b8 economist sun august 20 1986 general kelp 510 j cafeteria help kitchen help required cooking ex perience an asset for an appointment call 4753457 production workers a mature individual with a steady work record required to operate wire and cable production machinery piist have factory experience must be yvilling to work steady afternoon 4 pm to midnight or nights midnight to 8 am shift good wages and benefits with a growing canadian company apply to cable tech co ltd 500 main st vv j stouffville 6404333 country club donuts requires early morning shift workers monday to friday call 6406972 or 6406716 j day care help required full and part time positions available ece teachers teachers helpers and cook call claremont 6493234 house of knives requires full time salesperson some days and evenings apply in person at markville shopping centre daycare we are currently recruiting providers in the markham area for more information call 4794274 delivery service man required full time 4714921 idrywau taper needed call axel after 6 pm experienced wood finisher required for manufacturing plant in the town of markham steady days call 4711555 jamar plumbing supplies requires self motivated person to assume inside sales position and related responsibilities 2949839 journeys end motels chamber maid full time o maintenance person part time apply in person 8330 woodbine ave markham woodbine hwy 7 la villetta requires experienced bartender waitresseswaiters call 6401670 landscape company requires personnel for construction grounds maintenance and snow removal 7311455 ly hair care 2 j total family hair care i i i bffers licences stylist one of the best compensation packages around base starting rate s455 hourly commis- j iion and bonuses on all services paid immediately upon hiring paid advanced graining course i extras j paid birthday t paid prescription i paid eyecare written raise policy sudsidized education policy sales incentives equipment provided we have full and parttime positions available at our markham location to arrange foran interview please call today 4714888 lot person must be energetic able to clean up cars possess a valid drivers li cence and have some mechanical ability salary commensurate with experience apply in person or call bill hock- ridge neil patrick motors 6403450 parkview home dietary aides required variable shifts available full time and part time position please inquire laura zabitz 6401911 481 rupert ave stouffville cashier required full or part time apply in person markham medical drug mart 39 main st n 4715588 landscape construction 2 positions available experience also k general laborer experience not essential 4773852 requires servers full and part time drivers full and part time kitchen help full and part time dishwasher full and part time call 4715050 8515 mccowan road markham ontario nursery school markham main street markham 2 hour structured program two teachers for artscrafts music ece or equivalent prefer red suit mom with 3 to 4 year old child 2949052 after 5 order desk clerk full time junior position for busy order desk at woodbine and steeles must have excellent handwriting and good command of english lan guage typing 50 to 60 wpm a must 22000 a week to start will train ca 4756354 public service clerk circulation desk clerks required for the thor- nhill community cen tre library fulltime and the unionville lib rary parttime minimum grade 12 must enjoy working with the public typing andor word proces sing apply in writting to town of markham public libraries 7755 bayview ave thornhill l3t 4p1 part timefull time waitress waiter wanted must have some experience apply in person at stouffville restaurant tavern in stouffville plaza or call after 2 pm 6403739 part time help wanted on horse farm 640- 1490 pasteup artist jr exp victoria park and steeles area phone diane or david 4770551 monthurs part time cashiers wanted for hamburger place hours 1000 am to 3 pm 4757030 phone before 1100 am or after 2 pm retail opportunities we are the number 1 chain of pet foodpet supply stores and we are expanding currently we require individuals to be trained in markham unionville wages start in the s23000 to 26000 per week range a per formance review with potential for substantial wage advancement occurs each 6 months for the first 24 months and yearly there after good benefit program we value hard work and reward extra effort previous applicants need not reapply pet valu call 2983500 between 900am to 500 pm royal lopage real estate services ltd realtor receptionist required for part time evenings and weekends call tracy 4714800 receptionist wanted high school student 1619 years old 430 830 pm no experience necessary 8875420 willowgrove a christian charitable organization re quires teachers for their farm outdoor education programs interested appli cants please call 6402127 student help required to work evenings and weekends in the kitchen and dining area of a retire ment home in unionville call mr babcock on monday august 18th between 10 am and 2 pm 4772822 shipper receiver entry level position for an energetic person accuracy and neat handwrit ing required hours 815 am 445 pm send resume or apply in per son to grosfillex inc 465 milner ave scarborough m1b 2k4 shipper required fulltime