p20 weekender march 14 1987 results march n 1987 the weekender 54 main st w stouffviue on atten representative dear joan dear joan as you know i advertised my open house at 1 16 percy lane in the march 7th weekender showcase and 1 wanted to let you know how well the advertisement worked knvers most of them without agents so they must have as you know i adveruseu i know no nder showcase and sq they mus have t we had 58 prospective lthep3p nts pay for their own advertising so fsrealyn as you know remax agenjs pay y0 know you got a gooa tonally make corvice and the en as you know remax agents pay you know you got a good return on the investment thank you for the excellent service and the efforts you personally make to ensure that our advertising gets in on schedule yours sincerely yours si lan ac batt ps we have a good offer on the property bmrc impcriahealw 467 main street ert 9tou phone 416 0 conomist sun thettibune 2942200 6402100 2942200 6402100 r f y r s iv vawyv