mmmnmmbmm wmmmm tribune march 26 1986 a13 ays doctors created own problems j an open letter in reply to i ifcw brodie md fj button md ga graham md peter f fcso md al patterson md i v jr petrie md dh smith md pcw wat md i t with great interest i have read t the statement or open letter from the above physicians in the march i 19 1986 tribune ias all of the above physicians t were kind enough to request my response i have decided to oblige j tiiem i have chosen however to j ijeply directly to the physicians rather than the politicians to 1 which they suggested i address 1 my reply i i wish to address the issues as presented by the physicians i 1 the physicians refer to bill 94 as iniquitous referring to j ijiy trusty dictionary i find they j are presumably trying to tell me i the bill is unrighteous wicked i chid grossly unjust they also tell s me the bill is oppressive once again turning to my trusty dic- i tionary i believe they are trying j to tell me the bill is cruel unjust j tyrannical and will inflict yiardship presumably on the doc tors themselves if they can par- pdjyi the pun i think they have pised a little over kill to express rlhemselves i cannot recall the doctors coming to the defence of postal workers transit workers jor teachers when their profession al status was affected by legisla tion the problem with the landfill jite on hwy 48 was most certainly jsiniquitous and oppressive jjvhere were the above physicians jjvhen we required their vocal and physical support on a matter that ijruly affected the health of every president of whitchurch- jstouffville p 2 speaking of the phony vjssue lets get rid of the x preferred to and talk real dollars js vt ten dollars one hundred dollars one thousand dollars one hundred thousand dollars or none f the above talk to me in terms 3pf real dollars and not meaning- jless percentages if you want my jhelp give me the facts not emp- rty meaningless units of measure ff there are surely better ways jhan bill 94 then please suggest jsome preferably to messrs peterson elston and sorbara hvhy are you sitting back and waiting for others to solve your problems q 3 by the doctors own admis sion extrabilling has existed as yjmg as ohip some twenty plus cears bill 94 does not yet tech nically exist by the doctors own jadmission cancer institutes have become outdated hospital emergency wards have become crowded facilities for the elderly and chronically ill have not im proved modern diagnostic tech- ihologies and medical research have suffered all while extra- thilling was taking place it seems some streets i poorly lit hdear editor on page 1 of the march 12 tri bune the heading town to get lights caught my eye i was dis appointed however to read the jrst line of the story the town square will come to life t i strongly feel the town square vis not the area of stouffville in ffleed of improved lighting i can jthink of several streets where bet ter illumination is required park drive north church street nd elm road to mention a few fl i know of some senior citizens jwho find it difficult to walk the streets at night due to lack of sighting there are lights on only every other pole and on just one side of the street rj id like to know why new subdi visions are fortunate to have flights on every pole on both sides 6l the street i say a littleused area like the itown square will be too well lit why must the stouffville hydro commission waste time and tfponey in this area and leave the senior citizens in the dark sincerely m bainbridge 1 district oratorical finals stouffville sherry ye- ajes of goodwood and duffy wal- jrs obrien avenue stouffville jvhve advanced to the district fin als of the lionssponsored effec- ijve speaking program ft sherry a student attending stouffville christian school jjlaccd first among the girls jm arch 24 while duffy enrolled at ptouffvillc dist secondary school topped the boys jfthe competition was held at peer park inn u in second place were sonya jklein stouffville dist secondary school and tim pugh stouffville christian school other partici pants includcdpatti goldman and leanna sanders both stu dents of sdss the district finals will also be held at the deer park inn april 15 sat 730 pm the program chair man is ivan harris main street wost stouffville all of the money was taken out of the profession and none put back in why for one brief moment should we believe the prevention of extrabilling will worsen the situation how about giving us some real facts gentlemen and not empty meaningless rhetoric 4 i can only presume that david peterson and bob rae feel as i do that physicians who extra- bill have gone too far very re cently i had the total thrill of taking my eightyearold daugh ter to a specialist this specialist had not been called out on emergency he operates only tuesdays and thursdays my daughter and i waited 1 vi hours past the time of our appointment before the doctor saw us for this privilege i was not only extra- billed i was billed for 100 of the cost with only a portion being re funded by ohip nobody apolo gized to my daughter or i and no body offered to reimburse me for the time i was delayed solely be cause the doctor overbooked i dont believe my experience is un common i know it has happened to me more than once why should i pay extra for this kind of treat ment if a person or an organiza tion wants to be treated profes sionally then they should act accordingly 5 regarding the politicians controlling the medical profes sion you may be right- government intervention seldom works the truth of the matter is the medical profession has not left queens park much option and the medical profession has brought bill 94 down upon itself 6 your action you are play ing politics with my health by your actions you have become your oppressors peer it is quite possible that bill 94 affects an entire profession be cause of the actions of a minority if this is so then the profession should bring the minority into line if the medical profession is not willing to regulate itself please do not be so bold as to soli cit my help in stopping others from enforcing much needed reg ulations sincerely paul richer churchill drive rr 2 stouffville stock up on a handy supply of batteries and save end the frustration of never having batteries around when you need them keep radio shack longlasting alkalines on hand for radios flash lights and toys stock up now and save 40 on all our popular sizes ibbs you can calculate the savings deluxe lcd solar calculator vi vi o 7 works underalmost any light ii 4key memory squareroot auto- i i4ft95 constant percentage carry case 65851 armatronithe future in action 24 60-2364- real robot arm can add cream to j your coffee move your chess men 445 you control motions with joysticks sijuorom mov ocoj whore cotton products ore nc ovoio n yftctont axtrtftytorrwooonorxj ocoofritorrtfkrxyoryojtofiocuwtf fctuo a ftwn ovtcv yotng you to oban tr itom o mo oovxinotjprtcoot or o a boconnoj ro vx somo ttorr moy t irmtod to ff quarvrfy cmoc ot m rr tj veto wo c wwvo fn rtqm to corsoci fypogflopnc onori mioaonxvctorxccporarorlb 6orerywapoooopfori nc ricvxvxj personal system private listening am receiver and headset fits in a qc your pocket or clips to your belt j y to take with you everywhere you go 495 12106 a complete stereo for under h50 a afg compact allinone stereo livzy system includes a turntable it 722m5 cassette deck and 2 speakers 131220 pro60our finest headphones designed i for comfort value fl and superb response coco 2tboth fun and practical i 7 zm 64kt colour computer 2 is perfect for small business or home use 1 3k rmwavmi roquwoi os 9 dak opera no swom and drak wo 0 nol ncludod tvondoamocartfkjaoioldjopoialofy 263127 2995r mitylhin sized calculator at a mighty small price r 65688 micro15 saves money and tape i records only when you talk to save tape money