tribune may 20 1987 all summitview music night appreciated editors mail interference is resented dear editor on jan 7 you published a let ter from me concerning sanctions and propoganda against south africa in it i stressed the stupid ity and hypocricy of those people and governments who decided on these measures and that these penalties only created the oppo site effect to that which was de sired this past week the white south students display talents their principal too the staff and students of stouffvilles summitview public school held their third annual music night may 13 before an appreciative audience for principal lome boadway above it was his final event of this kind a song sung as a tribute was followed by a standing ovation mr boadway then accompanied the children on the piano with the summitview song the senior choir members right are heidi black left and lindsay lesser the senior choir was directed by julia topping the primary choir was led by linda christensen jim thomas coast to coast spectacular africans in their election re turned a government which will be even more right wing and apartheid than the outgoing one in my opinion the result is a de nied reaction to the continual in terference by governments and other bodies telling another sovereign country how to run its own affairs this attitude only makes the recipient of such advice all the more determined to continue on its intransigent way it should have been obvious to any oneeyed donkey that the mea sures taken would have the oppo site effect all countries resent this kind of advice from outsiders who do not have to live with their problems it is the natural reaction and on a more personal basis one would resent any neighbor telling you that they didnt like your lifestyle and that you were bringing up your children in the wrong way if this sanctimonious holier than thou attitude is adopted it has to be consistent we dont hear or read any great indigna tion at the treatment meted out to chileans in their own country only the pope had the moral cour age to criticize openly the be havior of the government when he was recently on a visit to that country where are the sanctions against russia for her invasion of afghanistan oh i forgot athletes were banned from taking part in certain sporting events and there was a boycott of the commonwealth games in edin burgh because the british gov ernment had the sense to see that blackmailing tactics do not work in these cases of sanctions and boycotts it was only the athletes that suffered if changes have to be made in a country that change has to come from within by the people them selves thanks to the interference by foreign countries in the domes tic affairs of south africa it looks as if freedom for the black person is farther away than ever sincerely adam johnstone rr 1 stouffville irustwft kammv tut cobwwation 8 wellington street west markham ontario up 1a2 guaranteed investment certificates 10 5 year term 30 days to 5 year rates available on request 2941372 ext 317 or 318 rates subject to change member canada deposit insurance corporation store your fur al ltfis 0 wall keep them safe secure all i storage cbrnatecontroflcd fur storage vault t prxects fur from heat and hurrity cleaning cleaning keeps your fur in op condition yearround f insurance yearround insurance protect your fur against tire then loss and damage due to an accident wherever you take them 10 discount for seniors offers 10- discount or serwx old ens we re convenient is convergent take your turs directly to our fur factory warehouse ai 170 esna park or mmarkham pickup service ittia oflers tree home rck up service can 479 3877 and a bonded dnver wb ca at j fhltfttxf the uost trusted name in fur since ima 170 esna pk dr at denison except for clearance product and hi m m limited supply ram checks will bo issued if art item is sold out radie haek division tf iwrr ptapj canada ltd oa tier nnt j pcvaapr rxt inc i r tottanlil imtn id mor jkk ortty check the white pages for the radio shack store or participating dealer nearest you advertising corrections eatons get set for summer insert appearing in iho markham economist and sun wednesday may 13 1987 pg 4 llems fg canada belt tho keying on iho description is reversed 0 should read with croco tabs g should read with leather tabs pgo 21 item j eaton leisure 7 rugby shons this item is incorrectly described should read potyostcrandcotton pge 25 item d norco touring helmet description and illustration aro incorrect this model doos not include a visor inaovortonlly the errors listed above have appeared in our advertising wo sincerely regret any inconvenience or contusion to our customers eatons