economist suis7tkibune september 24 1986 b9 general help 510 barnes security needs you 250 bonus we have work for security officers in scarborough wil- lowdale richmond hill thornhill and markham suitable for homemak- ers and retired persons we offer a guaranteed wage paid onsite training bonus of 250 after 3 months honest reliable career minded people required please call wendy at 6696914 for an appointment we are an equal opportunity employer full time lumber handlers required call 2942787 ask for mark fulltime waitersavaitresses station pizza parlour 2947334 fulltime evenings temporary permanent markham publisher has im mediate openings in the warehouse apply in person fitzhenry whiteside 195 allstate pkwy or contact bruce kobelka 4770030 830 am 430 pm farm help wanted students welcome 8875771 pftro canada cashiers required full and part time varied shifts apply to manager 4780 highway 7e markhamunionville 4772003 highway 7 woodbine local company has immediate openings in the warehouse for permanent and temporary workers contact ian wightman 4770030 830 am 430 pm no experience necessary are you looking foe that first job that will give you on the job training the opportun- ity for advancement and a chance to learn and grow with a progressive oompany the following are just a few of the fabulous opportunities available now s13s14k receptionist secretary out going energetic individual with excellent communications skills and minimai typing professional offices don mills york mills s17ks18k billings cc-ordinator- business degree or diploma with accounting and knowledge of computers free to travel don mills york mills s13k022 shipper receiver a willingness to leam and a good attitude towards work is all that is needed to land this varied posi tion scarborough these and other positions available even ing appointments arranged call new and start your new job tomorrow calicheryior nancy at 493880 or wendy or carolle at 2964952 peiisqnni jean machine casual wear clothing management trainees expanding retail clothing chain requires aggressive sales oriented individuals to fill exciting store positions retail experience is re quired call 4986601 tops n trends exciting fall fashions party plan consul tants and management positions avail able fun easy profitable car availability a must more information call regional office 4792815 paid male volunteers wanted between the ages of 18 to 35 years needed for new clinic located in scarbor ough ontario for more in formation call 4711926 between 830 am830 pm human exemption 398 general factory help required day afternoon shifts good starting salary rate and ex cellent benefits apply in person to 110 denison st unit 7 markham gas attendant full time good wages monday to friday 630 am 400 pm esso station kennedy rod 2 km north of steeles call karl or harold 4774423 general helper general helper wanted to perform a variety of duties in our manufacturing area lo cated just north of steeles at warden 40 hours per week on a two shift system must be able to communicated in english possibility of advancing to a permanent position for per son with suitable attitude and ability for appointment call 4770557 otd fashioned maids looking for head maid mature responsible person with drivers licence prefer red but not necessary 4741412 barnes security needs you 250 bonus we have work for security officers in scarborough wiifowdale richmond mill thornhill and mart ham suitable for homematers and re tired person we offer a guaranteed wage paid on site training bonus of jso after 3 months honest rtaw career minded peopre reared please carl wendy at 6696914 for ar appointment we art an ecjua opportuny erplcytr fulltime swimming pool construction workers needed to work in markham area no experience necessary we will train 2946616 call evenings cafeteria help part time 1030 am to 230 pm for industrial cafeteria in warden steeles area would suit home- maker competitive wages for appointment call 2526251 business hours clean up person full time for busy bodyshop in mar kham drivers license re quired 2943443 cashiers full and part time apply immediately to manager white rose crafts and nurseries hwy 7 unionville counter help required for weekend saturday and sunday early morning shifts country club donuts 6406972 if you are mature reliable and enjoy elderly people bethany lodge requires weekend and full time help in the areas of dietary nursing t maintenance call 4773838 driver wanted for steak truck s850 per hour 4792402 or 7429442 delivery driver required full time for metro torontomarkham area good salary and benefits clean driving record essen tial call dave 4750015 deer park inn stouffville requires waiters waitresses and short order cook call mary 6406060 driver part time for fuel oil deliveries must have d licence abstract required 8875237 experienced alarm installer call 4779972 weekends