education about aids if sexually active take precautions tribune february 17 1988 a5j by bruce stapley stouffville at a meet ing with parents of grade 7 and 8 students feb 3 officials from summitview school and the york region health unit outlined the content of the schools family life and sexuality education program the instruction- part of the schools health education course now includes a manda tory segment dealing with aids awareness teacher steve rensink re sponsible for teaching the prog ram to the senior grades stressed the key to the boards approach is to promote wellness the whole focus is on well ness he said were encourag- caution thin ice d m hold your breath its all fo i i rausc a car has been parked oil elgin pond uxto 4ea of guessing the date and time it will plunge noney raised will go to the uxbridge cottage lospital i changeable weather weve experienced sofar demise could come any time rjim thomas ing social physical and emotion al well being the idea of having the parents come out to the meeting was to keep them abreast of the prog ram particularly the sexuality segment he would be teaching over the next two months he stressed this should just be a be ginning however and that it would be up to the parents to con tinue the dialogue with their chil dren at home the program shouldnt be a oneshot thing he said it must be ongoing and it must be au gmented by parents or guardians getting involved he explained that meetings such as the one held feb 3 would let parents know how the school is dealing with the subject an outline passed out to parents showed that the content of the family lifesexuality education program underscored the idea that the school was concerned with doing more than simply warning students that sex is dangerous areas to be dealt with include the awareness and under standing of self the positive and negative aspects of interpersonal relationships the understanding of personality responsibility to family friends and society as well as awareness of sexuality and contraceptive approaches abstinence is what the board is encouraging insisted mr rensink but in the event that students should choose not to ab stain we want to be sure they are educated in ways to protect them selves f york region health unit repre sentative mary monteith gave a presentation on aids awareness stressing that its vital that stu dents properly understand what the disease is and what it isnt we want to teach understand ing and compassion as well as awareness she said the speaker distributed a book let outlining the regions goals for the aids education program the strategies according to the booklet will help students understand that sexual absti nence is the most effective means of preventing the spread of aids for single people and that mono gamous relationships between uninfected partners are the most effective means of preventing the spread of the disease mr rensink explained that classes would identify behavioral options and alternatives related to treating their bodies well and that high and low risk situations would be discussed principal bob elliot concluded the meeting by explaining the im portance of schools presenting a healthy alternative to what the students are being constantly ex posed to by such television prog rams as loveboat spring fling planned stouffville the stouff- ville business improvement area board will sponsor a spring fling sat april 9 at the maples of ballantrae the fundraising event will in clude a dinner a dance and a fashion show tickets will go on sale soon at 25 per person further details will follow as the date nears the event was one of several items discussed at a meeting feb 10 other matters on the agenda in cluded a proposed 1988 bia budget a presentation to the committee by bruce averill con cerning a letter package with area merchants and arranging the general meeting march 2 at the public library alan dickson stressed the im portance of an identify for stouff- ville members plan to discuss this further possibly at the general meeting march 2 chamber annual meeting stouffville the annual meeting of the whitchurch- stouffville chamber of com merce will be held wed april 13 at the deer park inn the executive for 198889 will be m a elected at this time brian meharg sue meyers fran- present officers are ken san- cis cairo ed lundman larry diford president graydon card rogalski and jim mason direc- and gary bouwmeister vice- tors presidents doug weddell trea- chamber membership now surer donna toms secretary stands at 157 marylou reesor of rr 2 markham didnt now has 11 flyinghours to he ri andjigflj3 know what she was missing until her boyfriend soon some dayshe hopes to havea plaaempssl coaxed her info a date aboard his cos own jlgg marylous been on cloud nine ever since she bruceseh vby brucestapley for 25 years marylou reesor 18th avenue rr markhainiwatched plants fly over her parentsi house- takingidfffrqni markham air- poi t near dicksons hill however a new- boyfriend took her but oh sf date in