economist suntribune april 6 1988 bll n penmg boon m 48 and 1 6th arkham ve b tirrn i now accepting applications for the following full time part time positions full time grocery clerks produce clerks cashiers meat wrappers flower shop attendants meat deli bakery production clerks office clerk receptionists janitorial maintenance shipping receiving clerks part time grocery clerks produce clerks cashiers meat wrappers flower shop attendants bakery production clerks office receptionists salad bar attendants preparation of salads meat deli bakery counter clerks we offer competitive wages combined with an excellent benefit package apply in person 9 am to 5 pm mon to sat 4710777 9275 highway 48 and 16th ave please come from the rear of the building through the office door up the stairs mm hi iip il v i wa f il 9 i i ii