p6 weekender august 9 1986 eligion page cononustsun the tribune 2942200 6402100 stouffville missionary church public invited to view film the prodigal the prodigal a film from the producers of the hiding place and joni will be shown sunday aug 10 7 pm at the church 159 main st stouffville set in a contemporary urban framework the film examines the gradual spirtual and emotion al breakdown of a family as each member searches for his identity the prodigal was filmed in seat tle washington with its beautiful countryside and breathtaking views all are welcome springvale baptist the bowker brothers cana dian duopianists will present a gospel concert at springville bap tist church kennedy rd and stouffville rd on wednesday aug 13 730 pm mel and holden bowker have performed their unique twopiano styling throughout canada and united states as well as overseas and on nationwide television they have also released albums everyone is welcome to attend this family oriented concert backyard bible clubs are sche duled for aug 11 to 15 three will be held in stouffville one at cedar beach and one at ballantrae for more information call the church 8875651 unionville alliance power in parenting the young child second film in a sixpart series by james dobson entitled applications for enrollment are now being accepted for the fall term at stouffville christian school kgr 10 small classes quality christian education bus transportation from markhamunionville call 6403297 first presbyterian church of unionville o 1100 morning worship heritage centre 17 anna russel way rev michael w goheen 4777497 i nursery provided turn your heart towards home will be shown sunday aug 10 7 pm unionville alliance meets at unionville public school main st unionville all are welcome south east markham mennonite church south east markham menno nite church made up of the for mer steeles avenue and cedar grove mennonite churches will hold its services on sunday aug 10 at the home of glenn steiner 18th ave east of 9th cone the sunday school 10am and worship service 11 am will be outdoors bring lawn chairs the congregation will joint other mennonite churches of the area for a barbeque and hymn sing on sunday evening aug 10 at willowgrove mccowan rd north of 19th ave the barbeque 5 pm will fea ture sausageonabun and a drink for sale bring salad and dessert for potluck the village baptist church new location john xxiii catholic school 125 krieghoff ave unionville 1030 am sunday nursery and junior church to ase 8 pastor rev ralph d neil bsc bd 4790765 affiliation canadian baptist federation unionville presbyterian church of the presbyterian church in canada t 930 am morning worship nursery care church school william berczy public school 120 carlton road rev jost kreplin 4756233 a warm welcome awaits you the hymn sing 7 pm will be led by the rouge river family band bring lawn chairs all are welcome to attend these services centennial baptist the congregation will join springvale baptist church stouffville rd and kennedy rd for a gospel concert pre sented by the bowker brothers wednesday aug 13 730 pm aug 13 7 pm the youth will meet at the church mccowan rd south of hwy 7 for a shop ping spree cut off point for registrations for centennial baptist day care beginning in september will soon be reached if interested call the church at 2941147 the congregation anticipates beginning the building of its new sanctuary in septemberoctober stouffville pentecostal church pastor craig pitts will continue his summer series of sermons en titled timely tales from the old testament at both services sun day aug 10 11 am and 6 pm sundaymornings topic will be the first murder in the bible the congregations expo youth team joined 600700 young people from across canada in street wit nessing using the vehicles of dra ma and music they report an ex cellent time this past week youth from the congregation joined 500600 young people at lakeshore pentecostal youth camp cobourg ontario stouffville pentecostal church is located at 460 main st e stouffville whitevale united church third annual corn roast and barbeque is planned for friday aug 15 5 to 8 pm at whitevale united church at whitevale ontario altona rd n and 5th concession pickering light en tertainment call 2943457 or 294- 0927 rooted in his word growing in his spirit building people unionville alliance church 4771104 pastor dave petrescue sunday aug 10 930 am sunday school 1 1 00 am worship service 630 pm evening service dobson film power in parenting the young child all services at unionville public school 300 main street recently married harvey meek son of harvey and tina meek of markham and kristina nielson daughter of leo and charlotte niclson of custer washington were married june 21 1986 in lyndon washington the ncwlywed couple will reside in moose jaw sask while the groom completes his canadian air force pilots training centennial baptist church 8252 mccowan rd south pastor harvey peters assl g thorogood 2941147 sunday aug 10 1100 am precious sullering 700 pm a human becoming communion proposed now building unionville baptist church 243 main st 4790942 pastor dr ray reed asst brian morris sunday aug 10 1100 am dr ray reed 630 pm dr ray reed boys and girls plan now to attend adventure time aug 2529 the end of your search for a friendly air conditioned church markham baptist church 110 church street opposite high school pastor rev douglas sherwood sunday aug 10 message the new tomorrow always a warm welcome affiliated with the baptist convention of ont que