re6 economist suntribune august 13 1986 student landscaping unionville man starts business by dave sandiford jason krowitz of unionville decided that this summer would be different working for a local landscaping com pany last summer wasnt challenging him or paying very well id get up in the morning make my five bucks an hour i didnt really want to work very hard i like to take pride in my work and you cant really do that for five bucks an hours said jason so he decided to take the plunge put ting his landscaping experience to good use by starting his own business student landscaping jason himself is an interesting indi vidual who has lived in unionville for 10 years with the exception of a oneyear hiatus in florida hes an athletic 20yearold who while at markham district high school played on the ontario championship senior rug by team and on the schools infamous football squad jason decided to con tinue his education in vancouver at the university of british columbia ubc where he has also continued his football career as an outside linebacker he hopes to go into the business world after achieving a business degree while at ubc last winter jason started the wheels in motion planning his busi ness on paper and successfully applying for a student venture capital loan from the government and as soon as he got home and bought his equipment student landscaping was ready to go jason lined up custom ers by knocking on doors in new subdivi sions and by advertising in the econom ist and sun his brotherinlaw helped with some early estimates and his mother assisted with some basic bookkeeping techni ques student landscaping also employs another two people whom jason de scribes as a couple of characters russ blunderfield is a simon fraser university student and a long time friend of jasons while mike soden is a centennial college student who eats the same thing every day for lunch they are a well built crew of young men jason is a big sixfooter russ is at least sixfoot twoinches and mike stands at sixfoot fourinches jason claims this makes them the biggest landscaping company in mar kham if only in personal stature on a more serious note jason is pleased to pay the jovial duo more than the norm because as he says i can drop them off somewhere and trust them to com plete the work the company provides most of the typical landscaping services including cutting grass commercially and domestically interlocking brick work patio laying and garden bedding arrangements have been made to con tinue maintenance for the customers when jason and russ go back to british columbia in september next year jason is considering doing driveways as well ah in all jason is happy to be working for himself and confident of a future in which he will control his own summer job market there is a lot of freedom and i get to create things there is no thing like creating things ooniiiijiirij top producer markham office 2942533 unionville office sylvia houghton wanda kerr jennie cook suzie rapp lorraine harman rl nancy ethier joyce spensley maureen w for land lovers victorian beauty for the big family 4vi acres right in town have the best of both walk to schools enjoy the shaded lawns susan hall 294- 2533 l1 399000 paradise found the perfect retreat 50 acres with brand new home nearing com pletion 30 min from town many custom features susan hall 2942533 l2 139900 best buy quality built side split hard wood floors plaster walls all appliances on 13 acre com plete with trees susan hall 294- 2533 13 149900 v acre right in markham immaculate brick bungalow close to everything custom kitchen double garage more call susan hall 2942533 l4 219900 a little bit country v4 acre with sprawling ranch bungalow for the whole family beautiful yard complete with pool susan hall 2942533 l5 198000 beautiful dreamer circa 1859 stone house 3 fire places glowing pine window seats a true find in todays too busy world 100 ac susan hall 2942533 l6 290000 for the gentleman farmer 150 acre working farm fully automated restored canadian farm house 30 minutes from markham susan hall 2942533 l7 319000 for the second honeymoon 50 acres ponds and immaculate bungalow close to town lrge open rooms perfect for two susan hall 2942533 l8 260000 wanted anywhere north and east of markham 2 acres plus and a vendor wanting to lease with op tion to buy call joan kool for details 1 pamper yourself executive home on vi acre fire place ceramics skylite solid pine cabinets upgraded neut ral thruout call suzie rapp 2942533 2 299999 open house where 102 southdale dr markham when sun aug 10th time 200400 lovely conservation home sonia ellery 2942533 3 179000 new listing over 2500 sq ft of newly built luxury can be found in this taste fully decorated home close to everything call wanda kerr 2942533 or 6405194 4 204900 executive court pride of ownership shows in this 2400 sq ft home master has sitting area wicc ens call bar bara raffensperger 2942533 5 194500 statvi- jr a- si secluded court country living in markham cus tom ranch on 1 acre vaulted ceilings huge kitchen nicely treed barb raffensperger 294- 2533 6 329000 serenity 5 beautiful acres trout pond large living room cathedral ceilings wo to balcony easy commuting barb raffensper ger 2942533 7 255000 ellesmeremccowan close to schools shopping im maculate brick bungalow fire place fin rec room call wanda kerr 2942533 or 6405194 8 174900 stouffville westfield estates acres with 4 bdrm home main floor fam room gorgeous ensuite must be seen wanda kerr 2942533 or 6405194 9 209000 unionville investment 13 acres close to new develop ments 309 frontage on prop osed road herb huber 294- 2533 10 500000 if youd love a big kitchen this ones for you 4 bfrm main floor familylaundry 2 car gar age cen air ensuite jennie cookdon hamilton 294- 2533 13 197500 relax and enjoy the charm of living in scar bluffs area 3 bdrm bung fin rec rm new kit private yard lorraine harman 2942533 11 132500 village of goodwood large bungalow custom built by builder brick 4 car garage 3 3 bdrms large family rec room pool central vac air k lackie 2942533 12 198000 executive 2 storey every extra includes cen air 2nd fir laundry south exposure superb finished basement too jennie cookdon hamilton 294- 2533 14 269900 open house sun aug 17 14 38 reeve wont last exec beauty in pre stige area large lot pool and so much more call lorraine mcdo nald 2942533 15 328000 just listed unionville townhouse pretty 3 bdrm with fam rm with walk out huge eatin kitchen plus 3 appliances 119888 jennie cook 2942533 16 119888 greenpark buil royce 4 bdrms 3 baths floor family fire kitchen 168 pies court perfecti houghton 294253 42 you can a3 bdrm bungal 100000 this one 94900 stouffvill details call wand 2533 17 starter hi on almost 3 acres i bridge on corner fer 2 road access for wanda kerr 2942 5194 18 m m exceptional in unionville 4 bedn master bdrm wens out from kitchen brdlm fireplace boots montano 477 30