economist suntribune february 24 1988 b9 office help call us first 20 years of placing people thinking of returning to the work force on a permanent temporary or parttime basis youl be in control well help you make the right decision to suit your lifestyle no pressure salaried consultants friendly attitude no cost to you for more information on how to get started talk to peggy or undapbtwi diana or debbie terporay 4777557 hunt temporarily yours s i mi hhsofiel jurjmidfhniieaka 3 motels requires the following staff immediately housekeepers apply in person to 8330 woodbine avenue at hwy 7 markham ontario receptionisttypist required for small engineering sales office in gormley pleasant telephone manner typing of quotations and general correspondence etc apply to mrs bailey 8881164 account payable clerk part time 900 am 100 pm daily steeleswarden area 4758232 medical secretary required by family physician in union- ville skills excellent typing 50 wpm strong bookkeeping and organizational skills good public relations pleasant tele phone manner experience previous medical office ex- perience preferred dictaphone word pro cessingcomputer experience an asset qualities flexible positive and cheerful confident mature dependable initiator desired full time position available tentative start date may 1 198a smokefree office sub mit letter of application comprehensive typed resume and 3 references dr bia dobson f 8033 kennedy road unionville ontario l3r 2e5 secretary receptionist busy real estate office 830 am 500 pm monday friday real estate experience an asset 4971011 friendly outgoing perso nality required im mediately for reception typist position in busy real estate office call karenkane 2911773 receptionist to answer phones must have good telephone manner some typing training on computers provided call 4772818 receptionist typist required 800 per hour warden steelesarea callsromick 47m600 sales coordinator contract administrator experience in automotive industry an asset or background in en gineering drafting inside sales of hardware machinery or tool and die excellent opportunity for assertive individual who seeks challenging career in the auto in dustry 8846782 sum office assistance ltd 33 arnold cres richmond hill receptionisttypist a consulting engineering firm requires a permanent receptionisttypist with a minimum three years ex perience knowledge of keypunch operation an asset usual fringe benefits please apply in confidence to dipen mukherjee associates 1151 denison st unft11 markham ontario l3r3y4 scotlabank 5 the bank of nova scotia requires part time cheque encoder mondayfriday 15 pm no experience required inquiries to ken walton 4756400 call us first hufff personnel specializing in permanent placements- to you canddab there is no cost our fugh prcfie clients h the markham north scarborough area pay sor our expertise h ending good employees or tern these are job opportnfes w excetent be- nefts grew potenta i warm bendy en- wonroants here are some examples call for more detais on other available positions 2sh0o executive secretary repotting to the president wang won processing administrasva ouies jprose company 1819000 reception plus smal but tienov office creative atmosphere accurate typing mature alsude 1718000 junto adrmstrator wing to train lots of customer service min 4050 wpm young dynamic atmosphere 1mho0o recepfonsttypist 404hvy 7 area small swichboard outgoing personalty excellent benefits 2022000 financial statement typist professorial chartered accountants firm strong accurate typing waffe word processing 2022000 secretary administralve large creaave company report to vice president xerox 860 wp eagerto learn we can keep you hopping or shortterm temporary assignments una you decide on the right permanent position look for more job opportunrtles in next weeks issue for more information hunt ffff please caj 4777557 m m legal secretary experienced for corporate commercial wp andor shorthand an asset woodbinesteeles mrs peacock 4751266 i m switchboard evening part time good typing skills and pleasant phone manner please call norma currie 2941372 hh trtist part time receptionist required by busy real estate office to work one evening and saturday if you have a pleasant perso nality type 50 wpm and en joy dealing with people please contact ann lepik 4771270 receptionist typist for small office steady position 4756795 data entry operator required by white rose crafts nursery sales ltd 4038 hwy 7 unionville ontario l3r2l5 send resume to j sullivan at the above address 525 brownlcc personnel services personnel assistant our personnel agency is looking for that multitalented individual with strong secretarial and personnel skills the ideal candidate wiil possess excellent communication skills last accurate typing min 60 wpm and thrive in a busy environment requir ing good organizational skills per sonnel exper an asset s18- s20000 credit collection a busy and challenging position which re quires credit and collection experi ence woodbinesteeles s1 9000 i shipper receiver the president of this rapidly expanding computer co wants a bright ambi tious fellow who is promotable no heavy lilting required s18000 bookkeeper ca firm needs experienced bookkeeper capable of taking books to trial balance and preparing financial statements knowledge of accpac an assel 12 yr ca student preferred s20- 525 qoo cost general accoun tant rapidly expanding manuf co requires a qualified