wufjhi mammmmm barbara i wideman is a teachwon the staff of- park in 1959 she feels love and praise are require- istjraffviltes orchard park public school her home ments children need niost sbeoffersbothinabund room is grade 4 mrvwidemancame toofehard ance jim thomas nature in sound photos t stouffville gary grun- jdy hawthorne avenue is bring ing his multimedia nature pre sentation back to parkview vil lage the four seasons audiovisual show entitled images escape into fantasy of nature will be featured sat april 16 at 8 pm in parkview village auditorium ninth line south the presentation is accompa nied by the music of zamfir reserve seats are 3 at the door 350 for reservations and additional information call dawn or cheryl at 2940426 t thank the bethesda womens i institute for the beautiful six- bloom lily delivered to our office for easter weekend members v appreciated r good news good news buttonville public school ss no 5 markham is to be estab lished as an educational ijfmu the-riskioii-of- york the centuryold srucr tui e on the west side of wood bine avenue will be more than just an old school clas- vpsfobm says lis -sohlil- 3 muarimarkovicbpjrlj 3 kw public s we hope 0 create a qmiiseum where classes by jim thomas his rewarct ics clarke lloyd avenue 3 chief organizer of the max- shamstouffvilie oldtimess hockey eeunionapritsolat iherec cen- hispastplayiiig days while iwjas never on a hockey chain pionship team in stouffyihev my reward was nioi playoff title could everpro- rvide hockey brought me to pjfjbuffville tmys5 iwife wehaveraisedoiirfanii ly here hockey was also in- sti uniental in myyoi1fti gordon birk it has-j- sard for35 vears until wtfjssfelw sine d sinciair stevens mpp for the riding of yorkpeel and whitchurchstouffyille has moved his constituency office i lidtoesjjf m parkside jdfiivf newinu i 6 the new telephone number is 853- 5753 the direct dialing uum- her for constituents calling long distance h 96120 an open house at the new gordon birkettandftokh afeag cmiimsm m sard for 35 years until my re- still actlvc m tirement in 1987 and filially it brought me the friendship of remember arnold hodg- more stouftville and area peo- ins many of stouffville s pie than i could ever list it curhahd pssiona s was an i nonanemu operates his studio near leaskdale north of uxbridge paid pfpfor our thanks mmiffiemttwtmwffii zjs library its a beautiful rca- b a painting that will ever re- tes purse found hilary burns 119 main street east stouffville is an honest lady she found a purse of money near guaranty trust around 7 pm wednes- day the owner may pick up bisherpropeifty atthfeitri- jtmne office- help wanted thefouowngnofewasiack- boaftuiojbiea hard 0iise kintireessi thoughtful j i reliable person if you areall fof the above orevenbneqfihei pbewe hayeaijob fonypii of humprr enjoy countless hours bf unite- warding worker without monet ary compensation theux- bridge figure skating club fexvcutiveissearchingfornew lmnbers i988r89ythe ea of iaude monigbm- very ammoif green gables- nted artist could plil h ft was pre- sented tc historico iyinijnatihgcqmmitteejhr laura baker shar- bn moore pat cake and paula lunau uprooted etoceiy from the ontario lottery cor- iandav ms de e a draw hcl experience the history of 87 the person has until cation in york region dsk ffifl5 lillian explains ouidlthc person whbup- rbbter the tree from the foyer- of the iwhuchurchtstbuffyille recreation centi- please re turn sa immediately white ii won- 1 die from byeri exposure or lack of water it leaves an emptiness iii the eaf trance that has to be filled- 3fitsihepots still there the spelean be quickly replanted vvithbutanyonewell hardly anyone being the wiser ashock brian davis of the stouffvil- ief1redepartmentjwvis iblyshbcked early wedhesday morning when he attend a ilains the building prize perhaps heshe died singlecar accident involving e returned its original from shock a close neighbor and friend itflike to shake the sfsu churchstrcet j condition id liketoshakp hand of the i wi forward that motibs our mistake misspehed names haunt all journalisfsits ah unpardon able sin even worse are wrong pamesvitne spunisftfp merit- for that is death vke- centlythe tribune commit ted first degree murder tfilhvi respect to the brock family w duchess street stouffville