aquamarine for march barthau jewellers srauflvaw 6404646 serving whitchurchstouffviue uxbridge area cquntrye tyme lrealtyltd 6405090 vol 132 no 12 aflsskr a metroland community newspaper wednesday march 23 1988 66 pages 50 cents affordable homes real concern stouffville affordable housing is very much a concern of town council at a meeting march 15 council lor ron robb stressed the fact young people born and raised in whitchurchstouffviue can no longer afford to live here he suggested an area be zoned where basement apartments are permissable there are people living in illegal basement apartments now he stated im not about to squeal on them but there must be some way we as a council can help them remain here legally council was told that at least ii vy elop er a n xf oulu difiift ai gnifflsuljidjz8s mm rii a r if pi itbeev5sfqihvcen mdjju6ia sis dii45isaiilmts jpthcomiivjitaerarem- ra euedlft4wdkisffkelct3j vsraasr shou two farmers had been looking for help but couldnt afford to pay sufficient wages to cover rental rates up to 1000 a month councillor jim rae wanted to know if a mobile home would be permissable under such cir cumstances sixty per cent of the people out there wouldnt mind in the least he stated robb recommended the town undertake a housing statement and that staff be authorized to proceed with this as soon as possible mayor fran sainsbury said york region had agreed in prin cipal to setting up a housing au thority alan wells of the regions com munity services department in formed the tribune they were ap plying for 350 nonprofit residen tial units in their 1989 allocation but these wouldnt be ready for another three to four years councillor jim sanders agreed with councillor robb on the need for a housing statement this he said would give the town some direction with speculators holding so much land in whitchurch- stouffviue affordable propertys now a thing of the past mayor sainsbury commented councillor wilf morley placed the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the province he re commended a means test why should we subsidize a doctor or a lawyer to live in affordable housing he asked they queens park should get off their butts and get busy he concluded hamlet signs are in demand whitchurch community signs installed by the town in 1987 are proving popular too popu lar in one instance a hamlet nameplate located at vivian has been stolen it was re ported to council march 15 the replacement value is esti mated at 200 regardless the town has au thorized the engineering co ordinator to erect 20 more at the following locations pleasant- ville 2 bcthesda 2 cedar valley 2 churchill 1 mussel- mans lake 2 ballantrae 4 vandorf 2 wesley corners 4 and lincolnville 1 councillor ron robb said those people residing within communi ties without official roadside de signations had requested they not be overlooked councillor margot marshall admitted the town was going beyond its original intention when the project was first recom mended farewell a farewell gathering for george schlukbier whitch- urchstouffvules chief libra rian will be held thursday march 24 tomorrow at the maples of ballantrae hwy 48 rr 2 stonffville the event hosted by the library board begins at 8 pm with a gift presentation at nine tickets 10 are available at the library mr schlukbier leaves his present position march 31 he will manage a newspaper lib rary in sacramento cali fornia reception j for guests stouffville the mayor and members of council are un doubtedly spending spare time this week studying their french- english dictionaries the cram course relates to the anticipated arrival of students and accompanying teachers from carpentras france the contingent 85 in number is part of an exchange involving stu dents of stouffville dist secon dary school twentyfive will be accommo- dated in whitchurchstouffviue homes 28 in markham 20 inun- ionville and three in aurora all arrangements have been worked out by maureen cunning ham head of moderns at sdss arrival date is saturday april 2 departure is set for april 14 although carpentras students have been here before this year marks a first time the towns been involved recently council approved a twinning between the two communities the delegation will be received at a council meeting april 7 a reception hosted by the chamber of commerce will follow in latcham gallery the guests will be presented with a history book of stouffville a town flag and individual pins carpentras students and teachers will meet their hosts at the markham theatre where pairing will take place a full program is planned in cluding visits to the cn tower the science centre the mcmichael gallery and queens park where they hope to meet personally ontario premier david peterson drive to survive crash victim tells his story stouffville in a split second mike frogleys life was changed recoerei a quantity ofmail found in a ditch on tenth line