economist suntribune march 23 1988 b9 general help 510 floral designers full time and part time positions ideal for job sharing to work with silks and drieds 830 am to 430 pm weekdays competitive wages and benefit plan apply in person to white rose nurseries head office 4038 7 highway unionville or call serena for an appointment 4773330 come in and join the crew mcdonalds at mcdonald s our flexible schedule will give you the free time you need to accommodate school or other interests but flexible schedule isnt the only reason to take a look at mcdonald s consider our competitive wages with a regular merit increase and advance ment potential as welt as the opportunity to meet new people and participate in our outings and social events all the right reasons are here come in and talk to janice smissen hwy 7 at mccowan rd car wash customer service attendant we offer full time position training and uniform competitive hourly wage regular volume sales incentive frequent wage reviews apply to the manager petro canada carwash 4780 hwy 7 east unionville ont l3r 1m8 4772003 counter help uairq quee n no experience needed 85 d hour full andor part time weekdays regular salary reviews apply in person weekdays only 2 pm 430 pm 10 wellington street east markham road highway 7 markham needed order pickers warehouse workers immediate position highway 7 and mccowan call 4717566 krstgaq are you qualified for real estate sales but not actively involved contact me for a description of the exciting opportunities offered through the firstcall referral associate program ly betty webber manager family trust corporation markham 2941372 warehouse wanted hours 8 am 4 pm mondayfriday light work pleasant sur roundings phone 2917741 select sandwich new location hwy7 404 cashier t counter help prep fulltime 6007hour plus 8864545 or 4220133 after 6 pm window cleaner required to start immediately full time yearround experience a de finite asset but will train right per son good starting wage own transportation call 4714458 supervisors required for childrens programs located in markham and unionvil le schools hours 730 830 am andor 11 45 am 100 pm andor 330 pm 600 pm please call 4442612 and leave message or 4753011 between 330 600 pm no experience necessary wo win tram you to become a skirted sewing machine operator with excel lent earning potential and benefits apply in person at 20 commander blvd scarborough 2uocumfiol counter help dairy queen no experience needed evenings weekends salary based on expenence with regular reviews apply in person weekdays only 2 pm 450 pm 10 wellington street east markham road highway 7 markham marriott corporation cafeteria help full time required monday to friday days good salary and be nefits good working atmos phere free meals and uni form pleasant personality and positive attitude a must if you qualify please call mcneil pharmaceutical at 6406900 ext 279 mechanically inclined person wanted for heating and air conditioning field will train good wages and opportunity to learn trade 4755217 magicuts has immediate openings for full part time employment we offer hourly rates commission benefit plan double pay on birthdays and instore dis counts markvilie mall located in w00lc0 47m761 or 4453144 mature counter person required for d0nutsh0p at hwy 7 mccowan road attractive pay call 2940955 markham maids has immediate openings for per sons to work as part of a team cleaning residential homes 2949871 12 warehousi jobs work close to home at victoria pk steeles woodbine hwy 7 and 14th warden long term jobs with some permanent openings or work a day a week a month we can employ you hours 8 am 5 pm assembly general ware house work call today work tomorrow 4796900 5071 hwy 7 at mccowan suite 205 cot temporary services ltd i shipper receiver importing distributor seeking a bright enthu siastic and organized in dividual to handle ware house bonding and cus tom duties experience preferred two years experience preferred excellent sal ary for this position please call mr gervais 7312022 serious applicants only sheridan nursuies canada j largest integrated nurseif come join a winning team grow with us at our unionville yard we havt tlie follow ing lull ime positions available landscape foremenforewomen applicants must have knowledge of plant nwitenlt and landscaping constructon be able to 0kiae equipment lead axj motivate a work crew and comprehend landscape plans a vaj drivers license is necessary and experience in residential landscaping would be an assel von mil be esponsibie loi supervising a crew ol f pesonncl in itie performance ot mostly custiun residential landscaping landscape labourers we are looking g hard irvotkirtcj and responsi ble individuals able lo work with a crew on various se landscaping jobs and able lo work long hours in busy penods having knowledge ol general landscaping skills plant material and horticulluial practises is an asset i loutly tales and benclils commensurate with oipmcnce please reply in writing or call mr john midlane manager landscape consultation and design services sheridan nurseries limited 1116 winston churchill blvd oakville ontario l6j 4z2 416 8227575 oh cbwiin 3rw requires t cook experience an asset kitchen help t bartender waiterswaitresses r apply to 198 main st unionville or call lilo 4772715 henp ifm parkview home for seniors dietary department part time positions available daytime shift inquire at the office 481 rupert avenue stouffville 6401911 ask for isola wideman landscape company requires full time part time help experience preferred but will train must have own transporta tion call 4715212 landscape workers required team captains experienced pre ferred please supply resume team members wili train on job must have own trans portation please call bob fawns 8871121 calderone shoes the promenade a full time sales person is required for our store at the promenade excellent wages and benefits opportunity for advancement 40 hours per week please call today to arrange an interview mr ambeault 7640787 mr miller 4490885 skilled technical kelp 515 cabinetmaker a markham exhibit and display company has openings in its new facility for experience cabinet makers for the fabrication of exhibits and fixtures we offer excellent wages and benefits for more information please call chris 4700205 markham outdoor power requires small engine mechanic certified or with minimum 2 years experience own tools an asset salary commensurate with experience call 2942355 printing coordinator estimator required for large scarborough based office supply company appli cant must be familiar with all areas of printing full range of benefits excellent salary commensurate with experience resume to todays business products ltd 875 middlefield road scarborough ontario m1b4z5 attn sales manager printing r experienced typesetter fulltime part time immediate opening existing for both jobs for more information please call bill kennedy 4931300 sewing machine operators we have immediate openings for permanent fuii time sewing machine operators apply in person at 20 commander blvd scarborough 2 blocks north of sheppard off mccowan construction mechanic experienced heavy equip ment mechanic call fred orangelo 2947480 driver job training placement help is available from rodgers school of truck driver training ltd for career details call 416 7693546 for literature mechanic for construction company experience on caterpillar equip ment such as d8 621s 235s etc dcrupi and sons ltd 85 passmore avenue kennedysteeles area for appointment call bob windsor or bill scarsbrook 2911986 2 t pniimtirsiq wanted offset press operator to operate ryobi 500 k and 1250 multi also wanted part time bindery help for days only n please call bob at 7311132 26r computerdata processing 520 data input operators modern plaslic manufacturing plant requires 2 data input operators lor production and order enlry departments experience in a production department would be an assel but more importantly must possess fasl accurate key punching skills contact t gardner 6695522 office help 525 mcarthur ford requires a licenced mechanic or fifth year apprentice call 4741350 party chief instrument person required for rapidly growing mar kham based legal survey firms competitive salary and benefits call 2348093 f qta pot pourri accounting clerk we have an immediate opening for an individual who possess a strong accounting background preferably with 2 to 3 years retail accounting experience knowledge of a computerized sys tem is a definite asset call to arrange an interview 4751035 legal secretary receptionist experience preferred but will train the right selfstarting bright individual contact mr ittleman or linda 8841171 receptionist typist large landscape firm requires part time person pleasant telephone manner an asset contact norma 4752100