tribune march 18 1s87 a5 on party for seals comedian charlie farquharson alias don hevron puts his head of the entertainment at a tinunytammy jamboree hosted sunday together with female counterpart charleen farquharson alias by royal canadian legion branch 459 whitchurchstouffville mayor fran sainsbury the two were part as always mickey mouse joyce morrison was a favorite with the younger set at sundays stouffville legion party in support of the easter seal society one of mickeys biggest fans was 3yearbld ericablack of manitoba street the legions guest of honor charlie farquharson took time out to ham it up with whitchurchstouffville birthday girl jamie hakonson who turned 10 on saturday a full entertainment lineup included brook- lins carl leitch and his country ramblers who apparently helped put the audience in a generous mood about 4500 was collected for the easter seal society photos by chris shanahan rac mcfaddcn legion district commander for zone a2 agreed to have his face painted as part of a fundraising pledge his new youngsters flocked to have their faces painted including 1-ycar- touch up from mother barb maclaren appearance was a big hit with the likes of humpty dumpty old gall maclaren of blake street stouffville here she gets a j a