c18 tribune febkuary 24 1988 jackofalltrades runs christian school photojim thomas multipurpose principal wally robinson principal at stouffviile christian school often finds him self filling in for teaching and maintenance staff along with his responsi bilities as the schools administrator r vfwiieftifwiljb bakoua beachwear accessories this area is most unique and exclusive beach attire for men and women going south for march break come in to bakoua first featuring darling rio ritchie sea oats fe 144 main st n markham in the markham village lanes 4710414 looking for that perfect summer job then make it ymca day camps the ymca requires day camp counsellors computer camp specialists sports camp counsellors gymnastics camp counsellors creative arts camp counsellors french immersion camp counsellors equestrian instructors kinder camp counsellors aquatic instructors applicants must be 1g years of age season and older positions arc immediately available for the july t to september 2 camp y the ymca bringing quality to life for more information and to app ly call your local ymca listed below yoskkeoon 8844811 7734591 by bruce stapley for wally robinson its a long way from cochacamba bolivia to stouffviile but according to the peterborough native whos now into his fourth year as principal of stouffviile christian school the distance is only in miles i taught in the public school system in peterborough for seven years and was principal of a mis sions school in bolivia for seven years my experience in bolivia was more similar to what im doing now than my time spent in the public system wally knows better than any one the workings of a privately funded school like scs are far different than your average neighborhood educational institu tion youre very much on your own in a private christian school lie claims you have to provide ser vices that are usually provided by an infrastructure the stouffviile posting has been in some ways an even grea ter challenge than he was faced with in bolivia in some ways we had a better facility to work with than we have here we didnt have to contend with winter weather down there however the political climate often made for anxious moments in the country that underwent 12 changes of government in the seven years he and his family were there here we have snow days where school is cancelled because of dangerous driving conditions in bolivia wed have political unrest days that would also re sult in the school being closed the bolivian school that pro vided education in english for children of missionaries living there as well as for local chil dren gave wally a firm ground ing for what he would be up against as principal of the altona school he claims jt taught him to be versatile a trait required when youre in a school totally depen dent upon teachers and parents for everything from funding through everyday upkeep within six weeks of arriving at the school in bolivia i was driv ing a school bus here i dont have to do that but ive ruined more than one pair of shoes plung ing backedup toilets and while he accepts everyday maintenance as just another part of his overall job description he has nothing but praise for the stouffviile schools facilities com mittee the maintenance and upkeep is very well looked after here he claims the parents are doing a terrific job of keeping the facili ties in topcondition wally has been extremely im pressed with the dedication of his teaching staff they are all qualified caring people he says the parents can be satisfied their childrens best interests are being looked af ter here to counteract the builtin isola tion of a private christian school like scs wally has set out to make contacts with other private schools in an effort to share know- how and common experiences the school has joined the associa tion of christian schools interna tional a professional body that allows them to tap the resources of other christian schools world wide wally is very much a part of everything happening at the school from attending board meetings right through going the regional municipality of durham works department durham weight restriction regulations will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the regional municipality of durham effective february 29 to approximately april 30 1988 vehicle loads are restricted to five tonnes per axle in accordance with durham region bylaw number 9984 signs will be erected on all regional roads to which these weight restrictions apply wa twelvetrees p eng commissioner of works regional municipality of durham s reuphqlster with toromark why pay more for ir your reupholstery call toromark in markham for 38 years for the lowest prices anywhere for reupholstery for v2 the price of a new suite we can make your furniture like new puli9 monthly payments outside to participate in the stu dents recreation times i feel a familiarity and a close ness with the students he says i try to get out and play boot hockey or ringette with them at recess when i can his duties include teaching classes both regularly and on a shortnotice basis when a teacher is sick he is involved in the enrol ment procedure that sees him in terview parents of prospective students and hes in constant contact with parents who make up the schools board the board makes the policy and i run the school he says but the big difference between us and the public system is im directly accountable to the pa rents not the system thats why a lot of them like the school they have access wally claims his involvement in christian education springs from a desire to integrate his faith into every aspect of his life to me christianity is a way of life not merely a religion he claims students at the school are encouraged to see the world in an integrated way where every thing can be seen as having come from god when i grew up there were sacred things and secular things they never seemed to come together i think christian ity must affect everything you do christianity he continues must be practical and life cen tred its of little value in the ab stract wally feels the school has be come very solidly established we offer a good program and the kids are being well equipped the opening of the new facility expected to be completed within the next few years is expected to add to the schools efficiency as well as allowing it to offer grades 11 to 13 its now restricted to junior kindergarten through grade 10 wally lives just down the road from the school with his wife wil- da and his four children three of whom attend the school claremont news beef dinner offered at church by lauri towataroy 6492296 by sandy hill 6492653 the united church is plan ning a beef dinner fundraiser for sunday march 13 there will be three sittings at 4 pm 530 pm and 630 pm the price of dinner is 8 for adults 4 for children under 12 tickets are to be purchased in advance please call 6492183 the four seasons golf and country club is celebrating st patricks day with a dance saturday march 19 from 830 pm to 1 am city limits will be the live band performing a light snack party hats and door prizes will be available admis sion is 25 per couple for re servations please call 6492436 ps dress in green