tribune april 13 1988 a5 heise hill church has a proud past heise hill this year the canadian conference of the brethern in christ church cele brates the bicentennial of the brethern in christ coming to canada the year was 1788 the conference theme is re flections for the future special service heise hill the gospel echoes team association from goshen indiana will share in the 11 am service at heise hill brethern in church this sunday april 17 the group also with an office in hawkesville ont do mission work in prisons across the united states and canada employing songs and testimony multimedia skits seminars and bible study correspond ence courses heise hill church is located on the west side of woodbine avenue one mile south of gormley g artist uxbridge gallery uxbr1dge shirley deavil- les coming to uxbridge the talented georgetown artist will appear in person at select art galleries 13 brock street sun day april 17 from 1 to 5 pm her beautiful work will be on show and sale refreshments will be served shirleys latest watereolor series is entitled remember when she comments all i need are a few paints a brush and a mem ory or two ahead the road will twist and turn through labyrinth ways stored in my mind of sun- filled childhood days bygone days are meant to be shared with those whove experienced like times and with those whove not been so fortunate i know my per sonal relationship with the lord has made my skies a deeper blue my family very precious and dear to my heart and my talent a wonderful gift ive given back to him so that through it others may hopefully be blessed as well the public is invited to drop in meet the artist and view her work access to excellence an invitation for senior citizens free access to evening classes school performances special events library facilities professional development day programs cbv ucn for more details contact your local school the york region board of education ra cressman director of education charles cooper chairman put yourself i in the 3it picture if ii m mm i this year changes will be made to the way your local government is elected so hat it can better serve the special interests of your community find out during local government week during local government week april 1116 there will be special events displays posters and pamphlets to help you find out how these changes can benefit you dont be missing on may i2h the government of ontario is preparing a list of eligible vot ers for municipal elections instead of sending someone to your door to ask the questions youll be getting an enumeration notice by mail shortly please complete this notice as soon as possible and mail it back in the postage paid envelope by may 12th your answers will confirm your right to vote in municipal elec tions and also in certain parts of ontario your new electoral choice of voting for either english or frenchlanguage school trustees vote your choice in november local government elections will be held on november 14th this year vote for the can didates who share your vision j- oouno local government weekaprilh16 the focal point of the celebra tion is the weekend of april 15 to 17 at niagara christian college fort erie closer to home is the congrega tion of heise hill brethern in christ church rr 2 gormley it was back in 18m that several families from pennsylvania mi grated to york county settling in the townships of markham whitchurch and vaughan among them was christian steckley already an ordained minister by 1808 there were fifteen members jacob engle from pennsylva nia organized the following lead ers christian steckley bishop john doner minister and christ ian heise deacon this marked the beginning of the heise hill brethern in christ congregation now 180 years old for about three generations worship services were held in va rious homes since many of the early settlers had large families the sixteen homes soon became crowded in 1876 a revival was held and 50 people were baptized this prompted a move towards build ing a church the chapel was completed in 1877 its now 111 years old in 1951 the church was remod elled an addition was built in 1971 the heise hill cemetery used 70 years before the church was built is located on property of the late deacon christian heise the church was built south of the cemetery on the brow of heise hill hence its name the brethern in christ de nomination was established in pennsylvania back in 1778 many of the early members were of swissgerman anabaptist origin on coming to canada many of the group settled in the area of stevensville later others gathered in waterloo and york counties in the first decades of the 20th century brethern in christ joined in the larger migration to homestead in saskatchewan in the 1980s congregation were formed in calgary and quebec city for additional information the contact people are rev marlin ressler 8875489 and bishop harvey sider 8717769 white rose rose tree shrub ideal ail purpose landscape lermef coma ns chelated iron mpoftant lor plant heaitn and colour out reg 999 9 kg bag covers 2000 sqft iron plus garden 4 8 12 analysis lor ecefieni harvests plus iron and a complete micronutnent menu our r eg t99 20 kg bag covers 4300 sq ft so green premium pro 21- slow release non burning formulation lor ccekeni greenup ourreg 2399 18 kg bag covers 9680 sq ft 99bbsniiiiuiuiiiuujijuuimuun vermiculite lawn top dressing repair fertilize entire lawn wilh white rose iron pltis lawn food 1248 mix kg white rose instant lawn grass seed with 1 12 l 4 cu ft vermiculite and 112 l 4cu it peat moss spread evenly over 1000 sq ft for convenience mix up a quarter batch at a time in a wheel barrel water deeply and keep mojst uniij grass is established sflfili owhiterose unionville 4038 7 hwy e of warden scarborough 1306 kennedy rd s of hwy 401 lopen 7 days a week open sundays only while ouantitits last hours mon sot 900 om fo 900 pm sun t holiday 9 00 oni to 6 00 pm f mm i i l2lcu j jlarge l 4cuft p1 white clump birch 24 stem clumps nursery qfown by wrure rose 10 ensure a farad start busny specimens wit produce sroy w ark laccy ceen towage mat win last or years 39 nursery catalogue pick up your new while rose 64 page lull colour 1988 nursery catalogue a complete selection ol hardy trees shrubs evergreens and more irom canadas leading grower yours fflte for the asking ii mmmm wssa