p10 weekender august 9 1986 store sale prices effective monday thru saturday lra sfw up to 200 assorted varieties canada dry beverages sup6r buv frozen concentrated tegular more pulp or low acid minute maid orange juice uml coil s pt i0o ml ut cost sc per 100 ml supgr buv rich blend viva or colombia 6 oi nescafe instant coffee v7 super buv dominion pure apple juice ray fresh quality meats fresh fruits vegetables a sflv 396kn8d lb 4 suph buv sr i as cut from canadas finest grade beei cap removed boneless sirloin tip steak canada no 1 product of usa red or green seedless grapes sflvc 218feg99 fb i tiide cut round cjp rutokj 7 70 kg j 49 16 full sliced boneless round steak jg supr buv product of usa great with pcrrier seedless limes res from available at most stores we walters oven quadelco deli sliced black forest ham freshly bafccd nine grain or granary bread 100 q prices effective monday august 1 1 th thru saturday august 16th 1986 at super dominion stores only wc wcsefivc ihc right to limit quantities to nortual famrtv requirements savings shown in imis ad based on curw nl ulahiil tail wf nrrfimall foodstoflt cmjpos unionville open 9 am monday 6 pm sat angel food cake 400g markham museum jillof alltrades by paul pivato working at the markham museum involves a bit of brawn and a bit of historical acumen says 19yearold valerie ceballo sometimes it even involves a dose of illusion when she isnt seeding bald patches of earth or stripping old paint valerie is busy designing pine box conduits to hide electric al wires running along the outside of a log cabin it has to look authentic she explains we try not to use mate rials that werent around a hun dred years ago thus museum workers use wood whenever possible filling holes with wooden plugs instead of putty for instance and using brass instead of stainless steel the university of waterloo arts student spends most of the work ing day inside a large work shed sawing and hammering under a blackandwhite poster of the three stooges staring at a blow torch now in her second summer of work at the main street museum valerie has done everything from woodworking to gardening im learning a lot about his tory she says i never realized what an interesting town mar kham was and how hard people worked but she added a lot of people in markham dont even know theres a museum in their own backyard the museum presently has 15 buildings up to 150 years old lo cated on the grounds as well as an antique luxury passenger train with a heritage museum such as markhams theres a danger of romanticizing the past says valerie it looks so quaint she says but then you see that the early settlers had many hardships valerie mentions the maxwell log cabin noting that many visi tors find it hard to believe a fami ly could have lived in such a small dwelling until she goes back to school in early september valerie will continue doing odd maintenance jobs jobs such as spreading loam and hiding electrical wires because admits valerie camouflaging electrical sockets can be just as important as restor ing an old brass chamber pot valerie is employed through summer experience 86 a work experience program coordinated by the ontario ministry of skills development you are mm to theeconomistsun concerts at the pond sunday august 17 700 pm t00g00d pond unionville remember this date and plan to attend the search for talent contest we have assembled a group of enthusiastic entertainers to perform it promises to be a great show so dont miss it bring along a lawn chair and let us entertain you 2942200 j7conomistsun