life courses at town library tribune february 4 1987 a5 stouffville the mar- kham and stouff ville family life centre will be holding three new family living courses at the stouffville library beginning this month i according to education coordi nator marilyn ashby the courses will include exploring mother ing living with teens and alco hol and young people exploring mothering will provide mothers of young chil dren the opportunity to deal with feelings relationships and differ ing approaches the discussion gideon work was her love markham service was held jan 26 from the dixon- garland funeral home mar- kham for elda victoria raymer following her passing jan 22 in montreal mrs raymer the former elda rainey was born may 24 1907 on a farm near cedar grove in mar kham township she attended cedar grove and box grove pub lic schools her father john gar- dham rainey operated the box grove general store and post office mrs raymer taught sun day school in the box grove methodist church a work that marked the beginning of a life long involvement in church work and christian service in recent years mrs raymer along with husband ed partici pated faithfully in the work of gi deons international she was a member on the national execu tive serving as a chaplain as well as in the welcome hall mission in montreal mr and mrs raymer have lived in montreal since 1944 at funeral services in both montreal and markham pastors spoke of mrs raymers christian faith and dedication rev ed prosser of the missionary church of canada read the 91st psalm mrs raymers favorite guy olaisola of gideons international told of her important contribu tions to their ministry a grand- niece sharon wilson sang near to the heart of god and those attending sang some of her favo rite hymns including amazing grace donations in her memory were- made to gideons interna tional i cedarena celebration icedar grove cedarena is keeping cedar grove on the map i like old man river it just rolls on and on this popular iceskating spot celebrated its diamond jubilee jan 27 between three and four hundred people attended charter skaters of 60 years ago were austin reesor eva reesor walter reesor ruby and mabel reesor ida reesor taps- cott helenmilroy jean milroy richards isobel scott whittak- er myrtle hamill and john claughton the most senior of all skaters in attendance were alvin klinck of agincourt and formerly of stouffville and mrs john wil- liamson of markham i a sevenfoot birthday cake made out of snow and ice added to the spirit of the occasion the weather was clear and the ice smooth and fast hot chocolate and donuts were served at intermission the manager of cedarena is i dave ritchie i small child j breaks leg by evelyn milsted gormley andrew foster 2 v4 year old son of mr and mrs i david foster suffered a broken leg while toboganning with his father i the many friends of frank ben- inett will be pleased to know hes j making a good recovery following surgery in york central hospital richmond hill mr bennett came home early this week harold knights of stouffville representing the gideons will be jthe guest speaker this sunday feb 8 at heise hill church fur fashions goodwood paula lish- mans returning to goodwood j the blackstock resident will present a knitted fur fashion show when the goodwood i christian womens club meets this friday feb 6 at 930 am jin the goodwood community centre admisson is 250 with com- plimcntary babysitting provided special music will be provided by the sowers from port pcr- ry guest speaker is carol peter- son of cambridge for coffee and nursery rcserva- j lions call cither christine hard- ing 6406296 or linda morrison 18525760 will be led by mrs janice berger a registered nurse who recently completed her masters in adult education registration for this course is 10 per person it will begin on thursday feb 5 at 7 to 9 pm mrs berger will also be leading a sixsession course on living with teens and will deal with strengthening relationships through knowledge and under standing at this confusing time topics will include communica tion problemsolving developing responsibility promoting self- esteem and closing the generation gap registration for this course is 45 per person or 75 per couple it will begin on tuesday feb 10 7 to 9 pm and continue until march 24 the family life centre will also offer the course alcohol and young people and the problems of experimentation it will ex plore what parents can do to promote healthy social habits especially moderate consumption of alcohol the discussion will be led by executive director dr ed ward meade who heads a group for young people with various problems registration for this course is 8 per person or 10 per couple and will begin wednesday feb 18 7 to 9 pm anyone wishing to register in these courses may phone the markham and stouffville family life centre 4750433 or mail a cheque to 1151 denison street suite 10 markham l3r 3y4 babysitting can be fun this is fun says ashlee bur- ness of rr 4 stouffville as she pushes sister amy around the ice at the rec centre friday during an hourlong free skate sponsored by st james pre sbyterian church editors mail subsidy facts dear editor we have read with a great deal of interest the account in your jan 28 issue describing tie happy occasion at green gables manor when members of their over 90 club were honored by government andj municipal representatives we share with the community the good feelings that arise out of occasions when older persons who have contributed so much are honored it is the purpose of this letter to create awareness of the fact that mr haluszkas statement charitable institutions are paid 80 per day per resident certainly does not apply to parkview home for the aged currently parkviews actual cost per resident per day for persons on extended care is 5626 however government regualations limilj our approved revenues for standard accommodation to 4848 per dayt resident rather than 8000 as stated by mr haluszka approved revenues are a combination of resident fees and government subj sidies j the deficit incurred by the difference between 5225 and 4848 mus be met from any sources we can find in addition if the costs in charitable homes such as parkview can be brought below the 4848 level the subsidy is reduced to the actual cost this is consistent with the non profit concept and is in contrast with a flat rate paid privately operated nursing homes j we are in agreement with mr haluszka that extended care subi sidies frequently do not cover the cost of operation especially if a majority of our residents require heavy levels of care extended care subsidies begin at the 15 hours per day level of nursing care and are designed to cover costs up to the chronic care levels we trust this will help clarify for tribune readers the current facts related to costs in nursing homes and homes for the aged and the extent of financial assistance from the ontario government to persons in these institutions may i add that we at parkview are grateful for and appreciative of the excellent facilities and the quality care provided by green gables management and staff i know that the mutual objective of both green gables and parkvie is to bring comfort and security in an atmosphere of respect anu caring to older persons who have reached the stage in life where they require help for daily living needs sincerely jm nighswanderl parkview executive adminstrator- for the parkview board or directors clinique gift with any clinique purchase of 12 or more beauty boosting gift with purchase clinique right now includes lipstick 3 g glossy black mascara 15 ml dramatically different moisturizing lotion 60 ml clarifying lotion 2 30 ml protective shampoo and a wide tooth comb one bonus per customer while quantities last hurry in today 7 day scrub cream the clinique way to younger looking skin at any age 60 ml s14 120ml s20 ggcuniquef 7 day- scrub cream cr exfoliante your personal fragrance and cosmetic selection your moneys worthand more satisfaction or money refunded we service what we sell coast to coast sears cards canada s department store credit card home of kenmorf oieharo craftsman personal stopping only please visitsearsmarthsrnpiacesteeies4dormills 081 6600 were open monday 10 friday 9 30 am to 930 pm and saturday 9 30a m loooop m searscanadalnc reg or was refer tosearspnces pricesineffeciuniilsat feb mmorwhitequantitieslasi unless otherwise indicated pncesdonoi include home delivery charges for details please inquire ai your nearest sears store copyright canada 1987