c18 economist suntribune february 10 1988 face lift a cure for some ailing plants a face lift may be the cureall when a hanging plant has turned from a beauty into a beast and from this cosmetic surgery baby plants can be born propagation from stem cut tings is fun and easy its ideal for gift giving exchanging saving healthy parts of an ailing plant or increasing collections all thats needed is patience plus a little practice in grennery obstetrics as far as containers are con cerned anything goes just make sure theyre clean and drainage holes can be put in the bottoms even disposable paper bathroom cups are useful for single occu pants and roots wont be dis turbed when upgrading is needed- just cut the cup away and repot consider tin cans or cut a milk carton in half for a nursery of newborns you might even try a green w growing elaine gordon clear plastic food bag with grow ing medium at the base just blow into it to inflate the bag and secure with a twisttie after planting snip a fourinch length of stem keep at least three leaves on top and remove the lowest foliage make a hole a potato skewer is dandy in for example a medium of 13 sterilized potting soil to 23 vermiculite or perlite chances of success are greater if the stem is dipped in a rooting hormone powder to increase root produc tion insert the cutting to half its length in the hold and gently tamp the medium to hold the stem up right apply room temperature water never cold cuttings can be propagated in water but some plants rooted in this way often find it difficult adjusting to soil a simple way to provide humid ity is to cover the plant with a clear plastic food bag secured at the top or pot rim to prevent the bag from coming in contact with foliage insert three swizel sticks straws or a ushape wire frame this minigreenhouse is a good temporary sick bay for plants with the doldrums too clear objects like an inverted drinking glass or jar resting on the medium could be useful as well consider a cake cover lid or an aquarium for covering a fami ly of pots set in a warm bright spot out of direct sun if a lot of condensation appears open the bag for a few minutes daily to help clear the ex cess rooting times vary so after several weeks gently tug at the cutting and if it resists roots have formed slit one side of the bag or slightly prop up the bottom of the cover for a few days before dis carding this helps the baby become acclimatized to a normal environment when enough roots have grown to support growth carefully remove and pot up multiplying african violets from a leaf cutting a leaf with its stem attached isnt difficult either just cut a healthy leaf from the centre row not the older bottom row and dip the end in rooting hormone powder before inserting into medium at a 45- degree angle make sure most of the stalk is covered water and set under plant lights or in a bright spot without sun keep damp new plantlets will form at the base of the leaf and when they are tom thumb size gently separate from the mother leaf and pot up fzktainzjooilnqjlimikzd special colours of stains finish with urethane varnish special price for extra coats of urethane the best prices in town for free estimate call markham 2941648 painting wall covering 30 year s experience quality 4 service free estimates roger pavan 88m005 dynatech installations basements renovations additions custom homes toronto leave uxbridge 3797475 message 8529654 seajay interiors wallpapering alterations o painting reasonable prices 4386133 pour season aluminum sales est 1961 replacement windows siding fascia soffit alcan bufctng products doors windows al craig glenn rr 3 stouffville vinyl siding eavestroughs awnings phone 6405603 tnt caulking window service storm doors mirror work porch enclosures tub shower doors quality work at reasonable prices no job too shall tony 6404486 aone drywall acoustics residential commercial renovations free estimates 16 years experience steve johnson 2945734 john heaton 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