tftlbufe c23 tops at st johns st johns school of ontario held an open house and award ceremony june 13 at its private facil ity west of claremont here headmaster mike maunder congratulates graduating students james everett left and darren hawkins james received the schools leadership award while darren earned the mark denny memorial plaque mark denny was a staff member who perished along with 12 boys during a 1978 canoe trip chris shanahan out on a limb this baby chipmunk didnt seem to mind being photographed close- up when recently spotted in a tree just southeast of stouffville chris shanahan town of whitchurch stouffville notice re meetings the following meetings of council and the planning advisory commit tee are hereby scheduled during the summer months commencing at 715 pm june 29th planning advisory committee july 2nd council august 18th planning advisory committee august 25th council and that all other regularly scheduled council and committee meetings during july and august be cancelled and that any special meetings of council or commit tees be at the call of the chair patricia g oakes amct clerk coordinator t mretxdgombre liberty mutual insurance challenges you to compare your current homeowners policy to our best policy just send in this coupon and well call you with a quote we think youll switch liberty mutual insurance free homeowner quotation offer home currently insured for masonry d frame year house was buill name phone address provincepostal code liberty mutual insurance company 10 milner business court scarborough ontario m1b 3c6 2924142 liberty mutual canada believes in liberty mutual insurance 75th anniversary- 1987 irljtkiimuliiilliisuiiikicjihiillrnkmlkf donmilkootirk you can get all the news for only 40cweek become a prepaid customer to the economist sun or stouffville tribune subscribe now j ciriir mel building centre ltd bboabha rr4 stouffville ont lia 7x5 kwhipi tel 6402350 eseksl ifiocito tabic saw 814 model 2708 389 complete with stand crc asphalt shingles 969 bdl standard weight 10 year 1 1 88 bdl heavyweight 15 year agway metal roofing and siding products available ask for quotations poly culverts 10x6m 12x6m 16x6m less 15 peeled cedar posts from 325 coal tar creosote wood preservative 5 gal s 95 1 gal s reynolds aluminum ladders in stock let us supply your galvanized sliding door hardware stouffville 6402350 t i century 31 -it-os- fcj track li note track should bo supported at 20 ccntos stay roller singlo track x s