experience an asset must be organized and complete outlined tasks with minimum supervision 4758181 warehouse help opening in shipping and receiv ing of leather goods car is essential stouffville area call marilyn foran appointment at 8881987 warehouse help wanted permanent full time leslie high way 7 please call tuckers pottery supplies 4750545 warehouse persons full time year round positions avalable immediately for locations in unionville and finch and mcco wan area apply in person to white rose crafts and nursery sales ltd 4038 highway 7 unionville warehouse help full time position for experienced person with class d licence duties include light packing forklift truck work some lifting to start immediately call 2975015 zellers mature minded people for permanent positions avail able immediately and also september 1st salesperson cashier day time extra positions 10 15 hrsavk salesperson cashier regular parttime 24 30 hrswk some evenings weekends waiter waitress parttime days apply to zellers woodside square customer service desk finch mccowan programmer richmond hill computer systems consultants specializ ing in health care computing are expanding their staff and require a programmer york central health systems a sub sidiary of york central hospital in richmond hill provides services to clients ranging from large hospitals using online data base systems on ibm mainframes to ibm pc networks in small hospitals and pcs in doctors offices your skills are needed to assist our clients operating in the pc networking environment and to participate in the develop ment of new software packages your qualifications must include at least three years ibm pc experience and you should be fully familiar with basic assembler and c language you should have com pleted a diploma course in computer programming we offer competitive salaries comprehensive benefits and the opportunity to be involved in new applications utilizing current technology please send your resume in confidence to john flint president york central health systems inc 10 trench street richmond hill l4c 4z3 stresses deli bakery snack bar full and parttime positions day cashiers parttime positions apply in person didiers iga 4721 hwy 7e unionville ontario light assembly fashion jewellery we are growing and need at least 15 people to help us in the following areas finished goods sorting and counting packingshipping department light assembly job runnervclean up good salary no experience necessary but applicants must be able to read english apply in person to start 3415 14th avenue west of warden near alden and hood road 24d bus from victoria park and steeles the town of markham is now accepting applications for the following posi tions in the building department building inspector in this capacity you will inspect and report with regard to buildings and structures of every degree of complexity including part iii of the ontario building code and issue appropriate orders upon findings of bylaw con traventions in accordance with established procedures in addition you will make recommendations judgements and evaluations in accordance with department policy and degree of experience relative to the matter in question you possess a high school graduate level of education and several years experience with design office and field experience in this or a similar position your skills in architectural or structural technology as acquired through a community college course oacett maato etc or equivalent and a working knowledge of the onlario building code and other applicable legislation are essential mechanical plan examiner your principal responsibilities in this role will be to examine and review heating ventilating and air conditioning plans specifications and calcula tions as well as design data for buildings covered under the ontario building code regulations you may also be required to carry out field inspections mechanical inspector under this title you will inspect heating ventilating and air conditioning systems in new building projects as well as the alterations and revisions to existing ones this will be performed on a routine basis during the construc tion period and in accordance with plans specifications agreements and department policy you will also initiate legal proceedings involving contrac tors and property owners in violation of the onlario building code or municip al bylaws to qualify or the position of mechanical plan examiner or mechanical inspector you require a high school graduate level of education in addition to your specific skills in mechanical technology as acquired through a commun ity college course cet or equivalent several years with a design office or field experience in this or a similar position along with a working knowledge of the ontario building code are also required the salary range for each of the above positions is between 26668 and 32895 per annum please submit your resume on or before august 27 1986 to department of human resources the town of markham 891 1 woodbine avenue markham ontario l3r 1a1 driver job training placement help is available from rodgers school of truck driver training ltd for career details call 416 7693546 for literature farm machinery mechanic required immediately full time position contact 2941311