vi ideritifieil a participant in an english- pubhcspeakirig f cpriisst beverteyacres3 public school richmond hill r vmarch9as jasobhlsitainets is nathan weappkogizei on0- march 3inatharivpiadj second in a french public speakirigcotripetitiohj again ield at beverley acres richi inond hhlihis tdpiclwafsv ilaveriture du stdv tocdol the word was quickly jelayed tb7chierfblllrrom- hb drove dons father ken isjtwutn young and waggjto lrxbridgehospltal o claim theres no- g nice gesture the ore dc- thihgtoido u whitckurch- partment is indeeda close stouffville should studythe fraternity this was clearly 1988 culture and recreation ievideiittuevdaynightrj hrepubushcdintieafev bunejweekeriderj saturday jq steo dowil ijrpjpii jenuristhe highly rfei spected police cliicfiii the re- jgibn of durham retires bffi- claliy nov- pi howcverinei pi aiis britep- dowrifrbmjhis j9l600ravyear position sept 10h1s 59th birthdaymr jltfrikjlrishfls headedithe cdurhamfbrce fojrthe pastlf jyears iwedty- yesrs as a police chefin total arid34 jyearsaii poucc officer commendable reeprd l- i theres everiihirifeiltipift swiramirig tbskafebbardirigi from softball tc soccer even jafoalf hockey league is plan- iriedifrbm june j to aug 24 additional brbchureicopies 4re available aitheparksand jrecrkambriofficmthe rec still active l was plea cafithursday morning from yartstsriwrmefjitch- vurchibotwuejchopl truste ej town couriclllbr arid -resi- debtocyaridbrfmraridmrsi like old a rough yar j a ferferioyridfeearpeylisfs jacknd kellw v fkhmm fatnilymalhtrcctjwe slowff vywj4k wttf johns convalescjent mwi kwajjimtblmqwifte name of i recover ng ftom seriously influential mrftri connected juries in s caracci jacks a patieni jn thespedalc intpufrvmtaeiame of care unit of yormvsmrjlmsmnktayck erarkettgrtoagh mhjdmr5stavrj and prayersare with ww imiltrimlnii i it was like old times marbh wheri don vbearitecfceho stouffville and cliff wbodcbckofmarkfiantbbt 71 j recalled the good oh days ovefjunth at markham both attended public school and sunday school together in stouffviuesithelrsandayi- gcool teacner was dorif jratljrtvwiistllriraseitefci ntaova gentleman respected by eyeryorie trmune aprjl 6 198s a3 orchard parks barbara wideman praise and love teachers motto by jim thomas stouffville barbara wideman has adopted a motto for her grade 4 class at orchard park school its taken from 1st timothy chapter 5 verses 14 and 15 be sure to use the abilities god has given you put these abilities to work throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone may notice your improvement and prog ress its this kind of advice plus a supportive personality and great patience thats made mrs wide- man a pillar of instructional strength through 33 years shes our featured teacher of the week a graduate of ringwood public school and stouffville high then located atsummitview barbara hisey went on to toronto teachers college and later accepted her first teaching posi tion at drewerv avenue public school north york following three years spent at summitview she joined the staff at orchard park where shes re mained ever since- her home room is grade 4 barbaras career was directed towards teaching at an early age she recalls helping the primary children while a student in grades 7 and 8 at ringwood when we finished our own work wed assist the grade ones with eight grades the teacher was glad of our help and i enjoyed it she remembers it was at this point in time her professional goal was set there was an added incentive in the person of evelyn byer one of barbaras teachers she was a very loving and car ing person barbara recalls this feeling for students has brushed off a teacher needs to be more than an imparter of knowledge mrs wideman says children need to be loved shes a strong advocate of touch therapy she also believes in praise while barbaras taught all ages from grades 2 through 7 her per sonal choices are grades 4 5 and 6- she appreciates their un daunted enthusiasm her requirements are respect responsibility and cooperation mrs wideman has lived through many teaching changes in the past 33 years i believe in a modified prog ram she says retaining the good of the old and adopting the best of the new discipline she admits is more of a problem today because in many instances theres no mother