weekenberseeiembfir26jj87ra i general help qish ic510 liberal classified salesperson required parttime by local newspaper for classified and feature sales the successful candi date will possess an excellent telephone manner and enjoys dealing with the public this position offers salary and commis sions and is an excel lent opportunity for the right person typing necessary call for an interview dawna andrews 8813373 public skating guards part time maintenance evening and weekend hours are available at both crosby and mil- liken arenas candidates must be hardworkers and able to take on responsibilities applications are available and must bo returned to crosby memorial arena 210 main st unionville 4771542 market research interviewers needed will train for thomhili square please call 2664561 or 4293136 markville landscaping and nurseries inc requires labourers full time positions from now until freezeup for confidential interview call between 9 am 7 pm monday to saturday 4711010 iorth nork chevrolet olosmobile ltd car jockey required by large gm dealership to start immediately must have valid drivers li cence apply to danny harrison 8810113 zipp drugs more full time head cashier good benefit package callwally 4717123 beaver foods requires immediately salad bar person 7 am 330 pm mondayfriday dishwasher 8 am 430 pm mondayfriday short order cook 10 am 630 pm mondayfriday please call 4748089 machine operator trainees converting plant has openings for helpertrainees in pro duction department good opportunity to learn trade some heavy work involved phone for appointment 8i533ioi ivyfoss required immediately service greeter car porter days evenings must be friendly and eager to cater to our customers apply service manager 8862001 sales agents needed have you ever considered a career in real estate enthusiasm hard work and the finest training available are the keys to a suc cessful and rewarding career the training never stops you may work from your home or in conjunction with our offices to see if you aresuited please call and we will spend an hour shar ing ideas with you call brian meharg 6403131 century 21 gerry meharg ltd security officers for richmond hill aurora newmarket areas fulltime positions company paid benefits car an asset call 4977878 9am 4pm monday friday stock control fixture assembly required full time in the highway 7woodbine area 4700300 wm full time automotive sales help required competitive wages plus company benefits apply in person monday- friday mrs mcmullen customer service woolco dept store i markville mall flkttit general help we require general help in one of our scarborough loca tions your steady work history will show that you are reliable hardworking and safetyconscious mechanical aptitude would be an asset in some positions duties in volve heavy lifting and rotating shifts we offer competitive salary and benefits package apply in person tuesday september 29th and wednesday september 30th between 1 0 am 3 pm 111 progress ave at midland previous applicants need not apply h beaver lumber 7171 yonge st thomhib we are looking for the following full and parttime positions fulltime sales in the plumbing electrical department experience in preferred but willing to train salary based on level of experience excellent benefits must enjoy working with public and be able to work some evenings and satur days this position call bernie or chris fulltime shipperreceiver experience preferred but willing to train heavy lifting is required as wellas good organizational skills starting sal ary is excellent and offers good benefits as well this position call bryan fulltime person for pricing and stocking in the lumber department heavy lifting is required this position excellent benefits and good starting salary hours are monday friday 7 am 4 pm no experience required this position call bernie or chris fulltime person required for pricing and stocking in the warehouse some heavy lifting is involved hours are mondayfriday 7 am 4 pm no experience necessary this position call bryan parttime sales required throughout the store starting salaries based on level of experience willing to train must be willing to work with the public must be willing to work at least one or two evenings per week plus saturdays parttime positions are also available during the day hours 9 am 6 pm parttime pricers and stockers required for evenings wednesday thursday friday 5 pm 10 pm and possibly 9 am 6 pm saturdays these parttime positions require some lifting call bryanz 8815230 automotive help required pronto rad muffler is accepting applications for radiator and muffler persons experience an asset but will train the right person ask for ron 2949122 warehouse person required for fast growing distributor order packing and general warehouse duties 14th and woodbine call dave whitehead 4702040 warehouse supervisor required by markham manufac turer experience necessary ex cellent salary and benefits marathon personnel 7332525