aip tribune april 27 1988 i l i ii li come share the proud feeling we reserve the right talma quantities to normal family requirements prices effective monday april 25th thru saturday april 30th 1988 gbmym tf with this coupon save 100 regular or diet 7up case of m280 ml tins unit cost a2c per 100 mil limit i case per coupon one coupon per customer offer valtd april 25th 10th 1968 feature prce 649 without coupon s c 626 j lm jane parker raisin pie saturday only specials look or our ad on friday in daily papers for outstanding saturday only specials plus 40 per bottle deposit regular or diet 7up 750 ml btl unit cost 6b- per 100 ml price f ispsp beatrice assorted flavours good humor ice cream 4 litre conl frito lay lays or ruffles assorted varieties potato chips or snacks 200 9 bag process cheese food singles 500 g pkg of 16 feature price without coupon 299 mm limit 3 bags per family purchase with coupon below only parchment wrapped chefmasfer margarine condensed 1 lb pkg o i flfl campbells tomato soup 399 all flavours including garlic onion powdered laundry kraft bbq sauce abc detergent 455 ml btl feature price 129 without coupon 6 litre box t 1 j fl a diamond day for preston lake couple ton v k tnlatiohs from the queen tewhinosm a the highly respected coup rived atpre town of whitchurchslouitville on the occasion jirtoreui1ihatw vof the 60th wedding anniversary april otvtraidariglitererfeftan jim and lillian rogers lake hold an tngrayed pla riad preston 5 ivedfrbm artd mrs rogers also received a letter of congra grandchildreni rjinfthrfinasfifs 1 mi i with coupon below only post alpha bits 450 g or sugar crisp cereal orange pekoe 400g box 179 tetley tea bags pkgol finest quality meats deli party trays cut from canada finest grade a beef outside cut eye removed contains 2 rib ends 2 loin ends 4 centre cut chops boneless combination pack- round roast loin pork chops 549 395 9 lb lb far4 fresh t quality product of california delicious in caesar salad canada no 1 product of florida romaine lettuce new red potatoes ivkg 3 lbs with this coupon all flavours garlic onion kraft bbq sauce 455 ml btl i uttt mueon crrt ipnctvoo cvrer vu0 afy 2sj dtn s6s ft p poj teuton t y c 3409178 save 50 with this coupon process cheese food singles kraft slices 500 o pkg of 16 249 l l ib i coupon w fakcw i pp coupon of ih valid sm am x sea ftur prf toj couopo 299 s c 634 ppp open til 9 pm monday tuesday 8190 bayview avenue thornhill stouffville wednday saturday mon wed 9 am 9 pm 399 main st w now open thurs a frl 8 am to pm thur fri 8 amio pm saturday 8 am 7 pm vic square pastor was loved by all by evelyn milsted gormley rev martin jenkinson beloved pastor to the congregation of victoria square united church and headford un ited church for several years passed away april 17 at york cen tral hospital richmond hill in 1986 he was honored by both the province of ontario and the twp of king for his many contributions to the community rev jenkin son 86 was predeceased by his wife in 1986 the funeral service was held april 21 from king city united church mrs geraldine brillinger is a patient in sunnybrook hospital toronto rev and mrs david millar of quebec city spent friday night with mr and mrs harold wideman len sykes formerly of preston lake passed away thursday april 21 mr sykes was a driving force behind the ontario retail farm equipment dealers asso ciation from 1956 to 1972 shows were held annually at exhibition park toronto one of the largest exhibits of its kind in canada sur viving is wife doris sons john stuart and david and four grand children rev and mrs louis cober of mount joy pennsylvania en joyed supper sunday with mrs martha wideman elsie sheffer of stayner visited on the weekend with relatives and friends in the area victor appleton for many years a gormley resident passed away at brant memorial hospit al burlington april 19 the ser vice was held from the marshall funeral home richmond hill with interment heise hill cemetery mr and mrs frank bennett mrs dave bennett and lorilee and mr and mrs mark cullen and children were guests sunday with mr and mrs ed baker the paper drive the cubs and scouts of stouff ville are holding a paper drive this saturday april 30 begin ning at 9 am residents are asked to tie their bundles and place them near lane- way entrances for convenient pickup seniors requiring assistance can call gladys clarkson at 640- 1941 occasion was in honor of mr bak ers birthday david wright and pirkko lepo- niemi will be honored at a miscel laneous shower thursday april 28 at 730 pm in the fellowship hall of the missionary church shirley brillinger and alan davisson will be honored at a mis cellaneous shower thursday i may 5 at 730 pm in the victoria square community centre residents of the gormley com- munity are invited to the 18th annual sacred music night in st james presbyterian church stouffville friday may 6 at 8 pm a special day of prayer will be f held monday may 2 at the gorm- 1 ley missionary church the sane- tuary will be open from 630 am to 10 pm a ladies coffee hour will be held thursday april 28 at 730 pm in the fellowship hall of heise hill church a special picto- rial presentation will be given by mrs grace pugh joe campbell of the shanty- 5 men will present a mission emphasis sunday may 1 at 7 pm in the missionary church i mr campbell will show slides and 5 tell of the organizations prison ministry in newfoundland 3rs east mortgage approvals- get your answer in a day or you dont pay whether youre buying n home or transferring your mortgage from another in stitution heres some great news from national trust if we dont give you an answer on your mortgage application within 24 hours youll pay no processing or appraisal fee plus you receive rniomi itlci ut 0ol oamt4 jurl uj ip h lull muuirl j mown r iitj h afil vh ll nh full una r ium vh ivu firail ul uaatruronil ct1 the new total account profit even more from the only account yon need additional savings when 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