economist suntribune november 12 19867 general help 510 town of markham public libraries ubrary assistants wanted at thornhill village library 2 positions at 12 hours a week 1 position at 8 hours a week qualifications ubrary technicians diploma or canadian high school gra duation diploma and 12 years related library experience typing skills ability to work effectively with the public apply in writing to chief librarian town of markham public libraries 7755 bayview avenue thornhill ontl3r4p1 requires drivers kitchen help full part time full part time day bartender full time call 8515 mccowan rd markham ontario a delicious opportunity country style donuts requires at our woodbine hwy 7 location baker sandwich maker mon fri 7 am 12 noon counter help daytime midnights porter earn extra money while the kids are in school or when you are not in school apply in person country style donuts 8370 woodbine ave just south ol hwy 7 markham come and be a part of the team molly maid a house cleaning service is a good company to work for consider the advan tages good hours 830 am to 430 pm monday through friday full and part time transportation provided active job keep fit good wages be a part of a professional team that has established an excellent repu tation in the town of markham call 2948200 cano structures inc builder of a innovative wall system requires plant assemblers carpentry skills an asset company benefits and bonus package 4770391 sales order desk coordinator we are a rapidly expanding markhambased electronic dis tributor and are currently seek ing an experienced individual as our purchasingorder desk coordinator the successful candidate will have related ex perience as well as accurate typing and a strong aptitude for figures excellent command and organizational skills are re quired if you possess the above qual ifications please call 4774442 super part time position available in the womens accessory de partment of a leading chain store in markham during the month ol december appli cant must be well groomed outgoing mature and able to work flexible hours salary plus commission telephone between 6 pm9 pm 13363849 clerical position school bus company requires full time experienced person to handle radio dispatching route coordinating payroll entries charter billing general office duties typing skills an asset must have knowledge of york region and a pleasant telephone manner for an interview call alberta witiuk simcoe transit 8881938 counter clerk required for retail lumber yard experience preferred century mill building centre ltd apply in person or phone 6402350 cosmetic perfume co aggressive selfmotivated persons to travel canada placing displays in stores nonsmoker car required salary plus commission telephone 4740632 counter persons and cashiers wanted for a busy donut store in markham apply between 4 730 pm in person at 8525 mccowan rd at hwy 7 2940955 dagmar ski resort requires full and part time personnel for the coming season experienced cafeteria help prep persons waitresseswaiters bartenders ski instructor cashiers rental staff janitorial maintenance will train lift operators snow makers apply in person saturday november 22 1986 11am 3pm in the cafeteria lakerige road 23 phone 6863207 or 6492002 come join our team counter sales service were opening a new store at kennedy cvdenison supercentre 1 you are outgoing friend ly and enjoy working with people call lisa for appointment 6565601 cadefc dhi fieldmanwoman the ontario dairy herd improvement corporation has a vacancy for a ohi supervisor in the central york county area the successful applicant will be responsible for the monthly weighing and sampling of milk from cows in dhi herd keeping records and statistical data and promoting dairy herd improvement applicants should have several years experience in dairy farming andor 3 diploma in agriculture the starting salary is s986 per hour based on 20 days per month approximately 6 to 8 hours per day written applications containing qualifications experience and telephone number should be forwarded no later than november 25 1986 to ontario dhi corporation personnel department file 693 1243 islington ave suite 512 toronto ontario m8x 1y9 full time teller experience preferred apply to stouffville district credit union 6402811 carpet warehouse person required must have drivers licence tow motor experience an advantage steeleswarden area phone dick or kathleen 9205900 managers jean machine casual wear clothing we require selfmotivated resultsoriented mana gers for our promenade mall store and one of our scarborough stores applicants must have a good knowledge of retail clothing and at least 2 years managerial experience call 4986601 assembly line work all training provided 135 torbay road near victoria parksteeles ttc hard workingresponsible come see us first assistant teacher for daycare centre full time some experience helpful 4774778 cleaners required in the thornhill and unionviile areas full time and parttime positions available 6 days per week must be bondable call 5972262 aluminum siding installer helper required full time please call evenings or weekends 2943370 a career in trucking transport drivers needed now is the time to train for your class a license for prescreening interview and job placement inforrnaton contact merv orrs transport driver training 1-800-265- 1260 telemarketing work while your children are in school if you are looking for a new posi tion that offers paid training as well as a competitive starting sal ary plus a commission with every sale we have positions available now in our mcnicoll office we are looking for ambitious dependable people to sell educa tion materials and products to schools and libraries previous telemarketing experience is helpful but not necessary hours 830 am to 330 pm monday to friday summers off plus a christmas break please call 4924000 beaird poulan requires an order entry clerk the ideal candidate will possess a pleasant telephone manner and be an organized detail oriented individual previous order deskcustomer service experience and some technical knowledge would be an asset please contact arlene mcclellan skil division of emerson electric 37 esna park drive markham ont l3r 1c9 4791000 cafeteria helper full time position hours 9 am 2 pm canada catering apply at pinpoint 30 fulton way 7313314 ext 3131 cafeteria hostess wanted part time for 7400 woodbine ave at esna park and john st mondayfriday 9 am 230 pm 500hr to start duties include serving assisting in food prepara tion clean up call i 2833855 for an appointment christmas gif wrappers creative pleasant individuals managers 520 hour plus bonus wrappers minimum wage full part time nov 27 dec 24th at markville shopping centre and other toronto locations 7819825 fine art of music music teacher required piano organs guitar arct preferred for more information please call 4714656 full timepart time counter helpers call 4791919 general help required for office furniture company woodbinesteeles area 4750505 help wanted part time nights and weekends waiterswaitresses bus persons dishwashers apply in person hwy 7 east of mccowan experienced welder for small manufacturing plant in the town of markham 4711555 jconomistsun visual verifiers excellent position for stu dents we have immediate open ings in our distribution department for a pleasant well groomed person parttime monday to thurs day from 430 800 car required please call 2948244 barry goodyear tired of the mundane let hobos change all that we are now hiring fcr full part time line cooks servers experience not necessary training provided why not join the crowd at hobos apply in person hwy 7 just east of mcco wan eldercare manor resthome is hiring mature and caring individuals for nursing attendants part time and weekend relief apply at 88 main st w stouffville or call 6406660 for interview immediate positions counter help driver part time and full time good salary 4777114 hair dresser assistant required 1 main street markham 2945465 hi handyman required markham area 2846835 help wanted days only for instore work the deli 4753595 k full or part time recreation assistants required for childcare program for further information please call 4442612 or 4753011 country club donuts requires a mature person for afternoon shift 12- noon to 4 pm monday friday- r pleasant working conditions phone 6406972 ftcobpss office assistance ltd 10096 yonge st richmond hill accountant cmacga handson bookkeeping exp computerize a- environment exc for fur ture sal neg s sec with acct knowledge professional j environment concord 20 i k gen friday person for printing co flexibility in all office skills markham sal open jr sec exc opportunity for recent grad with top skills markham 15 to 16 k receptionist with good typing outgoing pleasant manner 2 locations call for- details f parttime computer payroll clerk 1 to 2 days concord we are busy busy with a variety of temp assign- ments for sees wp ops rectypists data entry and acct clerks call today 8846782 harveys we are now seeking management trainee we also have full and part time positions available flexible hours please apply to 270 wellington st 0 markham