c8 tribune february 3 1988 tragedy averted dicksons hill pilot lar ry covens of thornhill had plan ned to land his disabled cessna 150 on a driveway leading to the markham airport east of hwy 48 near dicksons hill at the same time he spotted a car on the narrow gravel strip rather than risk the lives of its occupants he nosed the single- seater into a nearby field there was only about five or six seconds covens told the tri bune the craft was flying at an alti tude of about 250 feet when the engines cylinder head blew covens said hed been thor oughly trained on what defensive action to take under such cir cumstances you do what youve been taught to do instinctively he stated the pilot was accompanied by his instructor michael heckbert of bolton neither man was hurt although the plane can be re paired the cost would be close to the price of a new one covens concluded calendar of events the tribunes community focus publishes a weekly calendar of events for the area individuals or orga nizations wishing to use this free service should call 640- 2100 or 6492292 no later than friday preceding publica tion feb 3 a community ball meeting has been called for wednes day feb 3 at 8 pm in the whitchurchstouffville re creation complex diamond times and new projects for the upcoming season will be discussed the annual canadian inter national farm equipment show will be held at the toronto international centre feb 3 to 5 moneysaving tickets are available at local farm equipment dealer out lets and the coop feb 4 again will be presented thursday feb 4 in the au ditorium of parkview vil lage 70 ninth line south at 730 pm feb 5 the gilbert and sullivan production of together the goodwood christian womens club will meet on friday feb 5 from 930 to 1130 am in the goodwood community centre love boat is the theme with corrie hubert the guest speaker for reservations call muriel keeping at 6404905 or linda morrison at 8525760 feb 6 the markhamstouffville family life centre is offer ing a workshop entitled career focus for teens saturday feb 6 from 2 to 4 pm at the markham public library the program will provide a first step in career planning registration fee is 35 per person the workshop will continue saturday feb 27 also from 2 to 4 pm feb 7 the stouffville branch of the royal canadian legion holds its annual timmy day sunday feb 7 froml to 6 pm there will be lucky draws and many prizes with all proceeds going to the eas ter seals societys timmy program feb 8 home support services will show a sneak preview movie on monday feb 8 at 130 pm in the silver jubilee club for transporta tion call 6406554 feb 9 the whitchurchstouffville adult skating club is holding a valentine skate tuesday feb 9 from 730 to 9 pm at the town rec centre the uxbridge players are holding auditions for the per- formance midsummer mink in the music hall tuesday feb 9 at 730 pm for additional information call 8526074 or 8527661 feb 10 the bethesa womens in stitute is holding a potluck luncheon on wednesday feb 10 at the home of lillian carr ninth line south stouffville beginning at 12 noon feb 11 the stouffville missionary church is hosting a valentine coffee hour thursday feb 11 st 730 pm featuring a cakedecorating demonstra tion by vera francis special music by judy steckley and wendy williams and guest speaker janet paxton canadas largest window covering specialists compare quality pric1 similar product at save at contour the bay 14200 1225 sears 14200 1125 eatons 15900 2925 pay in four equal installments over 60 days on approved credit 500 minimum purchose required over 50 stores across canada prices as surveyed january 27 1988 brands may differ store to store ajax north 4273110 ajax south 4272800 borrie 7374200 brampton 4501911 burlington 3368181 cambridge 7403633 guelph 8365090 kitchener 8941333 london n 6601909 london s 4727684 markham 4716565 mississauga n 8970100 mississauga s 8230090 newmarket 8533655 oakvillen 8496171 oakvilles 8254014 richmond hill 8839922 st catharines 6829271 scarboroughn2930390 scarboroughs2667787 thornhill 7643010 toronto west 2398194 waterloo 7463870 whitby 6680512 woodbridge 8561023 fash ions