his ccsba45t that she decided to taketo the skies jierseuv i yc v id been watching the planes ever since iwas a kid marylou explains but i never gave flying a thought until myboyfriend took me upit was the first time wed even gone outtogethery that first date back in april resulted in mary- lou signing uplfor lessons in july shenow has 111 flying hoursto her credit sheheeds 34 hours in total to qualify for a private pilots license j im closeftp soloing- nowshc i states ex- jcitedly ivv marylou trieslo make it to the airport eyery monday for lessons supplementing her air time with ground school vyednesdays there she- learns all about engines air frames navigation and meteorology shes the first to admit howev er it takes bbthmoney and time i look at my schedule and then at my bank book and decide if i can afford to go that week i she says witha smile s marylous schedule extremely busy a pro fessional photographer she graduated from the photographic arts program at conestogacol- iege and later joined thestaff of george ross photbgraphymairi street j stouffville where shes been the past four years in addition shes a director on the staff of glenbrook day caihp mccowau road p v k i i butheractivities dont stop there maryl6usa memberqf the pax christi choir associated with the menhonite church- shes also active in her own church wideman menno- nitewhere shes served as a sunday school teacher vaaryiulivwithfiepaenteandsisterinav beautiful centuryold farmhbmeeast bfhwy 48 iv v ft 3 by herbwn a practic- al lyjiejbf person shfeclalinsher newfound in- terest n flying sterns from a determination to try new things i dont see myself as aggressive she says- but i do sec mj omelsome lay 1 hope to have a plane ofiny ovn marylou claims shes developed a real love for flyii its exciting being up where very few people are its a thrill im glad ijyas inspired to tityjjg training runs usually take her oi coe or otiier uninhabited regions shes learned never to become too casual at the controls 7f she recalls one unforgettable incident my- instructor was teaching me how o come out of a stall was getting the hang suddenly hit the rudder we beg ngtv wards the ground- 1 tried i myinslruclor took over mi b w ei ika marylou insists she can do spins now but that first timeit was a blur marylou hopes to have her license by tlieenq9 of the year- she still goes aloft with her bg riend touching down at lindsay and peterbbfi ough for cups of coffee rwsfcli marylou says she enjoy the atmeiphere growing but still maintains the sameatmos phere vmaryrloii insists the fact she- i iyctnes only female pilotintraining hasnt presented a- prbblem the men seem to think its interest- ingltheynevergivemeahardtiifi rheytn i me like one of the guys this sense of cbmraderie contributes to her- b verall enjoyment we all talk about the samek thingsits a lot of fun marylbu admits shesbeeh bitten byithea flyingbug iff a different dimension up there different from anything ive ever known she s formary reesor liappinesswglidga cloud nine she hopes her new hobby nev- turns to earth editors mall another forty dear jim sincere congratulations on your recent welldeserved roast what an honor to be selected i readily accepted the request to roast you jirri until i realized i had an unavoidable conflict that necessitated mybeing out of town that evening- for that jim i apologize however with your stamina and unflagging determination i trust ill havcthe pleasure of being asked to roast you on your second 40th anniversary sincere best wishes on the con tinuation of a successful career sincerely graydon card- obrien avenue- stouffville ronherrema outstanding junior farmer stouffville entries in weekend talent contest jim cadieux left and wayne kcclcr right were entries in a very successful talent contest friday and sunday evenings at la valletta and the greens restaurants stouffville the show was held in con junction with the annual snoiitch carnival while neither gentleman advanced to the finals their presentations were well received the talent champion was tenyearold lawnie wallace of ballantrae jim thomas uxbridge ron hcrrema son of durham regional chair man gary hcrrema has been named outstanding junior far mer of 1987 by durham west junior farmers ron was selected on the basis of his active leadership in club prog rams and events throughout the year others honored were roscan- nc crydcrman sunderland jamie lambert beavcrton and anne vanderven uxbridge anne vanderven is the clubs 1988 president the executive also includes suzie hiltsstanley of norwood provincial director roscanne crydcrman 1st assis tant provincial director jane tccfy sunderland 2nd assistant provincial director and mike- riscbrough uxbridge vice president other officers include debbie waltham brookliri secretary marie nicholls lindsay trea surer sharon annand and anna harrison uxbridgc newsletter editors john vanderven ux bridge agriculture contact ed crydcrman sunderland and jamie wcthcral cannington farm safety representatives 1