accountant to handle standard cost estimates variance analysis financial re ports etc 34 level cmacga acceptable salary to s25000 many other positions available call today 107 main st unionville 4716060 or 4701771 person friday for busy markham office at mccowan road and hwy 7 excellent opportunity for advancement call 4718690 a career in aerospace small but expanding branch of a leading aerospace suppsa needs olfa help now accurate typing wg to lend a lend h al general olto duties essential abilies vs be rewarded wwk where youre appredaled location north cj state near wrxidbine avenue call 4700018 or 8984681 evenings sales help agents 530 njt jjaj wanted salesperson who is energetic and self motivated and willing to learn john deere products benefits contact bob at hutchinson farm supply 6402692 sales wa are seeking aggressive individuals in a rapidly growing industry to join our sales force the candidates should be self slarlers with a strong business sense lo play a key role in daytoday operations call for appointment hall tree farms inc 7271996 retail sales representative 2 years advertising sales experience an ably lo achieve lop sale targets an inleresl in selling an established glossy 4colour lileslyes magazine focus on york requires a sell- motivated individual lo join its expanding retail sales learn ii you liave hie above qualifications you could join our successful retail sales team please call heather mchale 4745050 hospital medical dental 535 part time certified dental assistant required call 2949905 fjfo requires k part time mj paramedical rn must be wing b do phtfeotofs com- rte trarcng given no recent hospital ex perience necessary car essential pasta for york region area caj ann byertetween 930 am and 500 pmat 4813349 18k order desk ftpt switchboard receptionist sales clerkretail maxto17k doncaster home health care centre has the follow ing positions available at its steelcasewoddbine loca tion order desk person experience preferred switchboard receptionist mitel experience preferred sales clerk for store location we offer competitive salar ies and comprehensive be nefits for more information call linda thomas at 474- 9245 fh markham temp march ahead in february receptiohists data entry operators clerks typists wp operators long shortterm posmons available free ska improvement friday pay statutory hosday pay the best rates markham 201 7030 woodbine ave at steeles call avery 416 4700270 services sales help agents 530 onroute salesperson required to cater to the musical instrument industry start immediately salary commission call 4718444 printing salesaccount representative ashtonpotter limited has openings for senior and in termediate sales representatives we offer flexible remuneration and comprehensive company benefits with excellent opportuni ties to grow at our new facility please send your resume in confidence to ashtonpotter 9010 keeie street concord ontario l4k2n2 attention harvey cooper or call 7364234 ofk stcjair the paint andlpaper people sales people required part time days flexible hours mondayfriday flair for decorating enjoys people contact will train call 2944934 sherwood plaza domestic help wanted 550 housekeeper major mackenziewarden avenue unionville modern home with two professional tidy adults and no pets liveout position hours monday to friday 900 am to 500 pm applicants must be able to communicate in english must have a valid drivers licence and own transportation salary dependent upon qualifications and references plus we offer benefit package and a car allowance duties will include general cleaning laundry grocery shopping scheduling and supervising the outside services of carpet cleaners and snow removal services no cooking required to arrange an interview with the employer and a review of your qualications please call paula rodriques at 4775916 between mondayfriday 900 am to 500 pm housekeepercook required part time call karen days 4456971 evenings 2940022 part time responsible mature people seniors welcome to care for pets and homos own car call 5365294 teaching opportunities 545 ece teachers required immediately and for may also supply teachers also teachers helpers will train chip and dale daycare 6492315 ece for kindergarten class assistant teachers warden steeles good salary and full ohip 4751717 domestic help available 555 need someone to clean your home reliable bondable indi viduals reasonable rates can start immediately call 2697636 ece with experience for assistant supervisor position substantial salary plus benefits for appointment call unionville day care centre 4774778 pondside coop in unionville village requires ece supervisor teacher for september be nefits can 4773991 domestic help available 555 worths cleaning services available in home or office references oh linoj today 267- 0138 cleaning lady available monday to friday references available 7368246 after 500 pm j house cleaning available with a personal touch please call after 6 pm 6406725 personalized cleaning services house cleaning to your specifications call evenings 8529273 employment wanted 570 man with chain saw for hire also other odd jobs brick block work 6408321 or 6401407 home improvements 700 carpentry quality wonrmanship at a fair price basement finishing a specialty call lor a free quote 642 2000 music dancing dramatic instruction 755 learn pro tips from cetebrrty guitarist sergio gain for private lessons can brooks music studio 4717311 1