weekender march 22 1986 p5 a big 104 for this markham boy steve houston staff reporter young cameron straughan just wants to be treated like everyone else though he is an exceptionally bright child with a steeltrap memory for phone numbers its a constant battle to be considered that way when he chats on his mothers cbradio with dispatchers every morning on her travelways bus he again tries to be a normal five- yearold but cameron straughan cant really be the same as others his age hes blind cams mother moira despite her sons handicap wants him to be just like other children thats why she sent him to william arm strong ps to take kindergarten classes hes an exceptionally inquisi tive boy and always wants to know more than what i can tell him said mrs straughan we didnt want to send him away to a special school blind from birth camerons v cameron straughan parents had considered sending him to brantfords w ross mac- donald school for the blind in his early years mrs straughan de cided cameron should be given the chance to live in the main stream community as he approached school age she de cided to enroll him in a local school hes been there since last september hes just a delight a real charmer said ann gordon camerons teacher at willam armstrong ps cameron had no problems adjusting he came in and became one of the group though he has some different learning tasks such as pre- braille and finger exercises much of his day is the same as other children in his class mrs gordon added that cameron is a bright and indepen dent student and easily grasps daytoday instruction in class while in the economist and sun offices last week he managed to contact various people in the office and have short chats his fingers moved expertly over the phones digits confidently dial ing a number hes memorized he phoned radio station chumam to get the latest concert listings mrs straughan admits there were apprehensions about admit ting him into a regular school but said she had faith in his ability to fit in i had the confidence in cam mrs straughan noted i knew what his capabilities were and knew he could do it once initial worries were put aside officials at the school de cided cams enrolment would be mutually beneficial to him and other students at the school i thought it might open the doors for other handicapped kids she noted so far its been a super experience all round for cam other children the school and the community in the future the straughan family would like make sure cams life is as close to normal as possible mrs straughan said she believes this will best prepare cam for when he gets older at first i thought why not give him the chance in a regular school she said we did it to see how everyone would adjust and so far its worked out well sunshine specials cheese bites miw swiss cheese crunchy batter crab au gratin in natural shell s 4 75 1 each chicken breast a la suisse or a la kiev reg 1899 new york strip steak 128 oz 28 sw9 ea reg 3295 offer expires mar 25 or while quantities last i everything wo sen 8555 mccowan rd markham 1 bock north ol hay 7 heritage plaza mm idc monwed thursfrl saturday nuuho 930 9303 ofj 4715260 sunday 113m30 now open in markville shopping centre hwy 7 mccowan rd quality 2 hour service free minor repairs low rates monthly specials hours mon sat 930 am 930 pm this certificate entitles the bearer to the discounts shown on the following terms and conditions 1 discounts will only apply to any one item per visit this certificate is valid for four visits 2 on the two for one specials two items must be dry cleaned