve come up with these branch opening specials to woo you away and introduce you to us and our extraordinarily friendly way of doing business discover us weve had over sixty years experience in treating people right and wed like to show you just how good that feels 5071 highway 7 east west of mccowan road markham ontario l3r 1n3 tel 4700570 monwed 9am5pm thursfri 9am8pni saturday 9 am3 pm dont miss out limited time offers ask for details at this branch guaranty trust company of canada an outbreak of rabies occurred in this province in 1954 the first in which wild mammals were the principal hosts in 1957 hunter training prog rams were being set up in 1962 hawks owls and kingfishers were added to the protected list in 1s69 the hawk cliff raptor sta tion was established near port stanley on lake erie and the en dangered species act for ontario was passed the department of lands forests became the ministry of natural resources in 1972 with an increase of district offices from 21 to 49 in 1978 the peregrine release project was initiated which has resulted in over 100 peregrines having been released up till now the selective harvest program for deer was implemented in 1980 along with a new moose manage ment policy mandatory trapper education courses were also in troduced that year in 1981 the long point observa tory initiated the ontario lakes loon survey and in 1982 a prog ram to reintroduce the trumpeter swan to this province was begin by 1983 bald eagles were being raised and released in southwest ern ontario in 1984 wild turkeys were reintroduced into this pro vince at five release sites and a year later the community wild life involvement program cwip was created a co operative agreement was signed in 1986 between the ministryof natural resources ducks unli mited and wildlife habitat cana da to provide slmillion annually to protect ontarios wetland habitat proclamation the council of the town of markham hereby proclaims the j month of may 1988 as carnation month in the town of markham mayor carole bell i proclamation j the council of the town of- markham hereby proclaims the i month of may 1988 as i spinal health week in the town of markham mayor carole bell m proclamation the council of the town of markham hereby proclaims the month of may 1988 as big sister month in the town of markham mayor carole bell j 4317435 nap cah the best value in lawn mowers just got belter with ihe pur chase ol any snapper walk mower were giving away 7500 in snapcash redeemable on any snapper machine products accessories or attachments at participating snapper dealers markham outdoor power inc 190 bufcck drive iwt 16 mxvvkti onbrio 13p7n3