at home however pa rents are definitely more know ledgeable and more aware she claims the teachers role is wide- ranging mrs wideman points out services she says are re quired as a secretary a counsel lor a mediator a nurse a psycho logist a comedian a journalist and a judge you need the vvisdome of solo mon and the patience of job she asserts in addition to being an excellent role model mrs wideman has passed on her love of music to all ages at orchard park year after year parents thrill to the songs of orchard park choirs a lover of all living things bar bara claims children arc much like flowers and plants they need nurturing care and en couragement she says during her teaching years in stouffville barbara has been closely associated with four prin cipals lome boadway keith sutherland john hincks and now jan delaat she has high praise for others on the orchard park staff and places the school on a level with or above all others in york re gion husband stewart is a longtime employee of markham hydro shes the proud mother of two sons kent and keith and grand mother of diana age two her father mr herb hisey re sides at parkview home a sister donna mrs denny alsop lives at rr 3 stouffville barbaras extracurricular activities include reading knitr ting and gardening shes actively involved in the work of the stouff ville missionary church barbara hopes to continue her teaching career three morfe years her retirement will leave vacuum at orchard park that can never be filled i house on block stouffville subject to a moderate reserve bid a stouffvil le house will be sold by public auc tion april 23 the threebedroom bungalow owned by clarence summerfeldt is located at 398 elm road the home has an attached gar age a finished recreation room and fireplace the lot measures 60 by 145 potential purchasers are in vited to an open house april 22 between 9 am and 4 pm a full line of household furm- ture will be sold the same day april 23 beginning at 11 arit students skills in arena mural stouffville it hangs as a tribute to the skills of the grade 12 visual art class at stouffville dist secondary school a large mural has been erected over the players box at the whitchurchstouffville recrea tion centre it took two months to complete on wednesday the students accompaniedby department head mrs jane warren and mayor fran sainsbury visited the complex and viewed the com pleted project both mrs sains bury and mrs warren were im pressed the initial design completed by glenn jackson was councils choice this entry formed a basis for the finished product the work was all done in room 1 1 1 at sdss theres lots of action mrs warren said of the pictorial lay out im proud of the result the surface will be covered with a sealent for protection 2 mrs warren called it a co operative effort combining ele ments from many students de signs participants follow robin ardila tracy badgerow joanne burkholder elana coultice hen ry dervaric catherine dunkeld marty heard glenn jackson luke johnson julia jones tia patrick cheryl robinson tam my stonehouse colin wallace remy fernhout tracy andrews ian beckett keith chang lydia coultice charmaine eldermire john filntissis joel fletcher sandy hoist wendy houghton ivonna hunter saibra kashmiri jennifer kuhn rosa margani tracy park christine pirovola- kis tracey shortis glenn ste wart craig stronach colleen whittaker kurt wittkopp lori woolford and steve topping recently art students of room 111 at stouffville dist secondary school under the guidance of depart ment head mrs jane warren completed a beautiful mural that now hangs in the towns recreation comr plex the project took two months to complete jim thomas attention flyer advertisers we cari deliver your flyers for as iittle as vz cents apiece so far this year we have delivered 2627568 flyers doortodoor in markham unionville milliken stouffville uxbridge and surrounding rural routes we can deliver your flyers on the day you want in the area you want any quantity from 5000 to 35000 call advertising al 29422006402100 or distribution at 29482446402100 few adrian takach attention flyer customers if you fail to receive any of the following please call distribution at 29482446402100 todays inserts snow while cleaners contour window fashions woolco shoppers drug mart hm mmmjmmmm m an