soles help agents 530 economist sun telemarketer part time busy community newspaper has an opening for an aggressive enthusiastic self- starter duties will include selling on going features and soliciting new projects flexible daytime hours 20 hours per week salary plus commission for interview please call 2942200 debra weller classified advertising manager sales person required we are looking for an energetic self starter who is willing to learn we will train if you are interested call connie 8892173 keysoft international limited hospital medical dental economist suntribune april 13 1988 bll 535 nursery schools 765 venipuncture technician experience essential part time approximately 25 hours per week transportation required markham area call 7430027 hospital medical dental 535 registered xray technician evenings at finchkennedy office call between 9am 5pm 2921505 teaching opportunities 545 assistant required for kindergarten class in a day care setting part time 830 am 1 pm experience helpful plfisss cdll unionvilteuarcare centre 4774778 cook teacher person to work as assis tant teacher and cook for small friendly daycare in north markham will train benefits available call 6404834 union villa work with seniors registered nurse required part time evening shift 3 pm 11 pm please call mrs donna taylorbarudzija 4772822 part time dental assistant required on a temporary basis for maternity leave in markham orthodontic practice experience preferred but will train right person please call marilynn 8981201 between 845 and 445 monday friday hotelrestaurant 540 duchess of markham an english pub with dining roomand summer patio is looking to fill many permanent and summer positions we need bright hardworking people to join our growing grega rious staff cooks with minimum 1 year cooking experience waiterswaitresses with serving experience interested applicants please call dianne 9 am 5 pm 2944234 chkxaoee day nursery quafty day care 31 a reasonable price 19monthsto5years- open 7 am 6 pm educational programs hot noon meal qualified ece teachers gcvt subsidy available 6405233 quality daycare full day program up to including senior kindergarten markleeand unionville centres quality nursery school progressive program register now call 4774778 daycare available 770 babysitting in my home responsible mother raymerville call 2s44873 daycare available in my home full time all ages welcome hwy 7 robinson area 294- 4113 fun creative educational program for 35 year olds meals indoor outdoor play 9 years of ece experience please call after 530 475- 3321 unionville mature student seeking babysitting 2 days a week in unionville area 4778354 daycare wanted 775 nanny for 3 children aged 12 6 and 5 light housekeeping duties mondayfriday 8430 pm live out start june 6 1988 call 7593912 fouwlmk we are looking for experi enced waiterwaitresses for our new restaurant 6420087 business services 791 kusatz sharpley chartered accountants 115 main st west stouffville ontario resi dent partner s kusaur ca 6401991 full and parttime cook fulltime waitress waiter fulltime dishwasher checkerberries 8817240 don mills john street business services 791 chiropractor allan r turner dc fica stouffville chiropractic health centre 120 main st w stouffville monfri 9 am 6 pm sat 9 am 12 noon 6404440 after hour emergency calls 6404442 reliable babysitter required for 2 boys ages 3 6 230 pm 530 pm 23week in our home fincham 16th 4715876 business services 791 improve cash flow -md- reduce costs part time temporary and seasonal professional receivable assistance for further information call receivable management systems 4752945 picture time births birthdays anniversaries weddings graduations engagements etc call or drop in today to place 50 lines for just 1k 3500 happy birthday t0nia classified economistsun the tribune 2944331 6402100 responsible babysitter needed for occasion al evenings in the markville area students wel come 4799482 babysitter wanted immediately for 2 week day evenings per week with one nice child 6 pm to midnight prefer working girl or mature student 16th avenue area 4714391 light housekeeping and babysitting for 3 year old livein with private room and bath mature ladies preferred 4746476 mothers helpers 780 nanimy express nannies mothers helpers available and required with references families and applicants carefully screened matched ix 290809 try our new saturday service directory to advertise call classified 2942200 6402100 2944331 4959440 index real estate apartments corxjos for sate business opportunities farms for sate rent wanted houses for sale housing wanted industrial commercial space investmentbusjness property lots acreages mortgage loans office business space out of town properties property outside of canada stores for sale rent wanted townhouses for sate rentals apartments flats for rent apartments flats wanted condominiums for rent habs lodges house for rent hen in i wanted to rent rejrecent living rrom board available wanted rooms for rent s wanted shared acconvnodation townhouses for rent leisure living boats 4 supplies campers trailers campers trailers srtes camping equipment hobbies 4 crafts mobile homes s partes pools 4 supples rentals outskle canada resorts camps snowmobiles sports equipment travel vacation properties womens column merchandise antiques art articles for sate articles wanted audons sates baby needs r- rv iu christmas trees computer video firewood garage yard sales industnal equipment market basket musical instruments pets supplies boarding photography poultry s livestock swap 4 trade tickets for events tv rado stereo automart antquc cars auto care auto leasing rentals auto parts supplies repairs cars for sale cars wanted garage 4 storago space motorcycles ece teachers or teachers in training also teachers assistants required good salary and benefits 19000 plus north pickering call claremont 6492315 domestic help wanted babysittebhelpcr required 3 mornings a week s600 an hour immediate mccowan 16th area 4706568 andreal cleaning lady required part time in stouffvil le excellent wages flexible hours call dianne 8651804 domestic help available village maid housecleaning on a regular basis personable and dependable see the dif- ference 2948209 worths cleaning services available in homo or office references call linda today 267- 0136 home improvements renovate with ceramic tiles washroom kitchen backsplash aoorsetc all work guaranteed 10 discount with this ad 2921571 painting decorating experienced painter available to work evenings and weekends for free estimates call jon barber 2948286 private tuitionsschools 760 besst tutorng wo arc here to help elementary and secondary subjects including french grvo us a call 2944244 tutoring in your home all subjects ail levels for ire brochure can we care tutorial ser vices inc 2212001 or 7367505 econontistsun 2944331 2942200 4959440 fax 2941538 the tribune 6402100 6492292 sports cars 425 110 tnirf fr ral 410 160 tmrk warrtivl 415 115 vans 4 wheel drive 420 100 help wanted 130 145 140 computer data processing 520 135 domestic help available 555 165 domestic help wanted 550 150 employitnnl wanted 570 120 fienpra hplp 510 125 hospital medical dental 535 155 105 nrirthip 525 pan time seasonal help 560 170 sal- holp a aoente 530 175 skilled technical help 515 180 teaching oppnrti initios 545 196 vrvunlwv 565 185 community notices 191 195 amusements clubs 692 193 anniversaries 640 192 annniimemwif 675 194 690 190 rrthi 615 akirupmvmsk 691 235 660 220 cemetery plots 670 215 680 225 693 260 210 625 245 forthcoming marriages 630 205 funeral 1rrtnri 665 250 in mermyjams 655 240 605 230 1 bkiw rww 694 255 696 200 635 265 650 personal 685 i 340 public nntices 610 310 tenrtt 600 695 315 transportation available a wanted 325 services n j 345 791 335 catenng 745 355 chartered accountants 793 330 daycare avahane 770 320 daycare wanted 775 350 drapes upholstery 720 300 dressmaking tailoring 725 365 dnving schools 785 370 flooring carpeting 730 375 gardening supplies landscaping 73s 305 handyman 705 380 home improvements 700 385 insurant 790 360 mothers helpers 780 moving 4 storage music dancing dramatic instruction 715 430 755 450 nirwy frtm 765 r 445 painting 1 deooratmg 710 440 private turtcns schools 760 1 400 professional directory 792 i 405 rwitak 750 1 455 snow removal 740 435 tax a financial directory 794 i