weekender august 9 1986 p5 safer biking urged dear sir with regard to the weekender comment in last weeks paper drivers must be watchful i agree that drivers must be ultra- cautious as always around cyc lists but surely you are condoning the unsafe cycling habitsthat seem to be the norm in markham i have lived in markham for six years and i have yet to see a cyc list other than in my own family stop at a stop sign or a red light i was under the impression that the laws of the road applied to all road users including cyclists not in markham it seems why do pa rents allow children to take their lives in their hands in this way why dont the police ever stop and caution or ticket this obvious breaking of the law perhaps i have missed the point somewhere but i would appreciate an ex planation as to why cyclists need no road safety rules in canada perhaps if children learnt these road safety rules as cyclists they would grow up to be better car drivers perhaps some sort of cyclistsafety classes could be in cluded in school curriculums as they are on other countries heather davidson markham drop us a line if you ha ve a beef or want to pat someone on the back sit down and write a letter to the weekender deadline is noon thursday prior to publication names may be withheld on request at the dis cretion of the editor under no cir cumstances will anonymous let ters be published the address is 9 heritage rd markham ontario l3p 1m3 0s2nsgfr specializing in silk punts and trees custom made to size for quality value visit 300 don part m im ultettun 47s39 wedsatim o- fc j oinlicji t j tmcw j smavf first rodeo thanks from the optimist club dear sir as you were aware the markham optimist club com pleted its first annual bicycle rodeo which was held at the markham festival our club feels that such an event is im portant as it serves to teach children about bicycle safety highway traffic rules and bicycle equipment in an en joyable manner i would like to take this opportunity to thank the orga nizations that helped to make our first rodeo a success the york region police for the traffic signs and pylons the ontario provincial police and the metro police for handouts markham parks and recrea tion for fences and dickie dee of markham for their spon sorship i would also like to thank one other organization that always seems to support community projects but never seems to get any credit and that is the markham econom- ist sun forensuring thatpeo- ple were aware of this project the winners of the bike rodeo were chris helsby and julie canaglia sincerely david ii tsubouchi president optimist club of markham remember hiroshima dear sir august 6 was the 41st anniversary of the us atomic bombing of hiroshima japan during world war ii on that day many innocent people died for a reason some especially the chil dren didnt even understand in the days and years that followed many more people died they are still dying of radiation sickness today the bombs that were dropped in 1915 on hiroshima and nearby nagasaki were very small and powerless compared to the atom bomb of today it is estimated that if a nuclear war broke out today nothing would be left it is pre dicted that the results would block out the sun creating what is known as nuclear winter in which only cockroaches could survive there is no such thing as a limited nuclear war the world has already seen what a very very small atomic bomb can do and we dont like the look of it that is why each year hiroshima and nagasaki are re membered by millions world wide each one of us is hoping that a nuclear warwont happen each one of us is trying in our own way to prevent it as a teenager i wor ry that it is the young people who would suffer the most because it is our future that could be blown away from us heidi priesnitz unionville summertime bonanzas halibut steaks 17 75 box of 78 02 steaks try em on the bbo heat n serve cannelloni f99 7 tray of new york style chicken wings tips removed f99 b 5 lbs p mini pizzas 5 99 1 pkg of 16 37 ea cheese pepperoni or deluxe bacon wrapped filet mignon s175gapprox6 0i s 20 99 263 ea reg 2395 pounder beef burgers 404 0z 13 99 1 10 lb box 35 ea reg 1699 new york strip loin steak 12x6 0z 198 ea rf- offer expires aug 13 or while quantities last 3 8555 mccowan rd markham 471 o 1 bvx north ol hwy 7 hcriiago ptaza mm irq- mori wed thurs frl sat sun riuuna 9306 9309 9530 1130430 new 5 glen cameron place thornhill 7640698 i just north of steeles east sido of vonge mon wod thurs fri r saturday open sunday nuurlo 10 am 6 prri 10 am 9 pm 9 am 6 pm 1130 am 430pnv lose 10 pounds y price sale on all 1847 roger bros international wallace sterling silver international angelique joan of arc pine tree prelude rhapsody 5 pc place sitting reuil our price s19999 19999 19999 16900 19999 45000 45000 45000 39500 45000 wallace grand colonial stradavari rose point grande baroque 1867 5 pc pun selling relil our price 19999 19999 19999 26999 19999 45000 45000 45000 60000 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