or after 5 pm on weekdays stable hand wanted reliable mature person to work in horse stable accommodations available thornhill 8891730 jotjbneys end motels chamber maid full time maintenance person part time apply in person 8330 woodbine ave markham woodbine hwy 7 licensed mechanic or 4th or 5th year apprentice required immediately braces auto service 330mainstwstouffville apply in person or phone 6407098 mowmaid come and be a part of the team molly maid a house cleaning service is a good company to work for consider the advan tages good hours 830 am to 430 pm monday through friday full and part time transportation provided active job keep fit good wages be a part of professional team that has established an excellent reputa tion in the town of markham call 2948200 markwood motel chambermaid mornings only apply in person hwy 7 1 mile east of 48 mature student 19 to work with blinddeaf 19yearold boy one day per weekend alter nate saturday and sunday must have valid drivers licence and en joy outdoor activities sign lan guage an asset s630hour call mrs wilcox after 530 4751960 parkview home requires aides in nursing full timepart time contact m wideman rn 6401911 part time concession workers for crosby milliken arenas applications available at crosby arena unionville plant cleaner markham cosmetic com pany requires an experi enced plant cleaner please call 4793444 extra money up to 12 week small parts assemblypack aging must have nimble fin gers 600 per hour hours 8 430 4753637 3415 14th ave markham gas attendants permanent full time apply b m motors limited 8150 woodbine ave 8 am 5 pm 4756377 ray moss renovation business requires mature motivated person experience not essential but would be an asset wages according to experience call ericksons woodworking evenings 4773302 helper for handyman must paint and use power tools age no problem vince 2944529 help wanted 6404198 apply frontier trading post security guards required immediately in stouffville part time and full time s500 per hour must be 18 years of age and over bondable transportation not essential call sumar investigation security 6661861 whitby staff required immediately for group homes with a christian pers pective richmond hillstouffville area de gree or diploma in social sciences or re lated experience required please apply in writing to box 3552 co the tribune stouffville ont loh 1lo roofing andor siding workers wanted for markhamstouffville area call 6404966 nursery school markham craft teacher structured program two hours daily ece primary spec or pub lic school teacher preferred 2239126 or 2261329 help deerfield equestrian farm needs help male of female ex perienced or not good wages good hours apply in person if possible vandorf sideroad and kennedy road 8881226 skilled technical help 515 driver job training placement help is available from rodgers school of truck driver training ltd for career details call 416 7693546 for literature dye setup person required with a minimum s years experience must nave knowledge in the held ol transfer or progression tooling own tools preferred apply ai sandco automotive 1064 hyw 6 north r r no 2 hamilton 1689 7061 skilled technical help 515 fitter experience fitter required for miscellaneous metal plant apply in person mrm 4810 steeles ave e milliken ont haughton graphics ltd wanted bindery help experienced preferred orwill train excellent company benefits contact jack millard 2912573 helper helper with miscellaneous metal fabrication experi ence knowledge of welding helpful apply in person mrm 4810 steeles ave e milliken ont office help 525 full time temporary office help advertising company in woodbinehwy 7 area looks for an individual to work in order processing department good general office know ledge typing 40 wpm well- organized and accurate with figures for appoint ment call 4775600 full time wardensteeles ac neilson has the follow ing positions clerk to handle detail work some- times under pressure candidate should possess good computer terminal skills aptitude for detail and figures secretary at least one year previous office experience to assume a variety of duties excellent typing skills good proof reading and good com munication skills ac neilson 160 mcnabb st markham ontario clerk p typist required for sales division of mar kham publisher duties include good telephone manner custom- er relations and clerical duties 4- day week contact r harrington 4770030 executive secretary j to the chief librarian duties typing word processing re cording of minutes reception duties administrative support to board and- chief librarian qualifications flexible enthusiastic person with excellent communication skills graduate of secretarial program or business school and three years related experience apply in writing to chief librarian town of markham public libraries 7755 bayview ave thomhffl ont l3t4p1