tribune september 9 1987 c7 a fond farewell to stouf fville by doug irvine hey mom im back from the sunny south to write unfortunately my last column for the tribune but more about that later as for news to report on this week we are now just one short day from deciding the fate of our now minority liberal government and i can assure everyone no one is taking this one for granted at the time of writing this column progressive conservative candidate ross stevenson had just held a corn roast at musselmans lake with larry grossman leader of the opposition in attendance meanwhile the libeial candidate bill ballinger has been pre paring his agenda for the last eight days including a visit from premier david peterson on saturday sept 5 at the beaverton office between 11 pm and 12 noon as for other news from around the town of uxbridge resident mark zillman recently competed in the national disabled games in brantford and has now qualified to compete in the 1988 special olympics to be held in korea congratulations mark upcoming special events include the annual uxbridge fall fair and the uxbridge celebration of the arts as i mentioned earlier this will be my last column for the tri bune im taking another post a little closer to home through the school year id like to take this opportunity to thank chris shanahan and jim thomas for making my stay at the tribune an enjoyable one language act opposed stouffville the herit age language act isnt manda tory in ontario but harry bowes trustee for whitchurch- stouffville and former york re gion board of education chair man feels certain it soon will be hes opposed should the requirement become law any 25 students across the region could demand the lan guage of their choice even though it might not be the language of their roots mr bowes said even now 58 individual lan guages are now being taught across the province bowes ex plained the local trustee sees nothing wrong with language study being a part of the continuing education program he points out however that some groups want it included in dav school he thinks itll be come an election issue the board he says would have to provide facilities transporta tion and qualified teachers at present theres no one avail able to supervise such a program he says he feels qualified in structors may also be difficult to find mr bowes expects to issue will be discussed at length when the board meets aug 31 h village box meats gail newall for all of markham gail newall on september 10 8 gail newall