weekender june 14 1986 p13 lindsay hutton left took first place in the ontar- trict high school and neither girl plans to make io typing championships and helen prodger took typing a full time career third place both girls are from markham dis- paula crowell john deere 300 series tractor they offer more than the price tag promises our 300 series tractors are lower priced than our topoftheline 400s but they share several of their features like hydrostatic drive that gives you onelever noclutch control tight 26in turning radius hydraulic equipment lift plus front hydraulics fulllength welded steel frame 38- 46- or 50in mid- mount or 50in rearmount mowers many other attachments 16- and 18hp 316 and 318 or 16hp 330 diesel 2year limited warranties see how much more you get for your money i tj hutchinson farm supply limited highway 48 stouffville 4166402699 two fastfingered teens are top typists by paula crowell staff reporter theyve got 20 of the fastest fin gers in ontario lindsey hutton and helen prodger grade 12 students at markham district high school are ranked first and third of typ ing students in their age group in the province the first time the school has achieved such a standing the girls both 17 have been taking office procedures and typ ing classes for four years and competed in the york region championships in april at that meet each public high school in the region is represented by two students in each grade lindsey placed first in her category with 81 wordsperminute and her teammate helen tallied 73 words- perminute for a secondplace finish their scores were then submit ted to the ontario judges who chose finalists from 250 partici pating schools lindsey retained her ranking while helen fell to third place their teacher bonnie irwin said the win is the schools most signi ficant ever mrs irwin has taught at the school for 18 years but never has she come across such good typing students normally the top speed at mdhs is in the 60s words-per- minute we havent had a score in the 70s or 80s for quite a few years she said adding that their topnotch typing is coupled with a willingness to do any kind of work required of them the competition in which the girls chose to compete is called the noncorrecting division this means that while the typist isnt slowed down by corrections her work must be at a peak of accura cy to score high interestingly the markham high pair were two of the few who didnt use electronic typewriters both of them find the keys too light to the touch the girls arent interested in us ing typing to make their careers lindsey wants to be an engineer and helen has her sights set on the diplomatic corps via interpreter translator training but they are quick to add what an advantage it is to be able to type theyre both looking for ward to summer jobs in the sec retarial field where their skill and accuracy is essential theyll receive their trophies from the ontario business educa tion association at a luncheon at the university of toronto next saturday staff sets example by not smoking brother andre catholic high school was recently awarded by the heart and stroke foundation for designating the school a smokefree environment the school is the first in york region to win the award of a a plaque and a flag it is a valid educational objec tive to pursue commented prin cipal blair day he pointed out that before staff members were hired to work at the school which opened this year they were informed that it was a nonsmoking building mr day noted that only one teacher he interviewed smoked according to gail dunk of the heart and stroke foundation teachers provide valuable role models for students there is nothing worse than a student going to the staff room and being hit by a cloud of smoke she said she added that research re vealed that children exposed to secondhand smoke have more re spiratory problems and are even more prone to acquire colds smokers tend to cough more and as a result they spread more germs into the air an additional four schools from the markham area will be pre sented with the heart and stroke foundation award within the next two weeks firche restaurant grand opening of our outdoor patio sat june 14th badlands the bad boys of country rock under record contract playing springsteen the eagles neil young etc thurs fri sat june 19 20 21 automatik ballantrae plaza 6405282