weekender may 16 1987 p51 t i j to aayertise irf marichambusine news cell 23422gq i ol rwai isi a melroland publication 24 pagesflf- february 1987 ob black operates as if employees ore an exten- isioif of his famiry f6t it see oir business profile on page 4 a f b5ss directory lifor the jaiestion whats happen ms 8 ssssp from the ectors desk p5 sjvtmeht oodoiisf t mwingtips p11 jsvpblace fayc3terp13j4 cioct pt4 computer plg- board pl-thae- watch for 1942200 4959440 64021 00 6492292 3 f wjmo t tvn hwmrirtmimjsvwhhivs wwwwfvi