p54weekender october 31 1987 val grose of markhanis iron works does a light workout with a barbell grose notes that contrary to popular belief stopping the work out process wont make your muscles turn to flab its impossible he insists photos bruce etheridge ir gmnastics centre fun fitness fundamentals classes for all ages 3 yrs up boys girls experienced nationally certified coaches new custom built facility full floortumbling strip balance beams pommel horse parallel bars large foam pit rings high bar vault uneven bars trampoline 190 bullock drive markham 2947872 debunking some bodybuilding myths by bruce etheridge cannonball deltoids bulging biceps horseshoe triceps and armorplated pectorals are being sought after by more men and women each year thanks in large part to the au strian oak arnold schwarzeneg ger bodybuilding has become the fastest growing fitness craze over the last five years now women as well as men spend hours hoisting barbells and dumbells seeking firm muscular physiques pumping iron has captured the fancy of the fitness- concious in the eighties it gives people a reason to be proud of their body says val grose chief instructor at the iron works gym on bullock dr in markham weight training allows a person to shape his or her own body any way they choose through body building a person can actively control their physical appear ance if for example a man wants broader shoulders or a woman wishes firmer thighs then all they need do is embark on a weight lift ing program designed to build up these areas of course its more complicated than that the body reacts to the increased demands being placed upon it through weight lifting by increasing a muscles size weight training tears down muscle fibres grose explains thais why you get muscle sore ness after working out over the next 48 hours the body repairs itself using proteins to rebuild the muscle tissue to com pensate for this increased work load the muscle fibres begin to in crease in size part of this muscle building process involves something cal led the pump in the book pumping iron author charles gains referred to the pump as the rush and fix of body building a pump is when all the blood goes to the area or muscle your working grose says as the muscle becomes flushed and en gorged with blood it almost im mediately begins increasing in size aside from the instant grati fication of watching a muscle grow right before your eyes hor mones are also released into the system grose describes the feeling as a natural high akin to the high grose works out on a machine designed to increase pectoral muscle size fifteen repetitions on this can cause a bit of pain but it leads to bigger and healthier pecs and grose says weightlifting is no more of a danger to your heart than any other sport experienced by longdistance run ners arnold schwarzenegger even claimed that getting a pump was better than making love but grose notes i wouldnt go as far as saying that he does state that a good pump is an indicator of a good workout a pump means growth he points out over the years bodybuilding has been pervaded by more myths than perhaps any other activity one of the most common about weight training is if a per son stops working out the muscle turns to flab muscle tissue cant change into fat cells any more than fat can be converted into muscle tissue it would be like turning lead into gold if you dont work out for a while you start to lose size but you dont get fat grose maintains eating fatty foods and not work ing out thats how you get fat bodybuilding takes a great deal of food to fuel the body and build saeeess saataa sato fiae fall specials 10 sessions 20 sessions 49 89 monday to friday 1200 lo 800 pm saturday 1000 am to 20 pm 220 main st e stouftville success square ilaza 6407250 ai j inn muscle tissue if when a person stops training he or she doesnt reduce their food intake then fat will replace the muscle tissue giv ing the appearance of muscle being turned into fat another popular myth about bodybuilding is that it makes one musclebound while it is true the sheer physical size of a muscle can restrict movement weight lifing does not make muscles per manently stiff or tense this notion has most probably arisen from the way bodybuilders appear during contests on televi sion when on stage bodybuilders are continually being evaluated by the judges so even in a sup posedly relaxed state they are flexing grose says that weight lifting can actually improve joint flex ibility if a muscle and its adjacent tendons and ligaments are work ed at various angles through diffe rent exercises many people also believe that bodybuilders simply rely on drugs specifically steroids to attain such physiques but if it were as easy as taking a pill then everyone would have a build like arnold schwar zenegger if you take the stuff and dont work out youre not going to get results grose says competitive bodybuilders do generally use steroids four to six weeks before a contest he says but there are drawbacks because the body eventually adapts to this influx of artifical male hormones steroids are only effective for a short duration to continue making gains through the use of steriods a per son would have to continually in crease the dosage because of the side effects associated with the drugs this isnt possible and once a bodybuilder stops taking steroids the muscles re turn to their size prior to the time the drugs were injested women often believe that if they start training with weights they will begin to develop large manly muscles but this is not so because women have lower levels of testosterone than their male counterparts women are li mited as to how much they can increase the size of theirjijuscles v contd on page 5-