south stouffville friday has all been sorted and delivered to its rightful owners this is the word from ed rowarth manager of media relations canada post toronto the assortment of maga zines and envelopes including cheques and credit cards was discovered by gary cum- kiings sfduffcr street south i he was out jogging at the time on tenth line south of lori avenue there were about ten bun dles in total mr rowarth said about 300 individual pieces theyd been there only a short time and in good condi tion he slated the postal mark was march 17 most of the mail was des tined for a single rural route although several envelopes were addressed to residents in stouffville they ranged from first through third class rowarth said the toronto postal official said york regional police and post office investigators were notified immediately and an investigation was started a suspect has been questioned v but no charges laid mr rowarth said the mail r was collected and returned immediately to the stouffville post office for resorting the staff worked overtime to handle it he noted no thing was lost he said mr rowarth declined to give details of the investiga tion saying only that the sus- i pect was a f uveni ic so no n a me could bereleasejlt gary cummings and daughter erin stonffer street stouffville inspect a bundle of mail found in a ditch on tenth line south near lori avenue friday jb kkehhbsh9he9bi hhhhrhblaine kaneko he was travelling at 90 kph out side kazabaziia quebec when his fiat spyder failed to negotiate a curve the car rolled over pinning him beneath extensive injuries left him a parapalegic paralyzed from the chest down two passen gers suffered only minor cuts and bruises on tuesday mike now 23 brought his message to students of stouffville dist secondary school he addressed an assem bly arranged through the co operation of york region board of education and principal peter bright the program called drive to survive is sponsored by texaco canada limited in conjunction with young drivers of canada main purpose mike told the tri bune is to make young people more aware of their responsibili ties behind the wheel of an auto mobile and to promote defensive driving through professional training student reaction says michael is usually good there are al ways a few in every crowd who feel it cant happen to me he notes he speaks from experi ence i too thought id never get in an accident some of us are lucky some are not sometimes it takes a close call to get the point across mike will be visiting schools all across ontario from windsor to thunder bay on short trips he uses a gmc minivan with hand controls on long jaunts he travels by air mike explains the ability to survive under difficult situa tions you never really know your driving skills until youre put to the test he says mike claims his student audi ence is usually attentive be cause the message is coming from a kid just like them i want them to think to be aware he explains a graduate through three years of a commerce program at carle- ton university mike plans to re turn shortly and complete his de gree in history a sports enthusiast michael coaches a jr boys high school basketball team in ottawa he hopes to participate in wheelchair marathons some time in the fu ture the drive to survive prog ram is endorsed by several orga- ball league donation stouffville when it comes to recreation town coun cil is accustomed to spending money recently the municipality was on the receiving end a cheque in the amount of 10000 was presented to the town by the community ball associa tion for the purpose of restoring an area in the south stouffville park for softball activity jim sanders on behalf of coun cil expressed appreciation to the association for its generosity with diamond time in demand all summer long an additional playing field will remove some of the pressure from locations already in use mr sanders said nidations including the insurance bureau of canada and the police chiefs association of ontario award andrea thomas blake street stouffville a second- year student attending the university of georgia is the 1988 recipient of the coveted mcminn award this honor goes to the col lege gymnast displaying the most competetive con sistency a news release from the uni versity campus at athens georgia reads as follows throughout the 1988 cam paign andrea has been a mainstay on the balance- beam posting top honors in nine often competitions scor ing no lower than a 960 against the topranked ucla bruins andrea turned in a seasonhigh 980 taking the title andrea is classed as a gym nast ailamerican she was an entry in the los angeles olympics in 1984 whats insij if happy craftersa3 teacher featurea5 jffir fv bfj tl jungle journeya6 i hb m j l srv neighborly notesa7 b its friendshlpa8 7 x sports player respectb1 v2 jm paris clippedb1 j0 skater shlnosb3 stephanie like mother li pawl barclay i ke daughter wmmm