p4 weekender june 7 1986 weekender dust has settled for now although the issue is by no means dead the question of abor tions at the markham stouffville hospital has been put on hold at least for the time being a major victory at the hospital corporations annual meeting thursday evening assures that the hospital board will be com posed of moderates obviously the hospital board people man aged to get out the troops make that life members of the corpora tion to overpower the prolife forces many of whom bought annual memberships in blocks this year raising the annual membership fee to 40 from 5 will make it much more difficult for mass annual memberships next year so the dust has settled there is no special interest group dominating the board and planning for the hospital can go ahead without in cident but the abortion issue has not gone away when the hospital board does contemplate creation of a thereupeutic abortion com mittee full public discussion of the issue a promise made by trustees must be allowed be fore a decision is made chiropractor helping kids its very frustrating for a girl six years old she couldnt in teract with other children had problems concentrating and didnt know why it certainly is rewarding being able to help a child like this basically her life has been changed the speaker stouffvilles dr allen turner chiropractor an in credibly dedicated professional who is constantly seeking new ap plications for the somewhat mis understood practice of chirop ractic his latest breakthrough in volves the treatment of kids with learning disabilities and dyslexia and the results have been stun ning meghan russell the six year old referred to in the above quotation was unable to learn let ters or numbers and her condi tion was affecting her ability to relate to other kids her mother wasnt willing to accept defeat after spending a fruitless few months drilling meghan in basic letter and num ber recognition she sought dr turners assistance she was con vinced her child wasnt a slow learner the cause of the problem was soon pin pointed to a fall meghan had taken at the age of three that had caused bones in her skull to shift knocking the vertebrae in her neck out of alignment treat ment resulted in immediate im provement and after 6 months she was tested and found to be above grade level in all subjects no she certainly wasnt stupid just stuck the treatment used by dr tur ner on meghan and countless other kids who have come from as far as denver colorado for help is based on three techniques the first is an application of age old acupuncture philosophies and principles the energy channels that flow through the body the second involves kinesiology which when put in laymans terms means the reorganization of the nervous system the third technique is a process of cranial moulding actually moving the bones of the skull this concept is fascinating in that contrary to popular belief the skull consists of many bones held together with sutures so they truly mesh together any misalignment of these bones can cause pressure on the brain thus incapacitating it while kids with learning disabi lities are sometimes perceived as having low overall intelligence the very opposite is often the case the ones who are able to cope at all are usually extremely intelli gent which is proven by their ability just to survive this short circuiting of the brain and ner vous system that causes their dis ability for these children it is a huge struggle just to stay in the race dr turner is one of only a hand ful of specialists in canada doing this kind of work and has perso nally pioneered several new approaches to the problem area he stresses the importance of early treatment of kids with learning disabilities before the effects of the handicap take too great a toll physically and emo tionally he points to research done by dr carl ferrari in the united states that suggests that learning disabilities and dyslexia are the leading cause of teenage suicides the frustration becomes simp- ly too much to bear as their hand- j icap expresses itself in anything from a constant stammer to an inability to relate normally to their peers as for his success rate dr tur- rier states that change is seen in all of the kids he treats with 50 per cent or better experiencing dramatic improvements so a doff of the hat to a local professional who has done so much for children who are the vic tim of cerebral short circuiting because of his efforts many kids will be able to live normal or better than normal lives that is no mean achievement economistsun thetyibune weekender bruce annan publisher 9 heritage rd markham l3p1m3 2942200 4959440 6402100 6492292 published every saturday by metroland printing publishing and distributing at 9 heritage rd markham ontario l3p 1m3 tel 2942200 second class mail registration number 1247 tho weekender is one of tho metroland group of suburban newspapers which includes tho acton free press ajaxpickering news 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