weekender march 22 1986 p29 general help 505 parttime receptionist required immediately mornings 830 am 1 pm answering phones public enquires typing general clerical some full days during vacations or sick relief involved apply in person markham centennial centre mccowan rd north of markville a delicious opportunity country style donuts requires full and parttime help at our woodbine hwy 7 location we provide o full training flexible hours e pleasant work environment a good starting rate o regular wage review earn extra money while the kids are in school or when you are not in school apply in person between 3 pm and 7 pm monday to friday at country style donuts 8370 woodbine ave just south of hwy 7 markham 5 moixymaid come and be a part of the team molly maid a house cleaning service is a good company to work for consider the advantages good hours 830 am to 430 pm monday through friday full and part- time transportation provided active job keep fit good wages be a part of a pro fessional team that has established an excellent reputation in the town of mar kham call 2948200 overload of work start immediately 10 hardworking people needed who want to earn 75 a day cash we provide rapid advancement for fast learners car required call tracy 4791910 fulltime wash attendants required also parttime cashiers apply in person 91 wellington st west markham 5 shoppers sdrug mart markville shoppers drug mart is looking for a fulltime receiverpricer to start immediately previous re tail experience is preferred we offer a good benefit package as well as an opportunity for advancement must be willing to work on a rotation night shift please apply in person monday to friday 11 am 5 pm mm phrocanaqa part time attendant petro canada has an opening for a part time attendant to work varied shifts at a car wash ideal applicant must be neat and courteous with sales and mechanical ability and be willing to perform mainte nance duties on a regular basis apply in person between 8 am 4 pm to the manager 4780 hwy 7 east markham ont parttime positions parttime positions are available in homes for developmental delayed chil dren multihandicapped children and adults work available during day after noons evenings nights and weekends send applications to cc031286 york central association for the mentally retarded 475 edward ave richmond hill ont l4c 5e5 by march 31 1986 parttime clerk 24 hours tues sat late morning hours except saturday customer service experience an asset good communication skills a must call mr thampi 4715820 9 am 1 pm retail lumber yard requires counter person for more information contact bob gaston at 6402350 century mill building centre ltd markham requires full time dishwashers apply in person 258 wellington st w 4715952 paid volunteers wanted volunteers ages 12 to 75 who have recurring cold sores are invited to partici pate in the study to examine the effectiveness of a new treatment clinic in markham call now for details 2947411 830 to 430 mon to fri sales help required full time apply in person flowers fantasia sherwood plaza 142 wellington st w markham sewing machine operators experienced double needle serging 951 denison st 4777322 kitchen help experienced old country inn unionville call 4772515 ask for lilo requires kitchen help full part time dishwashers parttime servers full parttime day night drivers with own car call 4715050 8515 mccowan road markham ontcrio maintenance mechanic required by leading manufacturer of automotive parts minimum 4 years ex perience experienced welder hydraulic and pneumatics experience experience in the maintenance of pro duction equipment general tool room background general electrical back ground we offer competitive wages and excel lent benefits please forward resume to box 760 uxbridge ont l0c 1k0 meadowbrook golf country club unionville requires full and parttime t waiterswaitresses bartenders bus staff host hostesses experience an asset but we are willing to train own transportation re quired call 8875801 between 9 am 4 pm mon to fri warehouse help a distributor of electronic products lo cated near hwy 7 woodbine ave is looking for 2 people for the following positions shipper this person must be hard working con scientious and experienced in warehouse shipping duties general help this person is required for order picking and general warehouse duties please apply in person at 85 spy court markham ontario 4758500 all restaurant positions available full part time 11 pm 7 am shifts only apply in person 266 wellington st west hwy 7 mccowan general warehouse full time order picker required immediately 830500 call chuck 4756349 skilled help 510 cook sunday to thursday 5 pm to close cashier sunday to thursday 5 pm to close food prep monday to friday 830 to 3 pm apply in person harveys 270 wellington st w markham markham chrysler requires experienced lube man contact george downy service manager 4711500 office help 515 admin secretary required for shopping centre management office must have typing skills with experience in accounts payable and receivable also in terest in mail promotions call for appointment 8817422 accounts receivable accounts payable clerk s16k plus bonus computerized markham 229 461 1 carole milne associates inc